vendredi 30 novembre 2018

Police stop drunk Tesla....

Police saw a driver asleep in his Tesla going 70 mph and chased him/it for seven miles before they could pull in front of it. When they slowed down it slowed down, and they eventually stopped it. He was charged with drunk driving.

If the guy wasn't driving at all, was he really driving drunk?

via International Skeptics Forum

George W Bush Goonnee

Bit of a shame

Used to think he was an idiot, but he grew on me since they Orange One arrived and Bush's reactions to him

via International Skeptics Forum

George H.W. Bush dead at 94

Breaking News on MSNBC

Huffpost link

The last WW2 serviceman to serve as POTUS

via International Skeptics Forum

MSNBC decides it doesn't have enough shakey cam?

Disclaimer - Okay so I have no idea where to actually post this, so if the Mods think they have a better idea where to put it, please feel free to move it.

If you don't get sea-sick then watch the following video from about 30 seconds in to around the 2:15 minute mark, if you can make it that long.

Trigger Warning - The following footage might make you nauseous, and could induce headaches, and swearing at your monitor, oh and the camera work might make you feel all queasy too.


The issue isn't what the video is about, there is enough of that in the Politics section, but rather the camera work. Why is it that we need to make the viewers of a news segment feel like they are on the deck of a boat in the middle of hurricane?

Is the use of "shakey" cam getting to the point of lunacy when it starts turning up in news presentations?

Let me know your thoughts after you finishing posting your lunch to the porcelain god.

via International Skeptics Forum

Being a Foreigner from New Mexico

This country can be so embarrassing. I blame it on all the new arrivals who have yet to totally learn all of our awesome history.

via International Skeptics Forum

Massive quake in Anchorage:

Massive quake in Anchorage:
7.1 earthquake
5.4 aftershock

via International Skeptics Forum

Interesting Essay on the Practicalities of Gun Confiscation

He mostly focuses on the obvious point that lightly armed insurgencies can in fact resist global superpowers - drones, gunships, nukes, and all.

He also has this interesting aside:
... for most people on the left political violence is a knob, and they can turn the heat up and down, with things like protests, and riots, all the way up to destruction of property, and sometimes murder… But for the vast majority of folks on the right, it’s an off and on switch. And the settings are Vote or Shoot ******* Everybody.
It's a broad generalization, of course. Individual opinions will vary. But I do see the pattern on this forum. We have a lot of progressives here who are willing to turn the dial on political violence, all the way up to assault and murder (if the victim is a 'nazi'). Meanwhile, most of the conservatives here tend to argue that political violence should always be avoided. I think we tend to leave unsaid the other side of that coin - or else go all the way to armed revolt - because we don't see that the current political situation justifies flipping that switch.

via International Skeptics Forum

Potential Voter Fraud in North Carolina

Certification in limbo in N.C. House race as fraud investigation continues


Mounting evidence of fraud in North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District could indefinitely delay the certification of a winner, as state election officials investigate whether hundreds of absentee ballots were illegally cast or destroyed.

The North Carolina State Board of Elections and Ethics Enforcement has no plans to certify Republican Mark Harris’s 905-vote victory over Democrat Dan McCready, according to an agenda of a board meeting scheduled for Friday morning.

The board is collecting sworn statements from voters in rural Bladen and Robeson counties, near the South Carolina border, who described people coming to their doors and urging them to hand over their absentee ballots, sometimes without filling them out. Others described receiving absentee ballots by mail that they had not requested. It is illegal to take someone else’s ballot and turn it in.

Investigators are also scrutinizing unusually high numbers of absentee ballots cast in Bladen County, in both the general election and the May 8 primary, in which Harris defeated incumbent Rep. Robert Pittenger (R) by 828 votes. In the primary, Harris won 96 percent of all absentee ballots in Bladen, a far higher percentage than his win in the county overall — a statistic that this week is prompting fresh accusations of fraud.

Another irregularity in both the primary and general elections is the high number of absentee ballots in some precincts that were requested but not turned in.
Weird that it didn't take voter ID laws to catch this.

via International Skeptics Forum

Racism: Is this productive?

The primary question, before I even post anything else, is whether the coverage and outcomes of this incident are conducive to making people more or less sympathetic towards racism.

Earlier this week a video emerged of a 15 year old school boy, a Syrian refugee, being attacked on school grounds by a larger English kid of the same age (or possibly 16 depending which source you believe). The latter repeatedly demands, "What have you been saying now?" and attempts to headbutt the smaller kid but misses. He then grabs the kid round the neck, pushes him to the ground and pours water on his face saying, "I'll drown you." The smaller kid, uninjured, gets up and walks off.

