lundi 31 octobre 2022

[Split Thread] Philosophical musings about trans rights


Originally Posted by Nick Terry (Post 13934753)
A succinct rebuttal to an evidently common mischaracterisation of the gender critical position

Surely this

We’ve all heard evidence of children being told that because they don't like/conform to the toys; clothes; hair styles; activities and behaviours associated with their “gender" that they might in fact be the opposite sex.
should say "opposite gender", or "different gender", not "opposite sex", if we are imagining what a trans-activist would say? There certainly are some people that want to play the same game with sex as has been played with gender, but that seems to be a minority.

via International Skeptics Forum

Terraform Load Balancer

Any Terraform guru's out there?

I have 2 load balancers created, they are defined identically.

However, while the first one is working perfectly the second one has no instances at all defined when I get to the aws console. I double checked the instance id's and they are correct.

working definition:

elb_wcc = {
certificate_arn = "arn:aws:acm:us-west-2:289036058743:certificate/01379b61-499a-4e40-8656-3729d05456ab"
count = 1
elb_wcc_instances =["i-03bf79bc886cd7616","i-0294d3dd570220c51"]

Non working definition:

elb_wcc2 = {
certificate_arn = "arn:aws:acm:us-west-2:289036058743:certificate/6c1c5c5a-dffe-3d95-bee7-5ea7c47eeb7a"
count = 1
elb-wcc2_instances =["i-066cba60c8f89219c","i-08031fa21bada293f"]

via International Skeptics Forum

Affirmative Action

Live hearing this a.m.

Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalk

via International Skeptics Forum

dimanche 30 octobre 2022

An Open Letter to All Cranks

Dr Steven Novella, practicing neurologist and host of The Skeptics Guide to the Universe, has written a letter. Make sure you click the link because the excerpt that the forum rules permit me to post does not do it justice:

An Open-Letter to All Cranks


Dear Crank,

I use that term not as a personal attack, but as an accurate description of your behavior. I want you to understand why that behavior is not serving you well, and what you can do the escape from a cycle of self-destructive, and frankly annoying, behavior. Hey – you e-mailed me, you jumped up in front of me waving your hands in order to get my attention. Well, you got it. And now I am going to do you a massive favor. I am going to give you a tiny slice of the attention you are so clearly desperate for and explain to you why you are a crank...

via International Skeptics Forum

The Battle for the Soul of the Internet Continues


A small retail business in North Africa, a North American telecommunications provider, and two separate religious organizations: What do they have in common? They’re all running poorly configured Microsoft servers that for months or years have been spraying the Internet with gigabytes-per-second of junk data in distributed-denial-of-service attacks designed to disrupt or completely take down websites and services.

In all, Recently Published Research from Black Lotus Labs, the research arm of networking and application technology company Lumen, identified more than 12,000 servers—all running Microsoft domain controllers hosting the company’s Active Directory services—that were regularly used to magnify the size of distributed-denial-of-service attacks, or DDoSes.
Is the war to secure the Internet winnable? What would it take?

via International Skeptics Forum

Rainbow fentanyl.

The latest USAian panic is over the risk to children from a multi-colored version of the synthetic opioid, described by the DEA as “a deliberate effort by drug traffickers to drive addiction amongst kids and young adults.”
Republican states, notably Florida and West Virginia, have already issued warnings to parents about the danger that colourful fentanyl supposedly poses to children. Several Senate Republicans have even put out a PSA warning about the danger and a few media outlets (the usual suspects) relentlessly pushing the story.The

If course it's rehashed bollocks. The only confirmed case of a child being fatally poisoned by deliberately laced 'candy' was almost fifty years ago and that was, as usual in child murders, a family member, not a random, homicidal, stranger; the boy's father murdered him for an insurance payout.

So moral panic mixed with electioneering and fentanyl nonsense.:rolleyes:

BTW the real Halloween risks to kids are road accidents and family members.

via International Skeptics Forum

samedi 29 octobre 2022

Crowd Crush in Seoul

Seems at least 146 have died with many more injured after >100,000 attended Halloween jubilations in Seoul, South Korea.

The videos coming out are pretty grim. The event organisers still playing loud music whilst people are being given CPR on the pavements and roads.


At least 146 people have been killed and at least 150 more injured after being crushed by a large crowd pushing forward on a narrow street during Halloween festivities in the South Korean capital Seoul, officials have said.

Choi Cheon-sik, an official from the National Fire Agency, said dozens were being treated for injuries at hospitals and that the death toll could grow after the crush in the leisure district of Itaewon on Saturday night.

Officials say it was believed that the people were crushed to death after a large crowd began pushing forward in a narrow alley near Hamilton Hotel, a party spot in Seoul.

via International Skeptics Forum

Eliminate hate and injustice?

What concrete steps can we, as individuals and as a society, take to drive hate and injustice from our communities and our nations?

via International Skeptics Forum

vendredi 28 octobre 2022

Border dispute settled

Sad to see it end. Probably sadder still is the Danish and Canadian navies that were likely consuming the weapons of the conflict.

via International Skeptics Forum

Intruder enters and attacks Pelosi's Husband

I can't imagine what kind of sick bastard would break into someone's house and beat up an 82 year old man, with a hammer, but that's the world we live in.


An intruder broke into House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco home early Friday morning and "violently assaulted" her husband, Paul Pelosi, according to a statement from Drew Hammill, the speaker's spokesperson.

A source briefed on the attack tells NPR the assailant was searching for Speaker Pelosi, and confronted her husband, shouting, "Where is Nancy, where is Nancy?"

"Mr. Pelosi was taken to the hospital, where he is receiving excellent medical care and is expected to make a full recovery," the statement from Speaker Pelosi's office read. Link
The police\authorities say the motive isn't clear, but I'm going to say it's pretty clear what the motive was. When these mouth breathing dip ***** broke into the Capitol the first person they were looking for was Pelosi. She has to be extremely afraid at this point in time, so these dumb bitches are achieving their goal, at least. I'm assuming that's one of the motivations.

Sounds like he'll make a full recovery. Hopefully the guy spends the next few decades of his life in prison.

*Note: I picked US politics because of who it was, if it should be somewhere else feel free to move it*

via International Skeptics Forum

jeudi 27 octobre 2022

Democrat lessons for losing '22 midterms?

So the Democrats are going to lose the 2022 midterms. Either they will lose little or they will lose BIG, but they gonna lose.

They will lose the House or the House AND the Senate.

What should their lessons be? Please comment and vote.

via International Skeptics Forum

Liberal policies => longer lives?

A recently published paper claims that people in states that have "liberal" economic/environmental/gun policies tend to live longer than people in states that have "conservative" policies.


More conservative marijuana policies and more liberal policies on the environment, gun safety, labor, economic taxes, and tobacco taxes in a state were associated with lower mortality in that state...Simulations indicate that changing all policy domains in all states to a fully liberal orientation might have saved 171,030 lives in 2019, while changing them to a fully conservative orientation might have cost 217,635 lives.

via International Skeptics Forum

Most powerful gamma ray burst ever seen

So the most powerful gamma ray burst ever recorded was seen recently. Fortunately it came from about 2 billion light years away.

NASA’s Swift, Fermi Missions Detect Exceptional Cosmic Blast


The signal, originating from the direction of the constellation Sagitta, had traveled an estimated 1.9 billion years to reach Earth. Astronomers think it represents the birth cry of a new black hole, one that formed in the heart of a massive star collapsing under its own weight. In these circumstances, a nascent black hole drives powerful jets of particles traveling near the speed of light. The jets pierce through the star, emitting X-rays and gamma rays as they stream into space.

