mercredi 12 mai 2021

My Doctor Prescribed Accupuncture For My Tendinitis

I told him I didn't want it but he keeps persisiting. I finally agreed and had an appointment today, but I cancelled it.

This is a workers comp insurance claim. He has his own floor of the hospital (Occupational Therapy) with the physical therapists, and an accupuncturist as well.

I told him I do not want to be treated for pain, meaning if something isn't helping my condition then I don't want it. I am also highly skeptical of accupuncture. Actually I think it's bull pucky. Obviously, I posted this in the Paranormal forum.

I did some quick research and see some doctors say it can help. Doesn't mean squat to me. I've had some bad doctors in my life.

So what say you all? I think accupuncture is mostly considered woo, especially here at the forum. But has anything changed in recent years?

His therapists mention it too. I feel like I'm getting a sell job, like "Hey we need to get the witch doctor some appointments to validate his or her existence here". I don't want to contribute to that if it's 100% BS.

Edit to add:
I see someuse electric current in conjunction with the needles to "speed up recovery"

via International Skeptics Forum

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