When I first saw the video I thought it was pretty low. Not really the sort of welcome that places this country in a good light. I hate bullies and hoped the school would take immediate action against the boy and caution all the other kids against this kind of behaviour.

Then came the reaction, and the coverage. The news media played the video repeatedly on prime time, second only to BREXIT. Little or no background was given. The incident was framed as a racist assault and the pouring of water over the boy's face as 'waterboarding'. It was also reported as front page news in the papers where, in some cases, it is still running today.

The bully was immediately arrested by the police, attended court and was bailed pending further action. The charge is common assault with no racial motivation. The public backlash against the boy went into full swing and after social media death threats and carloads of individuals shouting outside his house he fled the country in the middle of the night with his mother.

Several Go Fund Me pages were set up for the Syrian boy and his family. The largest one has accrued over £150,000.

Large groups of Pakistanis, led by a local imam, gathered outside the school and demanded a meeting with the headmaster, which they got. The school was criticised for allowing this bullying to occur. "Schools in the area," said one protester, "need to do more to integrate refugee families.”

The imam leading the protest said of the country that saved the refugee family from almost certain death and torture in Syria; “There is a problem with the whole system, they should never have been placed here [in a white area]. There are so many other areas locally which would have been better suited to their needs and we would have been able to avoid this situation.”

It is claimed that the Syrian boy who, with his family, was rescued from the city of Homs that has been flattened by bombs and poisoned by chemical attacks, is too traumatised to return to the school.

Rumours circulating include

* The bully and the Syrian kid were friends until they had a falling out, resulting the in the altercation.

* The Syrian's arm had been broken in an earlier attack by four other (different) kids.

* The Syrian kid's sister had been subject to racist bullying the day before and her headscarf pulled off.

* The school had a history of tensions between Muslim and non-Muslim pupils, with a 13 year old white kid beaten by a gang of Muslims the week before.

The Syrian boy reportedly said, “I am very concerned about the violent comments going out on social media about the bully. I don’t want anything terrible to happen to him at all. I just don’t want anything bad to happen to anyone.”

The Syrian sounds like a decent lad and certainly doesn't come across like a trouble-maker, but the over-reaction by the media and on social platforms to what is an everyday school yard incident is, IMO, so vastly over the top I can't bring myself to care about any of those involved.

via International Skeptics Forum

jeudi 29 novembre 2018

New Jersey Police Use of Force Statistics

The full report

Five years. 72,607 documents. Every local police department in N.J. We built the most comprehensive statewide database of police use of force in the U.S.

The Force Report, a 16-month investigation by NJ Advance Media, found New Jersey's system for tracking police force is broken, with no statewide collection or analysis of data, little oversight by state officials and no standard practices among local departments. Two decades ago, officials envisioned a centralized database that would flag potentially dangerous cops for scrutiny. But that database was never created. So we built it.

The Splinter News Article.

A few highlights:


  • Just 10 percent of all New Jersey officers are responsible for 38 percent of violent encounters.
  • While 296 officers used force at rates five time the state-wide average, 156 officers put at least one person in the hospital every year all five years the outlet reviewed.
  • Black people are three times more likely to have police use force against them—that’s just statewide though, as that ratio skyrocketed to as high as 21:1 in some counties and towns.

I would really love to see more reporting like this.

via International Skeptics Forum

When Rape Kits are Treated like Trash

CNN has run a number of stories today detailing the destruction of Rape kits, often with little to no investigation and in cases where the statute of limitations has not run out.


Rape victims endure invasive exams to get justice(video)

How rape cases went wrong

Where police failed rape victims

4-year-old girl 'absolutely robbed' of justice

‘They treated me like trash’

Victim: Destroying my rape kit tells me I don't matter

Good evidence gone

Lots there, much of it text but video as well. I haven't gone through all of it, but some things that stand out:
  • Some police departments have the victim sign a form indicating whether or not they want the assailant charged, often the same day as the assault before any investigation has taken place. That can stop the investigation, leading to destruction of physical evidence, leaving the crime much more difficult to investigate if the victim later changes his or her mind.
  • Other departments stop investigating and close the case unsolved if the victim does not respond to written communication within 10 days. That leads to tests being destroyed before the statute of limitations has expired, such that the investigation cannot resume if the victim later wants to work with police.

via International Skeptics Forum

Partisan Election Officials Are 'Inherently Unfair' But Probably Here To Stay

NPR: It would take a massive overhaul of state laws to make election administration truly nonpartisan. Voters say they want it, and experts are calling for it, but it probably isn't coming anytime soon.


via International Skeptics Forum

US: democracy vs republic

I have a question about this phrase: "The United States was founded as a republic, not a democracy."