The burst also provided a long-awaited inaugural observing opportunity for a link between two experiments on the International Space Station – NASA’s NICER X-ray telescope and a Japanese detector called the Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI). Activated in April, the connection is dubbed the Orbiting High-energy Monitor Alert Network (OHMAN). It allows NICER to rapidly turn to outbursts detected by MAXI, actions that previously required intervention by scientists on the ground.

The good news is that our atmosphere actually provides a lot of protection from this kind of radiation. Cannot say the same for people on the moon or Mars perhaps. I wonder how the people on the ISS fared?

via International Skeptics Forum

mercredi 26 octobre 2022

An Argument for an Energy Scalar as an Alternative to Redshift

An Argument for an Energy Scalar as an Alternative to Redshift

A discussion of redshift, blueshift, energy scaling, and their implications on distance relationships.

1. Redshift

A photon can be described by its wavelength (w), frequency (f), or energy (E), which are all closely related:

c = wf
E = hf
E = hc/w

Where c is the speed of light and h is Planck's constant.

When a photon redshifts, the wavelength, frequency, and energy change. Redshift (z) tells us how these values change from when the photon was emitted (emit) to when it was observed (obs).

1 + z = w_obs / w_emit
1 + z = f_emit / f_obs
1 + z = E_emit / E_obs


w_obs = w_emit(z + 1)
f_obs = f_emit / (z + 1)
E_obs = E_emit / (z + 1)

As the redshift increases the wavelength observed increases while the frequency and energy observed decrease. An increase in redshift (z) is a decrease in energy (E).

If redshift were to be negative (z<0) that would indicate a blueshift. It seems intuitive to think that blueshift would be redshift times negative one (-1):

blueshift = z * -1

But that is not true. While z may increase to infinity, causing the wavelength to increase to infinity and the frequency and energy to approach zero (0), z may only decrease to negative one (-1) before the wavelength becomes zero (0) and the frequency and energy observed become a divide by zero (0) error.

To illustrate further, when a photon's redshift is z=1, its observed wavelength is 1+z times its emitted wavelength, 1+1=2, so it's double. However, when its redshift is z=-0.5, it's observed wavelength is 1 + -0.5, or 1/2 its emitted wavelength.

A value of 0>z>infinity covers the entire range of redshift, while -1>z>0 covers the entire range of blueshift.

2. Blueshift

Because the redshift (z) and the energy (E) of a photon are inversely related, then blueshift and energy (E) should be directly related. Inverting the formulas of redshift (z) to blueshift (b) gives:

1 + b = w_emit / w_obs
1 + b = f_obs / f_emit
1 + b = E_obs / E_emit


w_obs = w_emit / (b + 1)
f_obs = f_emit(b + 1)
E_obs = E_emit(b + 1)

With these equations, the situation is different. As blueshift (b) increases, so do frequency (f) and energy (E).

When b=-1, then the frequency and energy are zero (0), and the wavelength is a divide by zero error. Since a photon with a frequency or energy of zero cannot be observed, then b must always be greater than zero (0), and no such error would occur.

Quantified this way, we find that a value of -1<b<0 covers the range of redshift, and 0>b>infinity covers the range of blueshift.

3. Energy Scalar

In redshift and blueshift equations, there is always a plus one (eg, 1 + z). Quantifying our observations as an energy scalar. which I'll call "Q" arbitrarily, is an alternative in which the plus one can be left out.

Q = w_emit / w_obs
Q = f_obs / f_emit
Q = E_obs / E_emit


w_obs = w_emit/Q
f_obs = f_emit(Q)
E_obs = E_emit(Q)

Due to the absence of a plus one, that means when a photon is observed with the same wavelength, frequency, and energy that it had when emitted, then Q=1. In contrast, that would be quantified as z=0 and b=0.

The energy scalar (Q) of a photon is then 0>Q>1 when redshifted, and 1>Q>infinity when blueshifted.

As the photon's Q approaches zero (0), so does its energy (and frequency) while its wavelength approaches infinity.

4. Distance Relationships

To determine a distance (D) by redshift (z), the formula is:

D = cz/H_0

Where c is the speed of light and H_0 is Hubble's constant. But this only works for very small values of z (z<<1). Because redshift can grow to infinity, when z=1 the distance is one Hubble's length (c/H_0), and when z=10 the distance is ten Hubble's lengths.

To determine a distance (D) by blueshift (b), the formula is:

D = -bc/H_0

The blueshift formula acts differently than the redshift formula. While the maximum redshift when quantified as z is infinite, the maximum redshift when quantified as b is -1. So when b=-0.5, the distance is half a Hubble's length. When b=-1, the distance is one full Hubble's length, and that is the maximum distance allowed by this relationship.

The redshift formula and the blueshift formula are equal where the redshifts are very small, but they quickly diverge with the redshift formula climbing without bounds and the blueshift formula approaching Hubble's length.

To determine a distance (D) by energy scalar (Q), the formula is:

D = (1 - Q)c/H_0

Here the need for 1 - Q is necessary, because at D=0, there is no redshift or blueshift so Q=1. As the energy scalar approaches 0, D approaches one Hubble's length.

5. Conclusion

Quantifying cosmological redshifts in the traditional manner leads to a distance relationship that is only valid at very small values, and predicts far too large of distances with even moderate redshifts (z=1).

But quantifying them instead as negative blueshifts (or an energy scalar) yields a different distance relationship, on account of the range of negative blueshifts being 0 to -1, and the range of redshifts being 0 to infinity. The distances predicted by this formula never exceed one Hubble's Length.

The energy scalar quantification gives the same distance predictions as the blueshift quantification, and may cause less confusion due to it being color agnostic.

via International Skeptics Forum

The Bible is a Human Artifice!!!

Another proof of the bible being an artifice of human making is the fact that it was written in the language of the Canaanites, a people the deity of the bible execrated and tried to extirpate but failed because they had iron chariots.

And it was scripted using the flowed and incomplete Abjad of the Arameans, yet another peoples the deity of the bible execrated.

And it was allegedly given to an Egyptian courtier descended from Sumerians to give to runaway slaves descended from 70 Sumerian men with their mothers and sister after having been slaves in Egypt for 430 years.


via International Skeptics Forum

Mid term political polling accuracy. 2022

How much do you trust the polling data leading into this election?

We know the polling efforts have not done well in recent elections. I would put forward that 2016 was about the worst we have seen in a long time. 2018 was better but still off a lot. 2020 was also an improvement but still weaker than usual. Of course you can argue with that set or premises.

Trying to set this up as a poll but have not done that before.

1.) Polls for this election likely have no accuracy.
2.) Polls are going to be close to pre 2016 normal.
3.) Polls inaccurate but better than 2016.
4.) Polls are not great and will do about the same as 2020.

And of course I messed up the poll about polls.

via International Skeptics Forum

mardi 25 octobre 2022

National Math/Reading Scores tank...

The largest decline in math in the history of this assessment, in fact.

We've been watching closely, and it is no mystery to us. Right now the big push is DEI - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

We read the minutes of their meetings and it is amazing how every subject, every student activity, every syllabus and bus trip is being reviewed to make sure the agenda saturates every minute of the school's time.

It used to be the three R's.

Another big win for homeschool. Our 12 year old is taking the SAT on December 2.

via International Skeptics Forum

Nice Going, Kayne West..

those Anti Semitic slurs are really going over well....

I have though he is a huge Alpha Hotel for a long time, this just proves it.
And this time there seem to be consquences. Not enough but at least some.

via International Skeptics Forum

White people inherit guilt?