I think my first reaction was to go the dictionary but there does not appear to be a special US definition of those words. A bit more googling reveals that the phrase has its origin in the federalist papers. At the time, republic and democracies hardly existed and the words had not yet received their current meaning.

What I don't get it is why the phrase - centuries later - keeps being thrown around as if it had a sensible contemporary meaning. What are kids in the US taught about the subject?

via International Skeptics Forum

The effects of accidentally killing someone

Interesting article from the Guardian:

It refers to the trauma people experience after accidentally killing someone. I've never been in that position so it's difficult to imagine. Are there any people here who can share their experience?

Then moving on from that there may be people who have killed someone, maybe in self-defence or in war, who has trouble coming to terms with it.

via International Skeptics Forum

mercredi 28 novembre 2018

What is with the obsession with Hitler's nuts?

Why all the speculation over whether or not he had a walnut?

via International Skeptics Forum

mardi 27 novembre 2018

When Your Meth is Actually Candy.

A woman was jailed for 3 months because police thought her cotton candy was meth.

According to the lawsuit, Fincher was a passenger in a car that was pulled over by two Monroe County Sheriff's deputies on December 31, 2016.
The deputies initially said they stopped the car because they thought the tinting on the car's windows was too dark, but clarified at the scene that it was not a violation.
Okay, maybe they were searching for a reason to search the car?


They asked the driver if they could search the vehicle and soon found "a large, open clear plastic bag which contained a light blue substance, spherical in shape," in the car's floorboards, the lawsuit says.
I don't like blaming the victim, but. Never allow the police to search your car/house/person without a warrant.


Fincher and the driver both explained it was just a bag of blue cotton candy. But the deputies decided to test it using a field test kit, which indicated the 1.5-ounce wad of blue fluff contained methamphetamine.
Yeah, the good ol field test kit.

Eventually other tests indicated no drugs and they let her out of jail after another few weeks.


CNN has contacted Sirchie Acquisition Company, the distributor of the drug test the officers used, but has not received a reply.
And I doubt they ever will.


via International Skeptics Forum



"They're making a mistake because I have a gut and my gut tells me more sometimes than anybody else's brain can ever tell me."
I believe President Trump just said something that is true. I truly agree that his brain might not be influenced by other brains. It may be solely influenced by a purveyor of ****.

via International Skeptics Forum

NYT Op-Ed: "My New Vagina Won’t Make Me Happy" - It's bad.

It's really bad.


Next Thursday, I will get a vagina. The procedure will last around six hours, and I will be in recovery for at least three months. Until the day I die, my body will regard the vagina as a wound; as a result, it will require regular, painful attention to maintain. This is what I want, but there is no guarantee it will make me happier. In fact, I don’t expect it to. That shouldn’t disqualify me from getting it.

It only gets worse from here, but I want to get this out of the way. A neovagina is not like an open wound. The body isn't going to heal it shut. It's a bizarre piece of misinformation.

I think the point of the essay, and why the NYT published it, was to counter "medical gatekeeping". She is rejecting what she describes as the conservative narrative that trans people are mentally ill and should be prevented from transitioning, but also the liberal narrative that trans people are helped by transitioning so as to alleviate gender dysphoria.

But then things go off the rails:


Buried under all of this, like a sober tuber, lies an assumption so sensible you’ll think me silly for digging it up. It’s this: People transition because they think it will make them feel better. The thing is, this is wrong.

I feel demonstrably worse since I started on hormones. One reason is that, absent the levees of the closet, years of repressed longing for the girlhood I never had have flooded my consciousness. I am a marshland of regret. Another reason is that I take estrogen — effectively, delayed-release sadness, a little aquamarine pill that more or less guarantees a good weep within six to eight hours.

Like many of my trans friends, I’ve watched my dysphoria balloon since I began transition. I now feel very strongly about the length of my index fingers — enough that I will sometimes shyly unthread my hand from my girlfriend’s as we walk down the street. When she tells me I’m beautiful, I resent it. I’ve been outside. I know what beautiful looks like. Don’t patronize me.