Correct me if I am wrong, but one of the tenets of CRT and Wokeism is that white people inherit the moral guilt of the crimes of white people in the past.

Slavery, Jim Crow, Apartheid, Red Lining, we inherit the moral guilt of it all.

We need to recognize it, embrace it, apologize for it, atone for it, and pay reparations for it.

I say this is crap. I do not believe that ANYONE, not white people, Germans, Jews, whomever inherit the guilt of their ancestors possible crimes. I do not believe in Original Sin, which I believe the logic for this idea stems from.

I believe we all are born with a clean & fresh slate, free and clear of any guilt, moral or otherwise. We are all to be judged for our own actions and deeds.

That does NOT say that peoples have not suffered greatly over the centuries and some acts and programs of repair are just and deserved. But that doesn't mean I believe that those who fund such programs are guilty or should be treated as guilty, simply due to their color or nationality or etc. When someone inherits wealth, they also sometime inherit debts. But never moral ones.

via International Skeptics Forum

lundi 24 octobre 2022

Potential Dem support for Ukraine pre-Mid Term

Liberal lawmakers urge Biden to shift Ukraine strategy (Washington Post; paywall, sorry!)

Specifically, thirty house Dems are saying it's time for Biden to follow Elon Musk's lead, and pursue direct peace negotiations with Russia on Ukraine's behalf.

This would, of course, be very bad for Ukraine.

via International Skeptics Forum

The Myth of Recycling

Couldn't find this one as a separate thread. This could equally go in SMM&T, but I think our social reaction is more important than the tech analysis.

Studies are showing that US plastic recycling is a dismal failure, with no light at the end of the tunnel. Less than 5% of plastics collected actually get recycled, with new plastic production soaring. At its peak in 2014, the States were processing 10%, and it has gone downhill since, especially with China no longer taking Western waste since 2018. The process of reprocessing is not only greatly expensive, but environmentally toxic, making it kinda Sysiphean.

The bulk solution seems pretty straightforward: don't buy things in plastics, or keep them to a minimum, anyway. Never, for instance, buy a bottled water or other soft drink. But do we value that convenience too highly?

On a note that may or may not be related, what ever happened to Startech and the plasma converter (hey, it's a kind of recycling)? I've seen conflicting accounts of whether it works or not.

via International Skeptics Forum

A new worry: No helium.

The world is running out of helium, and there's no alternative.

A global helium shortage has doctors worried about one of the natural gas’s most essential, and perhaps unexpected, uses: MRIs.

Strange as it sounds, the lighter-than-air element that gives balloons their buoyancy also powers the vital medical diagnostic machines. An MRI can’t function without some 2,000 liters of ultra-cold liquid helium keeping its magnets cool enough to work. But helium — a nonrenewable element found deep within the Earth’s crust — is running low, leaving hospitals wondering how to plan for a future with a much scarcer supply.

via International Skeptics Forum

dimanche 23 octobre 2022

Scary PC tweets

A series of tweets on bloody awful issues on windows PCs.


Some HP sound driver implemented the Mute button support by querying for all the keystrokes and checking if the key pressed was Mute. But they had some issues with reliability so they added a log, saving all the keystrokes to it.

They put this log in the shared "Public" folder.

via International Skeptics Forum

USA Supreme Court to hear hear Gonzalez v Google

I remember reading about this case some time back and an article “recommended” to me by Google brought it back to my attention. (AI developing irony?) See:

The case is whether an “internet” publisher despite section 230 of the USA Communications Decency act can be held liable for something that arises from their recommendations. There is a link in the article to the filing.

(Section 230WP means they are not responsible for what a user posts on their platform, and that is pretty much settled law.)

The USA Supreme Court has now agreed to hear this case.

My gut feeling is that they will side with the current judgement by the lower courts i.e. section 230 protects them from consequences of their recommending users’ content.

via International Skeptics Forum

Windows 11

I had to replace my laptop earlier this year and the new one came with Windows 10 installed. I keep getting emails and alerts urging me to accept a free upgrade to Windows 11, but I haven't kept up with what's going on in the world of Windows and have no idea whether that's a worthwhile, or even sensible, thing to do. Any advice?

via International Skeptics Forum

samedi 22 octobre 2022

Anyone using this yet? An alternative to Twitter gaining some traction given Musk and his recent threat to sack 70% of staff when he gets control*. I just discovered it and am still trying to get the hang of it.
It's USP seems to be that it's banned a few nations that are the source of many bots, trolls and other such bad actors. They've also partnered with various others (Botsentinal, Factlayer etc) to try to stop fake accounts, fake news, etc.

FAQ at

*Great way to lose the best staff who will jump ship and leave the dross.

via International Skeptics Forum

vendredi 21 octobre 2022

Left Wing "virtue signaling"?

Is virtue signaling a real phenomenon, and is it specifically unique to left-wing AKA liberal and progressive people?

I believe the idea that people or expose outward symbols of their commitment to certain beliefs or ideas but they aren't really committed by actual efforts or constructive activities. Or they are a truly committed but they still engage in unnecessary signaling to the world of how wonderful they are due to their commitment to whatever cause.

Thoughts? Ideas? Prayers?

I think virtue signaling is a real phenomenon a little bit more on the left. BLM and "We Stand with Ukraine" and "Bigotry has no place here" signs are all the rage in suburban communities throughout the USA. In the '90s people used to wear red ribbons to show the world how committed they are to ending the AIDS crisis. There is even a Seinfeld episode about getting criticized for not wearing a red ribbon which is the epitome of this issue.

On the flip side there are many right-wing people who accuse anyone of ever expressing any commitments to a belief of simply virtue signaling by which they are suggesting that all such comments of support are fraudulent and dishonest, and they are just trying to get brownie points for being such a wonderful person even though they don't truly have any meaningful commitment to the issue. I believe the concept of virtue signaling is a mixture of legitimate and also dishonest feigned commitment so it's complex.

via International Skeptics Forum

[Split Thread] Potential GOP support for Ukraine post-Mid Term

To poke at another development in a tangent that's popped up occasionally, Republican leader McCarthy just signaled that, should Republicans gain a majority, American backing for Ukraine would likely be curtailed or eliminated. Makes me wonder whether this is part of a quid pro quo with the Russians - Russians act to drive gas prices up, which increases Republican electoral prospects, and the Republicans back them as much as they think they can get away with. Either way, it's handing comfort to Russia and an easy line of propaganda - that they just need to hold on for a little longer and things will change for the better. For those who think that popular Republican support for aiding Ukraine would be enough to prevent this... Republican lawmakers regularly spit in the collective face of the Republican base. That doesn't mean that it will necessarily happen in this case, of course, but that that particular line of reasoning is poorly founded.

Elsewhere, looks like we're being warned that Russia has mined the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant's dam. Separately, there are apparently claims that a number of Russians might be looting (many tons of household appliances) and pulling out of the area of the nuclear power plant. If so, we can hope that they're not sabotaging the power plant, not that hope is likely to change things one way or another. Sabotaging the power plant would be quite in line with the current Russian propaganda line about how power needs to be cut off for civilians in Ukraine, though.

To switch gears again, Iran's getting sanctioned by the EU because of the use of Iranian drones in attacking Ukraine, especially Ukraine's civilian infrastructure, by the look of it.

via International Skeptics Forum

jeudi 20 octobre 2022

The Dollop on Houdini vs. Margery Crandon

If you’ve never listened to a podcast called The Dollop, be warned that it is crude and sinks to the lowest depths of the humor to be found in each topic. But frequently very funny.

In a recent episode they tell the sick story of Houdini’s rivalry with scam-artist/sex worker/medium Margery Crandon and her surgeon husband. Quite a story it is.

Link here.

via International Skeptics Forum

Centrist Dem Donors Bounced After Primaries

A crypto bro made big promises to back the democrats this election year with anywhere between $100 million and $1 billion.

In a shocking departure from the normally honorable and above-board behavior of crypto bros, he seems to have ghosted them. He is either incapable or unwilling to follow through on his vague implications.

Granted, he seem to just be riffing when he made his promise of huge piles of cash for Democratic candidates. This did not seem to deter NAncy Pelosi or any of the party "leadership"


Protect Our Future PAC announced its campaign season in earnest by pouring money into a low-stakes primary in Oregon’s 6th district, backing a candidate with no political experience named Carrick Flynn who had a background in pandemic preparedness and, like Bankman-Fried, is connected to the effective altruism movement. The group spent over $11 million, immediately making the race one of the most expensive in the country.

Nancy’s Pelosi’s House Majority PAC then took the rare step of throwing in $1 million of its own to support Flynn. At the same time, Protect Our Future routed $6 million back to House Majority PAC, so Democrats effectively made $5 million in return for giving Flynn the seal of party approval.
Especially when it comes with the chance to stomp down on progressives.


Still, as its name suggests, the House Majority PAC is supposed to help protect the Democrats’ House majority, and it is very uncommon for them to get in on primaries in blue districts. Its involvement in this race was widely seen as a gesture of making-nice with Bankman-Fried and his crypto crew, a group that appeared poised to help bankroll much of the party. Aside from the money, Pelosi was likely heartened, too, by Protect Our Future’s penchant for often, but not always, supporting moderate candidates over more progressive ones.
And not only has crypto bro up and disappeared, so have a bunch of other big money PACs that showed up to sink progressives in the primaries.


While many of the party’s individual candidates have been able fundraisers, independent expenditure groups affiliated with congressional Democrats have lagged behind their Republican counterparts.

For example, the Congressional Leadership Fund, the super PAC associated with top House Republican Kevin McCarthy, has raised $220 million this cycle, outpacing Democrats’ House Majority PAC by $86 million. Those super PACs can provide decisive support for candidates, especially if they are in tossup districts or short of funds, often by buying expensive air time in the final weeks before election day.
And it's screwing Democrats not just in races to flip seats, but also in defending seats they currently hold.


Leaving aside the money it wasted on primary losers, Protect Our Future’s disappearing act has left Bankman-Fried’s winners in a pinch as well. Some of the candidates he pushed through their primaries, such as Francis Conole in New York and Michelle Vallejo in Texas, are now cash-starved in their contests with Republicans, and have become the responsibility of other Democratic and progressive groups to drag across the finish line.

Meanwhile, Democratic groups are bailing on a number of winnable races because of money shortages. They aren’t airing TV ads in six of the 14 Republican-held districts that went for Biden in 2020, which represent the biggest pickup opportunities for the party’s five-seat House majority. They’ve also cut bait on close contests involving Democratic incumbents in Arizona, Wisconsin, Texas, and Michigan. “The No. 1 factor here is money,” Tim Persico, executive director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, told Politico.
And, as I mentioned above, it just crypto bro who spent money on Democratic primaries to push centrists and have now stopped spending


United Democracy Project, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s super PAC, spent tens of millions in Democratic primaries, often opposing progressives. Their only foray into general election spending has been two ad buys totaling $200k in a Democrat-on-Democrat race in California, boosting Kevin Mullin and opposing David Canepa.

Democratic Majority for Israel, another multimillion spender closely allied with those Israel lobby groups, has also gone quiet in the general, despite having “Democratic majority” in the name. In response to an email query asking both how much the super PAC has spent and how much it intends to spend on behalf of the 85 general election candidates it endorsed, Communications & Development Manager Jake McClory said, “Yes, DMFI PAC is spending in the general election. We don’t discuss our independent expenditures until after they happen.” But recent FEC filings, covering the period through the end of September, show the group has not spent any money since New York state’s Democratic primary in August.

A third multimillion dollar spender, Mainstream Democrats PAC, also shows no ad buys since primary season ended.
It's almost like they would prefer to lose with a moderate than win with a progressive. I wonder why that is. It certainly couldn't be that centrist Democrats vs Republicans is 6 of one, half dozen of the other to these big donors.

I wish I could laugh about this. I really wish I could. I generally don't like to say "I told you so", but this would have been cathartic.

But, there's too much at stake. And because of the "moderates" getting played, our country may be ****** for generations to come.

via International Skeptics Forum

Could humans have survived in Ice Age Pockets?

The general theory is that the last ice age, Last Glacial Maximum, or LGM, was about ten thousand years ago and lasted from between ten thousand to fifty thousand years, during which, any human population living in the LGM region - generally known as the Scandinavian Ice Sheet - moved south to warmer climes, until the ice slowly melted and then they moved back some eight thousand years ago.

Could small pockets of human communities have continued to live north of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet (the centre of which at it thickest depth was at the area known today as Sweden's mountainous region)? In other words, is it possible, as some evolutionary scientists have suggested, that there was a whole group of humans who didn't travel south but remained as a separate group for up to fifty thousand years?

To back up this theory, scientists have now discovered that, far from all the trees in Sweden dying during the LGM, many did not die at all, suggesting the environment was sustainable to life.


Up to now, most scientists have subscribed to the general view that the advancing ice presented all living things with an ultimatum: Go south or die out!

But now an international research team claims that the glaciations has not been total, and that there must have been some retreats with ice-free areas where trees could survive tens of thousands of years of glaciation.

This is referring to trees but if plant life could live, then so theoretically could some animal life, including humans.

You might say that it would have been too cold to the north of this ice sheet but remember, what are seas and oceans today may have once been dry land before the LGM glaciers melted away. The Baltic was originally a small lake! In addition, temperatures were distributed differently with the north not necessarily always equating to 'the coldest'.

Scientists have calculated likely temperatures during the LGM:


Tierney is lead author of a paper published today in Nature that found that the average global temperature of the ice age was 6 degrees Celsius (11 F) cooler than today. For context, the average global temperature of the 20th century was 14 C (57 F).

"In your own personal experience that might not sound like a big difference, but, in fact, it's a huge change," Tierney said.

She and her team also created maps to illustrate how temperature differences varied in specific regions across the globe.
Science Daily Com

So if that was an average 8°C or 46°F over the Scandinavian Ice Sheet, then it could have been a few degrees warmer the further away people or animals could have got from it, even northwards.

Source of graphic: Britannica

via International Skeptics Forum

Anyone for a Constitutional Convention?

Fraudster Bannon wants to convene a Constitutional Convention in which the conservative small states literally rewrite the convention. A minority will have control over the majority.

via International Skeptics Forum

mercredi 19 octobre 2022

Ogopogo or unusually large bird or what?

Interesting video. Not sure what it is but I don't think for a second it is any sort of lake monster.

The claim that the "horns" are three feet apart seems like quite an exaggeration when I compare the gunwale to the object in the water.

Anybody have an opinion on what it could be?

via International Skeptics Forum

What a lottery ticket can make think

There is no such thing as luck, even in games of chance there is fate (my Turkish article was translated by machine).

via International Skeptics Forum

[Split From] Bad ideas in military history

If this goes on . . .

Loss of the USS George Floyd (LCS-77; pronouns “it”, “its”)

The new Littoral Combat Ship George Floyd was lost on its initial voyage. The ship was an innovative new venture for the Navy, being built of renewable materials and powered by green technologies.