I was not suicidal before hormones. Now I often am.
Then she circles back to her main argument:


The medical maxim “First, do no harm” assumes that health care providers possess both the means and the authority to decide what counts as harm. When doctors and patients disagree, the exercise of this prerogative can, itself, be harmful. Nonmaleficence is a principle violated in its very observation. Its true purpose is not to shield patients from injury but to install the medical professional as a little king of someone else’s body.

Let me be clear: I believe that surgeries of all kinds can and do make an enormous difference in the lives of trans people.

But I also believe that surgery’s only prerequisite should be a simple demonstration of want. Beyond this, no amount of pain, anticipated or continuing, justifies its withholding.

Nothing, not even surgery, will grant me the mute simplicity of having always been a woman. I will live with this, or I won’t. That’s fine. The negative passions — grief, self-loathing, shame, regret — are as much a human right as universal health care, or food. There are no good outcomes in transition. There are only people, begging to be taken seriously.
If anything, I am coming away from this essay worried that there isn't enough medical gatekeeping.

A lot of people in trans spaces are questioning if she is even trans, which is usually not acceptable at all.

For a deeper dive, we can look at her other writings. It is immediately clear that there are two main things she talks about when it comes to being trans, and they yet again are things that give ammo to her opposition.

First, the fetish angle. She wrote an essay entitled Did Sissy Porn Make Me Trans? VICE interviewed six trans people and while the rest generally described feeling free to be themselves, she gives this answer:


I didn’t transition to “be” a girl; I transitioned because I wanted all the cool **** girls were getting that I wasn’t—like the girls’ sleepover, which in my mind was this exciting, intimate, erotic affair that involved lots of secrets and touching. Sometimes very well-meaning cis women tell me, “Well, those sleepovers weren’t all they were cracked up to be,” and I say, “You’re missing the point: I don’t want the thing you think I think you had but which you actually didn’t have, I want the way in which you didn’t have it."

Next, the political angle. We have from her Twitter:


this is important bc i would bet good money that not only are there plenty of trans women who experienced male privilege before transition, but also many of them, esp those exposed to feminism, transitioned as a way to *atone* for that privilege

Someone replied: Uhh I really don’t think anyone is reading Judith Butler and then being like “I’m so complicit in patriarchy, better take estrogen”

To which she responded:


lol i literally did

the only sane response tbh

For both angles in one, we have this article:


The truth is, I have never been able to differentiate liking women from wanting to be like them.


It was in my junior year of college that I first read the SCUM Manifesto, crossing over the East River in a lonely subway car. It exhilarated me: the grandeur, the brutal polemics, the raw, succulent style of the whole thing. Solanas was cool. Rereading SCUM, I realized this was no accident.


This line took my breath away. This was a vision of transsexuality as separatism, an image of how male-to-female gender transition might express not just disidentification with maleness but disaffiliation with men. Here, transition, like revolution, was recast in aesthetic terms, as if transsexual women decided to transition, not to “confirm” some kind of innate gender identity, but because being a man is stupid and boring.

via International Skeptics Forum

lundi 26 novembre 2018

Good external HD data protection (eg password apps, lockouts, etc)

Have an external HD which I brought to work for reasons not worth explaining and forgot it. It was not really in plain sight and all is well but got me thinking, if this was stolen, I'd like to have some kind of lockout or password/etc software so it would be as difficult as possible for someone to access. Internet search didn't turn up much beyond generic password protection stuff. Ideally a good one which is freeware would be great, but I'd fess up a modest amount if another was good enough. Anyone?

via International Skeptics Forum

Foreskin facials

Do you know what people are doing now?!? They're rubbing babies foreskins into their faces:

Name: The foreskin facial.

Age: At least a week old.

Appearance: A serum cloned from the circumcised foreskins of South Korean babies.

Quick question: is this the end of the world? Not at all. It is perfectly normal to want to have the liquidised foreskins of multiple babies rubbed all over your face.

via International Skeptics Forum

#Churchtoo is born

There seems to be a groundswell of those taking on the church, regarding the patriarchy encouraged by them, leading to violence against women.


Many survivors say the teaching in some churches on male headship and wifely submission had "laid the groundwork" for and exacerbated their abuse.

I know it will be pointed out by others that some churches have gone a long way, in providing equal status for women. Of course a big lump of Biblical scripture must be set aside in order to progress along this road. One has to wonder how far this can go, whilst maintaining the concept of the Bible being the divinely inspired script, that defines Christianity.

via International Skeptics Forum

Mars Lander Insight has landed safely just now.