A fire broke out in the galley half an hour after the ship had unmoored and put to sea, where cooks were preparing the midday meal of vegetarian soup. In spite of the efforts of crew, the fire spread. The water pump was swollen and did not function. This meant that the only facilities available were two buckets in the head, which had to be cleansed by an environmentally friendly and non-polluting method before being employed for other use.

The ship’s captain, Lieutenant Commander Ugrazeem Nogariel (pronouns “tey”, “teyrs”) a nullo who had served with distinction as a Diversity Officer, and identifies as a sea creature, took immediate steps to resolve the situation. Tey took the tiki-icon of George Floyd and swam to shore.

Due to white-supremacist caused lack of environmentally friendly public transport, the captain was forced to carry the icon on foot to Naval District Headquarters. At present tey is in a Safe Space recovering from the stress of the effort.

Chef Diversity Officer Salacan Maffea (pronouns “ze”, “zeir”), a genderqueer allosexual who identifies as a beche-de-mer, continued the ongoing session of diversity training with the second watch until the ship sank.

The crew continued to fight the fire until it burned through the supports of the mast, which fell. The sails, of renewable hemp, took fire and spread it to the upperworks, while the mast destroyed the solar panels and broke off the wind turbine at the stern.

The crew abandoned ship and attempted to reach safety. The Navy Department has firmly denied that the lack of life jackets, which had been withdrawn to permit the replacement of artificial non-renewable flotation material and kapok from endangered species, had any connection to the death by drowning of several crew.

The Navy Department Board of Inquiry is expected to blame the disaster on global warming, white supremacy, and Donald Trump.

via International Skeptics Forum

Glacier Northwest vs Teamsters

SCOTUS will be ruling on a case in which a cement company is suing the union for lost profits from labor action.

Union drivers refused to move cement that had already been mixed, causing the company to dump it.

The company is arguing that this constitutes the destruction of property, which is not covered by the National Labor Relations Act. The union pointed out that they did not actively destroy anything, they simply stopped working.

If this SCOTUS sides with the company (as if we don't already know they will), this could probably mean that unions will be responsible for any profits lost during labor action. Strange how they don't seem to be entitled to any windfalls a company might have.

If they keep taking away the legal means, what are we left with?

via International Skeptics Forum

mardi 18 octobre 2022

Tip for Climate Protestors

Don't try to make your point by absolutely enraging the very people you need on your side - the masses.

We're having a spate of climate and climate-related protests her at the moment, and like those in the UK and throwing paint at works of art in Europe, they're doing the movement a lot more harm than good.

I almost think they're paid by the right to turn people off climate issues, because it seems insane to me to try to leverage governments by inconveniencing commuters and ordinary people.

via International Skeptics Forum

No signal!

I've just bought a new laptop running Win11 with the express reason for purchase being that it will be used as a teleprompter for live gigs. I'll be building a monitor and intended to connect that to the laptop using HDMI.

Despite trying everything within my limited knowledge, my test monitor does not detect a signal coming from the HDMI or C ports. The test monitor can see my wife's Chromebook, works laptop and another, older laptop using the HDMI so the cable is good. I also bought a C to HDMI cable and that works fine through the Chromebook but not through the new laptop (Asus VivoBook).

I've updated drivers, been on to support (ha ******* ha) at Asus and looked online for all the possible solutions.

Any ideas?

via International Skeptics Forum

[Split From] Amateur physicist uses Aether, solves Theory of Everything, awaits peer review.


Originally Posted by theprestige (Post 13925852)
Not even aware that electron "orbits" aren't actually altitudes above the nucleus.

Who the **** are you quoting? Maybe you are in the wrong thread? I did tell you not to come around here with your garbage posts anymore.

via International Skeptics Forum

lundi 17 octobre 2022

bizarre symptoms - no resolution

A few weeks ago, I was up having coffee and my friend/neighbor was over visiting. Apparently, I lapsed into a dissociative state and began exhibiting bizarre behavior. I poured glue all over me including my hair. I took a large container of vitamins and tossed the pills all over the house. No recall. Blank.

I found out that when the medics came I fought them and they strapped me down, then a helicopter airlifted me to a neurology crisis center. I came to a couple of days into my stay. I had no memory. They ran tests of course and I came home against doctors recommendation.

Weeks later I am still waiting for answers. Also, I am still plagued with symptoms. Suddenly I feel that I don't know where I am - what room? Am I inside of outside? I can never remember what day of the week it is, sometimes I'm not sure of the month.

They have decided that - based on an EKG - that something "seems wrong with" my heart and that is related to my "episodes". So now I must hurry up and wait to get an appt. with the cardiologist.

Am I being silly expecting more? Sorry for the vent.

via International Skeptics Forum

dimanche 16 octobre 2022

Bad ideas in military history

This isn't necessarily about just equipment designs (since we already have some old threads about the worstest warships/tanks/whatever), but general brainfarts by someone at the top.

My (first) nomination would be the WW2 Volksjäger program. By the end of the second world war, Germany had this idea to
A. produce the cheapest jet aircraft, out of the cheapest possible stuff, with the most unskilled labour (often slaves), and
B. give Hitler Youth children a few hours of training on a glider, and throw them at the enemy bombers.

Each of those ideas failed spectacularly on its own. The cheap plywood often came unglued in mid air, control surfaces could break if you didn't know how far you can push them (e.g., on the He 162), etc. And that's if you were lucky and it was put together decently, which most often wasn't the case. The combination even more so, as some guy who's only been trained on a glider would definitely not know how far he can push the rudder.

To add to the problem, since the USAF and RAF had switched to bombing the refineries and railways, the Luftwaffe was pretty much running on fumes, and the industry was running short on resources.

Yet someone thought it's a great idea to throw a full fuel tank and a perfectly good jet engine into the great thrash can in the sky, by putting them in a poorly made plane, piloted by an unqualified pilot. Not a whole lot came back, is all I'm saying. While hundreds examples were captured after the war, it was more like in the factories.

via International Skeptics Forum

samedi 15 octobre 2022

The Onion files brief in defence of man's parody Facebook police dept account

"Tu stultus es. “You are dumb.” Last week, The Onion filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court beginning with those three Latin words. The case of Anthony Novak v. City of Parma, Ohio involves a man who was arrested and forced to spend four days in jail for creating a parody Facebook account satirizing the local police department. Novak sued, claiming that the city had violated his constitutional right to free speech. A federal appellate court ruled in favor of the police, and Novak is now seeking to appeal that decision to the Supreme Court.

Why did we file? Partially, because our livelihoods depend on putting parody out into the world and not being arrested for it. But more broadly, we filed because parody holds a powerful capacity that’s especially worth defending in the present moment: It gives us the ability to mimic the voice of serious authority and thereby kneecap that authority from within. We can take apart an authoritarian cult of personality, point out the rhetorical tricks politicians use to mislead their constituents, and even undercut a government institution’s real-world attempts at propaganda."

The amicus brief is a thing of beauty, done in true The Onion style.

via International Skeptics Forum

High Speed Rail in Alberta gets a Boost

TransPod Moves Forward With Ultra-High-Speed Tube Transportation in Canada


TransPod, the startup building the TransPod Line—a new ultra-high-speed transportation system—has announced the next phase of the multibillion-dollar infrastructure project in Alberta, Canada. Broughton Capital Group (“BCG”), in cooperation with China-East Resources Import & Export Co. (“CERIECO”), have agreed in principle to provide a combined $550 million finance and Master EPC arrangement respectively to accelerate development of a TransPod Line between Edmonton and Calgary and drive economic growth in the region. An already-released feasibility study on the TransPod Line revealed that the project will create up to 140,000 jobs and add $19.2 billion to the region’s GDP throughout construction, and the Master EPC arrangement is expected to involve significant contribution from Canadian contractors.