Just announcing the news. First photo should be available with a web search. First photo.

Attached Images
File Type: jpeg Ds9EYfxXoAAPNmx.jpeg (27.5 KB)

via International Skeptics Forum

How to Change minds

The short version, is tell them that their political party or side believes what you want the person to believe.


In our experiment, we first gave false-feedback about their choices, but this time concerning actual political questions (e.g., climate taxes on consumer goods). Participants were then asked to state their views a second time that same day, and again one week later. The results were striking. Participants’ responses were shifted considerably in the direction of the manipulation. For instance, those who originally had favoured higher taxes were more likely to be undecided or even opposed to it.

This confirms my previous beliefs so it must be true.

via International Skeptics Forum

Genetically Modified Humans born

He Jiankui, a Chinese scientist, claims to have modified human embryos before implanting them in a women who brought twin girls to term this month.
The modification is supposed to confer a resistance to HIV/AIDS.

Too soon or not soon enough?

via International Skeptics Forum

dimanche 25 novembre 2018

"Republicans are least supportive of making it easy for everyone to vote"
Only about a third of conservative Republicans (36%) favor doing everything possible to make it easy to vote, compared with a majority (65%) of moderate and liberal Republicans. (A report earlier this year, based on 2017 data, found that conservatives constituted a majority – 68% – of Republican and Republican-leaning registered voters; moderates and liberals made up about a third of GOP voters, or 31%.)
Edit: The subject should actually start with "Conservative Republicans".

via International Skeptics Forum

Ricky Jay deals last hand.

Card master Ricky Jay has left the building.

Ricky Jay, the master-showman magician, actor, scholar, special effects consultant and author who was called “the most gifted sleight-of-hand artist alive” by writers for the most prestigious publications of his time, died on Saturday at his home in Los Angeles. He was believed to be 70, although some sources said he was 72.


via International Skeptics Forum

Russia attacks Ukraine Navy ships


Russia has seized three Ukrainian naval vessels off the coast of the Crimean Peninsula in a major escalation of tensions between the two countries.

Two gunboats and a tug were captured by Russian forces. Ukraine says they were fired on and six crew were injured.
Russia has blockaded the Sea of Azov which has two Ukrainian ports on its northern shore - Berdyansk and Mariupol used for exporting grain and produce such as steel, also for importing coal.

In 2003, Ukraine and Russia signed a treaty that defined the Sea of Azov as internal waters of the two countries. The treaty guaranteed free navigation to all Ukrainian and Russian vessels.

via International Skeptics Forum

Rotting ships, just off the shore

So this thread is a bit of an odd topic. I'd like to bring up those ships that have been left to rot right off the shore somewhere, be it from abandonment, wreckage, ownership issues. This does not include (mostly) healthy ships docked at harbor but out of use such as the SS United States among others, but ships that have decayed well beyond salvaging or reuse.

First is the Dead Fleet of Philadelphia, a set of sailing cargo ships that found themselves utterly outdated in 1920's and their owners bankrupt by the 30's. They sat and sank, but only after claiming the life of a boy. Little remains of these above water but their frames cane be seen and trees grow out of one of the hulls.

2nd is the SS Atlantus, one of the infamous Concrete Ships designed during WW1 with the idea of saving on steel materials. They weren't very successful and most were repurposed or mothballed after the war. The Atlantus broke loose during a storm and got wedged off the coast of Cape May, NJ, where it decays slowly over time.

Similar to the Atlantus is the SS Palo Alto, which was towed onto a dock in the Monteray Bay near Aptos with the intention of being a tourist attraction. It failed in the concept and was soon abandoned. There it has slowly decayed.

In the gone but not forgotted is the Mary Murray which was a Staten Island Ferryboat that had been left in the Raritan River by its owner after his efforts to repurpose the craft failed. It was visible from the NJ Turnpike but was finally scrapped 10 years ago.

I'm sure there's hundreds of examples, especially of more modern metal freighters sitting on beachs after a bad storm, but lets see if we can find the interesting examples!

via International Skeptics Forum

Ricky Jay passed away

Asked by The Times about duplicity for a 2013 article, Mr. Jay argued: “You wouldn’t want to live in a world where you couldn’t be conned. Because it would mean you’re living in a world where you never trusted anyone or anything.”

via International Skeptics Forum

Dafu'Q is with the obsession with Mars?