The feasibility study highlighted that the Alberta TransPod Line will add $19.2 billion (or 6.25 percent) to the province’s GDP by 2030. The Alberta TransPod infrastructure project will create 15,600 jobs per year, totaling 140,000 jobs over nine years. Riding TransPod will take 45 minutes from Calgary to Edmonton, at an estimated ticket cost of $72, compared to more than three hours spent driving or a plane ticket costing $129. Over the course of a year, the expected ridership between Calgary and Edmonton will reduce CO2 emissions by 636,000 tons per year, or the equivalent of planting a forest four times bigger than Calgary.

The next phases of the Alberta TransPod project will include research and development; construction permit; environmental assessment; and land acquisition (present-2024) in the short term. Test track construction, high-speed tests and certification (2023-2027) will be part of the medium term. Construction of a full inter-city line between Edmonton and Calgary (to begin in 2027) are part of the long term.
No government money involved (so far).

Lots of pretty pictures and marketing here:

California eat your heart out!

via International Skeptics Forum

Strange sighting in south-central PA (Lancaster)

A friend of mine reports repeatedly seeing small orbs (quail-egg size, he says) spontaneously light up on the ground just as he lit a cigarette after dark. It happened two years running, 2020 and 2021, in the fall. They were chartreuse when they flared. They did not always flare immediately after he lit the cigarette but sometimes would activate later "as if deciding to check me out after all."

The first year, there were two close together (barely an inch apart) in a certain spot, the next year there was just one, in a different spot (under a deck). They did not always appear when he lit his cigarette. This happened daily for a couple of weeks, from a couple of hours after sunset to midnight.

The luminescence was firefly-like. It didn't just stay on - nothing was lit when he sat down for his smoke and when they did flare the light faded quickly.

There are no physical indications during the daytime of what might be happening.

When he brought this up with a friend the friend said it had to be an animal, but my friend wonders, why an animal? His thought is it could be some kind of fungus. He found a science show about bioluminescence in fungus but it didn't really match what he was seeing. For example he saw no reference to a *reactive* flare which is what seemed to be happening.

via International Skeptics Forum

Oh crab


Alaska snow crab season canceled as officials investigate disappearance of an estimated 1 billion crabs

In a major blow to America's seafood industry, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game has, for the first time in state history, canceled the winter snow crab season in the Bering Sea due to their falling numbers. While restaurant menus will suffer, scientists worry what the sudden population plunge means for the health of the Arctic ecosystem.

An estimated one billion crabs have mysteriously disappeared in two years, state officials said. It marks a 90% drop in their population.

via International Skeptics Forum

[Continuation] The Russian invasion of Ukraine part 6

Mod InfoContinuation of thread from here: as ever feel free to refer to previous thread etc (as long as it is on topic!!).
Posted By:Darat

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vendredi 14 octobre 2022

Congressional candidate releases porno film

Mike Itkis, who is running as an independent for Congress in the New York district currently represented by Jerry Nadler (a Democrat, though that isn't particularly relevant), released a porno film featuring himself and a veteran female porn actress in order to "draw attention to his sex positive campaign platform".


If I would just talk about it, it wouldn’t demonstrate my commitment to the issue. And the fact I actually did it was a huge learning experience, and it actually influenced items on my platform.

via International Skeptics Forum

Damaging art for various reasons

(Inspired by the protest in another thread. If the mods want to merge them...)


The Taliban destroyed a load of ancient (Buddhist?) art.
Liberated Communist countries pulled down and/or destroyed Communist era statues.
Various statues/plaques/etc in the UK of people connected with slavery have been pulled down or threatened.
The latest appears to be a Channel 4 programme where art by various 'problematic' people is discussed and may be destroyed (by Jimmy Carr - not a good choice, IMO).

So, are any of these acceptable? If they are, why? If not, ditto?

via International Skeptics Forum

Damaging/destroying art in the name of protest

Protestors linked to Just Stop Oil threw tomato soup this morning on a painting housed in the National Gallery, London: one of Van Gogh's Sunflower series, created in 1888.

They were quoted as saying "What's worth more art or life?" (via Twitter).

The picture (see below for my recent photograph of the piece) does not appear to have any glass or plastic screening. Presumably there will be various layers of varnish that might afford some defence.

This is one of multiple similar actions in recent months. I can't help but feel a big sick at this which I realise is an overreaction as the painting is likely undamaged.

Destruction of culture is hardly a new phenomenon: rampaging armies have been at it for centuries.

And the damage oil pollution causes is horrendous. I don't disagree that it would be in our interest to lessen our usage of fossil fuels.

But I can't see their actions as being terribly effective. In a similar fashion to those undertaken by Extinction Rebellion, I think they risk alienating potential supporters in the mainstream.

via International Skeptics Forum

Behold! The Tesla-Bot


I don't see anything special about this robot.

It moves like a resident of a nursing home. Boston Dynamics has robots that can dance, jump, and navigate obstacle courses.


Back in 2014, ASIMO was already much more advanced:


In conclusion, Tesla still has a long way to go, just to catch up to where Japanese robots were a decade ago. Never mind where Boston Dynamics was 2 years ago.

via International Skeptics Forum

Solar Gravitational Lens

Interesting video on potential Solar Gravitational Lens Telescope.

In short, you put a telescope out at 542 AUs from the Sun, then the gravity of the sun creates a bloody enormous lens which would enable, for instance, much, much, much higher resolution of things like extra-solar planets.

I may be demonstrating my lack of knowledge here, but if you can do it with the sun, could it be done with a much smaller gravity well, like Jupiters, to produce a similar, but smaller effect?

via International Skeptics Forum

jeudi 13 octobre 2022

Sometimes it seems like it all happens at once.

These trials and investigations take years, and suddenly like in the last couple days there is some sort of resolution. Just in the last 24 hours we've had

--Alex Jones civil fine of nearly $1billion
--Parkland shooter jury decision - recommends Life in prison without parole
--The Jan 6 committed concludes and recommends subpoena for Trump

Something like this happened a few weeks ago where there were also several unrelated major legal results in just a few hours. (Can't remember -- there have been too many!)

It's all a lot to absorb.

via International Skeptics Forum

A Polite Society

These two morons, as morons often do, picked a road-rage fight with each other on the highway this past weekend in Florida. Inevitably the guns came out because when you have a hammer every problem becomes an imminent threat of bodily harm, and they ended up in a rolling gun battle, like in some old black-and-white gangster flick.

The first to actually be struck by a bullet was a small child in one of the vehicles. Realizing that his child had been shot, the driver did what any concerned father would do and forewent immediately stopping to give first aid or driving her to a hospital in favor of recommitting instead to an extended chase of the other vehicle, which he in turn shot at several times, managing to shoot the other driver's child as well.

Eventually the road ragers came upon a police car stopped by the road and got out of their vehicles - which, remember, each had a child bleeding from a life-threatening gunshot wound sitting inside it - and engaged in a drawn-out shouting match with each other in front of the police until the police had to restrain and arrest them both and call ambulances for the wounded children - both of whom, fortunately, are expected to recover. Hopefully they will soon also be safely delivered from the presence of their psychotic fathers, both of whom have been charged with felony attempted murder (although they are both out on bail as of reporting).

via International Skeptics Forum

mardi 11 octobre 2022

Would the mirrored spaceship from Sunshine actually work?

My naive gut reaction is that it shouldn't work. Whether it works or not, what's the physics of it? And if it doesn't work, is there something else that plausibly might work?

It seems to me that the mirror may be able to reflect a lot of light, but it will still warm up as it approaches the sun. Ultimately, if it's sitting in the outer edge of the coronasphere, then sooner or later it has to end up at the same temperature as the surface of the sun. Probably sooner. To actually approach, it would have to employ some kind of active cooling system, that somehow dumped the excess heat it was taking on.

Am I right, or wrong, about this?

via International Skeptics Forum

Ice Cream Wars

A new BBC documentary* has revisited the murders of six people caught up in a turf war of rival Glasgow ice cream van operators, who allegedly used the vehicles for criminal activity.

In April 1984, arsonists set fire to the home of one the drivers, Andrew Doyle, supposedly because he had resisted attempts to carry drugs on his route.

Six people died, some that very night, others over the next few days, one later in hospital. Victims included an 18-month baby.

For a city whose reputation had for some time been one of gangland violence, often in deprived suburban areas, and which had a high murder rate, this was a particular low.

The pressure to solve the crime was significant.

Two men, Thomas "TC" Campbell, and Joe Steele were convicted after a trial in which they were found guilty by unanimous jury verdict.

Campbell was a known hard man not afraid to use violence and intimidation, Steele apparently an associate.

There had been little forensic evidence: a map found at home of Campbell with the victims' house marked and a statement he was supposed to have said that it was only meant to warn off the driver.

The main thrust of the prosecution's case was a confession where the two guilty men had been overheard planning the "frightener". Overheard by a man, William Love, under threat of prison.

Both protested their innocence, and Steele made multiple escapes from custody: at one point gluing himself to the gates of Buckingham Palace.

An initial appeal was unsuccessful. Having been granted bail, they were returned to gaol.

With the advent of the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commision the case was referred back for appeal.

This time the statement supposedly made by Campbell at the time of their detention was gone over again. Four police officers had written separately, and possibly some time after the event what had been said. Each officer's recollection was almost exactly the same.

They were freed.

Essentially, no-one has been found guilty of the murders. Another Glasgow gangster was suggested as the culprit, or at least the man who gave the orders. Other people still are convinced Campbell at least was behind it.

* -

via International Skeptics Forum

iPhone 14 "crash detection facility"

Not really a new feature, other models have it too. However Apple's implementation has proved to be prone to false alarms. Dozens of calls have been triggered by rollercoasters and similar events.
One New Yorker had his partner, mother and other contacts informed that he'd been in an accident and wasn't responding to his phone after the device was thrown from a bike basket.


via International Skeptics Forum

[Split Thread] Why the James Webb Telescope rewrites/doesn't the laws of Physics

"Additionally, we explore structural and quantitative morphology measurements using Morfometryka, and show that galaxies at z>3 are not dominated by irregular and peculiar structures, either visually or quantitatively, as previously thought."

Just for the record, z=1 is (in theory) half way back to the beginning of the universe. z=3 is 75% the way back.

time since t=0 is 1/(1+z)

via International Skeptics Forum

That Awkward Moment...when John Cleese goes to GB News TV

John Cleese, best known for his role in the Monty Python satirical humour tv shows, has now announced he will be hosting a show on right wing GB News as he believes the BBC to be ‘cowardly’ and that he would be ‘censored or cancelled’ if he were to appear on one of its shows.


The 82-year-old said he would not be offered such a show by the BBC: “The BBC have not come to me and said: ‘Would you like to have some one-hour shows?’ And if they did, I would say: ‘Not on your nelly!’ Because I wouldn’t get five minutes into the first show before I’d been cancelled or censored.”


GB News is being investigated by the media regulator Ofcom over whether claims about the impact of Covid vaccines breached the broadcasting code.
Asked whether free speech should extend to those spreading misinformation about public health matters, Cleese said: “If there’s a factual response to something like that, then that should be made. That’s the job, to put the facts out there, and then to have opinions slightly separate and have a proper argument about it, but not to try to avoid a public debate.”

John Cleese

also said Monty Python would not get commissioned by the BBC today “because it’s six white people, five of whom went to Oxbridge”.

This is rather like that awkward moment... when actor Laurence Fox, now would be politician of the Reform Party, bitterly complained about soldiers with turbans appearing in a British war film. Fox has been seen upset and close to tears about how he himself was the victim of racism. Fox also believes the Covid vaccine is a great conspiracy to forcibly exert control over people.

Or that awkward moment... on FaceBook when one of those nice people in a group you thought were good fun, one day says, ‘Tommy Robinson is my hero’…followed by another and another agreeing, 'Enoch was right'. Er...

Or that awkward moment... when your work colleague blurts out, ‘The Jews killed Jesus’.

<fx backs out of room slowly>

via International Skeptics Forum

The Onion's Supreme Court amicus brief

An Ohio man was arrested in 2016 for creating a parody Police Department Facebook page. He then sued the Police Department for violating his First Amendments rights, and lost his case. He's now taking the case to the Supreme Court, and The Onion has provided him with an amicus curiae brief.

The brief is available here. It starts like this:

"The Onion is the world’s leading news publication, offering highly acclaimed, universally revered coverage of breaking national, international, and local news events. Rising from its humble beginnings as a print newspaper in 1756, The Onion now enjoys a daily readership of 4.3 trillion and has grown into the single most powerful and influential organization in human history."

And carries on from there. The whole thing is worth reading, and it's not that long.

via International Skeptics Forum

dimanche 9 octobre 2022

Buy your suicide kit from Amazon!

Amazon sells kits for people to commit suicide, and is currently fighting tooth and nail in the court to avoid any liability for the deaths that have occured, and to be able to continue selling these kits.

Amazon “suicide kits” have led to teen deaths, according to new lawsuit


Amazon lawyers have allegedly told parents that the online retailer had a right to sell these so-called “suicide kits." The kits are described in the lawsuit as bundled items that Amazon suggests buyers purchase together, including a potentially lethal chemical called sodium nitrite, a scale to measure a lethal dose, a drug to prevent vomiting, and a book with instructions on how to use the chemical to attempt suicide. The online retailer’s lawyers also allegedly said that it would be “unfair and inhumane” to hold Amazon liable for the teens’ deaths.

Every time you think someone has reached the bottom of the barrel, a new low is plumbed.

via International Skeptics Forum

samedi 8 octobre 2022

Intensional & stipulative definitions of male/female apply to all anisogamous species

Resolved: The unscientific definitions of Heying, Hilton, & Wright are flatly contradicted by and inconsistent with the standard biological definitions of Parker, Lehtonen, Griffiths, Google/OD, and many other sources. The former should therefore be deprecated, and be replaced in, to start with, all biological and sociological journals and applications with the latter.

The definitions of Hilton and Company essentially define each sex as a polythetic category; each sex becomes a discrete spectrum of three states or conditions:

The definitions of Parker, Lehtonen, and Company essentially define each sex as a monothetic category with single necessary & sufficient conditions for category membership -- i.e., functional gonads of two and only two types. Those organisms with neither are therefore sexless:

Fairly clear description of the difference between monothetic and polythetic categories:

Some background on intensional, and stipulative definitions:

via International Skeptics Forum


This took em long enough!