You know it's SF -- or Elon Musk's PR for why you should pay him to do it -- when humanity is colonizing Mars, has colonized Mars, or is already having a fight or standoff with the already colonized Mars.

But... why?

It doesn't even have a magnetic shielding. Atmosphere is somewhere between "buggerall" and "hardly any". So forget any protection against even the smallest meteorites, or for that matter a good solar flare can give you enough radiation that you won't need to turn on the lights to piss at night. Gravity is barely better than the moon, so you WILL have the same health problems as living long term on the space station, it will just take a longer time. Etc.

Why not, say, Venus? Making a floating city in the upper atmosphere is a rather trivial proposition. Most of you will know the idea, but whoever doesn't, well, look it up. And you have the thick atmosphere to protect you from meteorites and most of the solar radiation. Better yet. if you do spring a leak, it's not gonna lose air particularly quickly, because it's the same pressure inside as outside. It's rather warm up there too. And you have the equivalent of infinite geothermal energy, albeit taking energy from the sharp temperature gradient in the Venusian atmosphere. Just drop a mile long hose downwards and you have energy out the wazoo and/or yin-yang.

Just about the only disadvantage of Venus is that you won't be mining anything. And I don't mean just as in "the surface is too hot to go mining there", but as in, since it periodically melts its whole crust, anything heavier than silica has already sunk to the planet centre.

via International Skeptics Forum

Bronze age Dead Sea meteor strike

Interesting article:


The most comprehensive evidence of destruction caused by a low-altitude meteor explosion comes from the Bronze Age city of Tall el-Hammam, where a team that includes Silvia has been excavating for the last 13 years. Radiocarbon dating indicates that the mud-brick walls of nearly all structures suddenly disappeared around 3,700 years ago, leaving only stone foundations.

What’s more, the outer layers of many pieces of pottery from same time period show signs of having melted into glass. Zircon crystals in those glassy coats formed within one second at extremely high temperatures, perhaps as hot as the surface of the sun, Silvia said.

High-force winds created tiny, spherical mineral grains that apparently rained down on Tall el-Hammam, he said. The research team has identified these minuscule bits of rock on pottery fragments at the site.

via International Skeptics Forum

samedi 24 novembre 2018

Being a Good Guy with a Gun, while being Black

So the setup was that there was an altercation at a Alabama shopping mall during Black Friday shopping, this resulted in an 18 year old being shot twice in the stomach and a 12 year old girl who was a bystander being shot once.

An off duty cop who was working security spotted a 21-year old black guy with a gun fleeing the area, confronted him, and then shot an killed him.

The problem is that, similar to the Security officer who was killed recently, Emantic Fitzgerald Bradford Jr. was not the actual shooter, but rather appears to have been trying to do the "right thing."

I have said this before, and I'm going to say it again. Drawing a weapon and going looking for, or even running from, a actual gunman is stupid, and this whole "good guy with a gun" will get people killed, and is getting people killed. Especially if you are Black!

There is no way that the police can determine if you are a shooter or a good guy when they have an active shooter call, and in many cases we are seeing that they often don't ask a lot of questions of people with drawn weapons in these scenarios. Not only that, if there are other "Good Guys with guns" there is no way for you to identify them as non-active shooters, or for them to identify you as such. The only people capable of identifying others as non-shooters are the shooters themselves, and they are likely to see "good guys" with a gun as a threat and so fire on them. In the end all that pulling a gun does in these situations is make yourself a target, for the Shooter(s), for the Police, and finally for other "Good Guys with a Gun." Pulling out your gun then is just plain stupid.

Sure, if you can find a place to barricade yourself in and wait, then having a gun might help should the shooter try and bust their way in, but drawing it and running around the place, that's an insane thing to do, and will get you killed, regardless of what the NRA says.

via International Skeptics Forum

How WTC 7 could have been a cd without 9/11 being an Inside Job

Let me start off by saying that I don’t believe this, nor is there any evidence for this, this is all just speculation.

WTC 7 was the CIA’s largest office outside it’s Washington HQ. Being in the middle of a major metropolitan area the building was in higher risk of danger. It would have been to come up with a contingency plan to destroy all documents/files/hard drives/etc quickly. It’s not hard to imagine that the CIA would have a self destruct system for the building should something happen one day.