Please give today to get the new book 'Debunking Popular Mechanics' published and into the hands of tens of thousands of journalists!
Why not send them a mail? Or put it on a website, and send the link?

via International Skeptics Forum

Babcock Ranch Survived Ian, While Nearby Towns Did Not

My town of Babcock Ranch, Florida was on the edge of the eye of Hurricane Ian and near devastated Fort Myers. Yet we survived virtually unscathed with no loss of power.

Link to CNN video:

via International Skeptics Forum

It's official...

Velma Dinkley is a lesbian!

Not that I was the only person who noticed the big clue at the end of Mystery Incorporated (see the link part way down the Guardian piece). The BBC edited out Marcie's line, "That's my girl".

I've put this here rather than Entertainment as I suspect it may cause a bit of a kerfuffle among certain sections of society.

via International Skeptics Forum

jeudi 6 octobre 2022

Federal judge strikes most of new NY gun law!

New gun law was CLEAR reactionary overreach, and thats why most of it was just vacated.

NY cannot ban people from possessing licensed firearms in Time Square. Or parks, mass transit.

NY cannot require gun permit applicants provide 3 years worth of social media posts.

NY cannot require gun permit applicants provide 3 "Good Guy" references.

Of course NY will likely appeal to the 2nd Circuit and law will remain in place, for the time being.

I think NY is wrong. They should not have changed the rules on gun possession SIMPLY cause the SCOTUS killed the "proper cause" requirement to get a permit. Now their overreach is gonna smack them in the face.

via International Skeptics Forum

[Split Thread] Meta Arguments about morality tangentially related to gender identity


Originally Posted by Rolfe (Post 13918186)
If someone is doing monstrous things without realising they're monstrous, are they a monster? What about if they should realise? If they've had it pointed out to them time and time again? If they close their ears to everyone pointing out the harm they're doing and chant "terf, transphobe, bigot, hater" like a protective mantra?

Doesn't this just reduce down to a claim to be in possession of the correct objective morality? No argument can really be had with people who disagree with you.

via International Skeptics Forum

Mass killing in Thailand

An ex-policeman has killed at least 38 people, most of them children, in a gun and knife attack at a pre-school daycare centre in north-east Thailand.

via International Skeptics Forum

mercredi 5 octobre 2022

James Carville hits the nail square on the head

Dem Strategist Rips Republicans With Reason For Their ‘Very Low-Quality Candidates’


Longtime Democratic political consultant James Carville pulled no punches with his searing assessment of the GOP field of those he described as “very low-quality candidates” in the 2022 midterm elections.

“They have a lot of stupid people that vote in their primaries. They really do. I’m not really supposed to say that but it’s obvious fact. And you know, when stupid people vote, you know who they nominate? Other stupid people,” Carville said of Republicans on Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The 11th Hour.”

The GOP’s problem is the “very low-quality people that vote in their primaries” are “producing predictably very low-quality candidates,” Carville reiterated. “It’s evident right in front of you.”
Yeah, I'd say that sums it up. They are the Party of the Stupid.

via International Skeptics Forum

mardi 4 octobre 2022

Walmart sham homeopathic products

Walmart, CVS face trial for putting sham homeopathic products next to real meds


Pharmacy giants CVS and Walmart will have to face trials over claims that placing ineffective homeopathic products alongside legitimate over-the-counter medicines on store shelves deceives consumers into thinking that the pseudoscientific products are akin to evidence-based, Food and Drug Administration-approved drugs.


via International Skeptics Forum

Woman decries “woke liberals” while running for mayor of large city


Originally Posted by CBC News
Winnipeg mayoral candidate Jenny Motkaluk spoke in front of a crowd that included anti-vaccine mandate activists when she reiterated her desire for The Forks to change the name of its Canada Day celebrations.

Motkaluk spoke about "the woke mob" who she said tried to "intimidate" her after she criticized the decision of The Forks to change its Canada Day event earlier this summer.


Throughout the news conference, Motkaluk took aim at a wide range of perceived opponents, including the media, the “ivory tower,” “poli-sci pundits,” “leaders of public sector unions,” and “limousine liberals.”

Anti-vaccine mandate activists join Motkaluk at The Forks to protest changes to Canada Day event [CBC News]

Boy, she sure doesn't know her history. The first female mayor of Winnipeg was elected in 1992; before that it was all men. When the city was first established back in the 1870s it was assumed all politicians would be male. It was a really woke thing even to think women could hold office.

In 1916, Manitoba became the first province in Canada to allow women to vote, under a Liberal government. Canada as a whole followed in 1918, with limited suffrage under a Unionist government.

And, of course, it’s a really woke idea that we should even be able to choose our leaders. Is it not the natural order of things that a man proclaims himself king, then appoints other men as satraps and governors over the people?

Yeah, Jenny, were it not for those bloody “woke mobs” and “poli-sci pundits” you’d be in your proper place: barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen.

via International Skeptics Forum

lundi 3 octobre 2022

North Korea Fires Missile Over Japan

Several hours ago Japanese TV and radio stations broadcast emergency alerts after radar picked up a North Korean missile launch headed towards Japan's Hokkaido Island.

The 5 million residents of Hokkaido, Japan's second largest island, were warned on Tuesday morning local time to take shelter after North Korea launched a missile over the island. After a tense 20 minutes of emergency alerts, the missile was announced to have crashed into the Pacific Ocean. Link to CNET report

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via International Skeptics Forum

- Warp12's Abortion -

I know, weird title for a thread.

So, I know a lot of people here think I am just “anti-abortion”. That is not really true. I have mostly supported R v W for my entire life. Recently I have grown frustrated on this forum, for what I see as unyielding, and blind pro-choice views. It has led me to say some things I am not proud of.

Well, I wanted to share our abortion story. Because I honestly have not been able to do so for the past 20 years. It isn’t something that arises in casual conversion, or over dinner. It is the kind of thing that is generally frowned upon, but today I am putting it out.

So, nearly 20 years ago I entered into a relationship with the woman I am with today. She had a 13 y/o child at the time, which I helped her raise to adulthood. Less than 6 weeks into our relationship, she became pregnant. Now, at this time, she was also seeing another man. But, I knew that situation was at it’s end, but did not fool myself that there might not be additional encounters. She claimed our physical relationship was exclusive; but I was not convinced.
So, when things first were going, she started telling me that her breasts were tender. I was teasing, telling her she was pregnant; but I didn’t believe such thing. She was on the pill, after all. I suspect now that she had stopped
taking it (she had been wanting to be with her ex; I think maybe she was trying to trap him). It doesn’t matter because I loved her, and still do. It is just a matter of the circumstance.

Anyway, she became pregnant. We had like 15-20 EPT’s stacked up. I gave her the choice. I told her that no matter what, I would help her raise and support the baby. She chose an abortion.

We didn’t have a lot of money at the time. We ended up out-of-state at a clinic. First, a visit to discuss/evaluate…then for the procedure. It came up in the ultrasound or whatever, that this child about the size of a peanut. We laughingly called it “space peanut”, after something in that silly movie “Joe Dirt”. It was also clear that it was likely that it wasn't mine, based on timing.

Anyway, I’ll cut to the chase. We had our abortion. She was heavily drugged, but awake for it. I was present and held her hand as the fetus was vacuumed out. The doctor was very creepy, like nightmarish when I think of it, now. His manner of speech, the way he talked. When she got up off of the hospital bed, blood was leaking onto the floor. She was kind of “be-bopping”, the way she walked.

The attending nurse said, “Someone is feeling good!.”

It was sad, in retrospect. We went home, and were told to use a condom for a couple of weeks, because after the abortion there is a much greater chance of pregnancy. We did.

via International Skeptics Forum