On 9/11 WTC was likely damaged beyond repair. The CIA would then be faced with the dilemma of having to move tons of classified material from the building to another area. However, by the afternoon of 9/11 it was known that the building was on fire and in danger of collapse. The CIA could have just taken their chance and let the building fall on its own but they couldn’t risk it. So instead they demolished it and went along with the fiction that it collapsed due to fires.

via International Skeptics Forum

US Army Sponsorship

The US army sponsor the NFL.

Is it just me that finds that really, really, really weird?

via International Skeptics Forum

Omnivores, Vegetarians and Vegans: Bone Density and Fracture Risk

Vegetarians and vegans should plan their diets carefully to avoid negative consequences:


Twenty studies including 37 134 participants met the inclusion criteria. Compared with omnivores, vegetarians and vegans had lower BMD at the femoral neck and lumbar spine and vegans also had higher fracture rates.
Veganism, vegetarianism, bone mineral density, and fracture risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis (Nutritient Reviews, Oct. 29, 2018)

via International Skeptics Forum

vendredi 23 novembre 2018

Santa shockingly sacked for serious, sexist, suggestion

I can feel the handwringing, SJWs moral outrage from here as they made the decision to ditch him.

They probably did a group "jazz hands"

via International Skeptics Forum

60% of Brits believe at least one conspiracy theory

Some fascinating numbers here, especially the contrast between Leave/Remain Brexit voters in the UK and Trump/Clinton voters in the US.


Sixty per cent of British people believe at least one conspiracy theory about how the country is run or the veracity of information they have been given, a major new study has found, part of a pattern of deep distrust of authority that has become widespread across Europe and the US.

In the UK, people who supported Brexit were considerably more likely to give credence to conspiracy theories than those who opposed it, with 71% of leave voters believing at least one theory compared with 49% of remain voters.

Almost half (47%) of leave voters believed the government had deliberately concealed the truth about how many immigrants live in the UK, versus 14% of remain voters. A striking 31% of leave voters believed that Muslim immigration was part of a wider plot to make Muslims the majority in Britain, a conspiracy theory that originated in French far-right circles that was known as the “great replacement”. The comparable figure for remain voters was 6%.

The disparities between those who voted for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in the US was even more stark, where 47% of Trump voters believed that man-made global warming was a hoax, compared with 2.3% of Clinton voters.
Other countries:


Of the countries surveyed, Sweden was the least credulous of conspiracy theories, with 52% believing one or more of the theories polled by the researchers, as opposed to 85% for Hungary. In the US that figure was 64% and in France 76%.
I knew it was bad, but I didn't think it was this bad. I'm not sure how democracy can survive when voters not only don't make any effort to ensure they are properly informed, but gleefully seize on any old nonsense as long as it appeals to their prejudices.

via International Skeptics Forum

Birthday of Henry Gwynn Jeffreys Moseley

I would like to commemorate the birth on this day in 1887 of the physicist Henry Gwynn Jeffreys Moseley. Before Moseley's work, the periodic table had some gaps and anomalies. Moseley's work put the table on much firmer foundation, in that atomic number, not atomic mass, was the basis of the classification.

Moseley died at the Battle of Gallipoli, aged 27, and in this centennial of the war's end, it seemed especially fitting to remember his life and accomplishments. Robert Mulliken wrote, "In a research which is destined to rank as one of the dozen most brilliant in conception, skillful in execution, and illuminating in results in the history of science, a young man twenty-six years old threw open the windows through which we can glimpse the sub-atomic world with a definiteness and certainty never dreamed of before. Had the European War had no other result than the snuffing out of this young life, that alone would make it one of the most hideous and most irreparable crimes in history."

via International Skeptics Forum

jeudi 22 novembre 2018

Fill in the blank: I'm grateful that Trump ...

I'm grateful that Trump alienates virtually everyone, eventually.

I'm grateful that his lies are so obvious.

I'm grateful that his campaigning on behalf of others might hurt more than it helps.

If you were to add anything, what would it be?

via International Skeptics Forum

mercredi 21 novembre 2018

Ion drive aircraft

Not a rocket but an ionic wind for a drone with no moving parts.

via International Skeptics Forum

Dutch Apollo TV broadcasts

Greetings webforum users,

The Dutch news/TV station NOS, covered the Apollo, Skylab and ASTP projects live and with recorded NASA feeds.

They covered everything from Apollo 7 or 8 to 17.
Within this archive, at 'private-1-AS##' you can view the amateur video tape recordings of Apollo 11 through 17 as they were experienced by the dutch populace.

The first few are in B/W, and it looks like he later upgraded to a colour-capable system.

To my knowledge these are the best amateur video/audio recordings of the Apollo video feed in existence. Especially the later recordings rival the NASA archives, as sometimes all NASA has are telecine recordings.

And because the NOS taped over their own recordings of their broadcast, these recordings represent 99% of the existing NOS footage.

Please enjoy, and tell me what you think!

I am curious if it would be possible to 'stack' video that has the same scene. Like the first minute of private-1-AS17-3? Amateur astronomers stack thousands of video frames to get a sharper picture with less noise.

PS: Yes I am Dutch!

via International Skeptics Forum

The Endangered Andamans tribe

This tribe really, really do not want anything to do with the outside world.

The best thing, then, according to John Allen Chau, a 27 year old from Alabam, is to try to convert them to Christianity.

They killed him. His body is still on the beach.

Aren't we long, long past converting the natives to Christianity? It was bad enough 300 years ago, but now???

via International Skeptics Forum

Not buying Yugurt While Black

Next time just buy a small vanilla.

via International Skeptics Forum

Acting AG Matthew Whitaker

Acting AG Matthew Whitaker is highly newsworthy for a number of obvious reasons, and he merits a thread where we can itemize his many shortcomings.
  • on record that Trump+Russia investigation is a witch hunt
  • vastly under qualified for the job
  • bat **** crazy ideas about the constitution and religion
  • sketchy background with a sketchy company
  • operated a faux non-profit and paid himself an exorbitant salary
  • public financial disclosure on lockdown by White House
The lawsuits that challenge his legitimacy are fair game here too.

I look forward to his appearance before the House Judiciary Committee in January.

via International Skeptics Forum

1980ies Gamers in Communist Germany


In East Germany, a gamer scene emerged just before the fall of communism. Teenagers met at a computer club to swap and play C64 games. The state watched with interest.

The article is based on files from the stasi, the domestic intelligence service.

I'm sure there are a couple people here who fondly remember those days. It wasn't so different for the guys that were going to nuke us.

via International Skeptics Forum

mardi 20 novembre 2018

Trial Judge Rejects Federal Female Genital Mutilation Law

In a fascinating, first-of-its-kind case, a federal trial judge dismissed nearly all of the charges against doctors who performed circumcisions on underage girls.

US District Court Judge Bernard Freeman said that, while Congress' goal in criminalizing FGM was laudable, the federal law was not Constitutionally permissible. The law primarily has nothing to do with any interstate economic impact and, thus, Congress has no authority to legislate on it. States may criminalize the procedure as assault, even sexual assault.

The really interesting thing is that it puts the new Conservative Supreme Court in a very difficult position. States' Rights advocates on the Court should agree that this isn't a federal issue. But those same justices are largely Catholic and probably disagree with female circumcision at its very core. So, they'll want to allow legislation that restricts the practice. But at the same time, they've argued pretty hard for religious freedoms in Hobby Lobby, et cet.

We'll get to see if the newly conservative Court views religious freedom broadly and not just the freedom to be Christian. We'll also get to see if a narrow view of the Interstate Commerce Clause wins out over pure moral outrage.

via International Skeptics Forum

How mum's selfie saved man from 99-year prison sentence

Spotted this story and found it interesting for various reasons, while it is nice to see that the law worked in this case, one cannot help but had been a case at a University, the exculpatory evidence would have been ignored entirely.


A man has managed to avoid 99 years in jail thanks to a selfie taken by his mum.

Christopher Precopia, 21, was arrested in September 2017 for allegedly breaking into his ex-girlfriend’s home, attacking her with a box cutter and carving an X onto her chest, KVUE reports.

via International Skeptics Forum

Wife goes for hysterectomy on 22nd. Experience?

Long story short.

age 48

Spotting between periods
Ultrasound shows thickening of lining.
Biopsy of polyp shows precancerous hyperplasia.
Hysteroscopy D&C
More precancerous cells
Recommended hysterectomy and ovaries out.

Doc says 2-3 days in hospital. Once on oral pain meds can come home.

Anyone had this? How quick before she bounces back?
She will be on low level HRT after too.

via International Skeptics Forum

Visiting Mcdonalds while Black, and Muslim

White Man Pulls Gun on Black Muslim Teens at McDonald’s

via International Skeptics Forum

Genetics of Hemimastigotes Desribed

A bit of a "post 'n dash" (apologies), but I'd be interested to hear what the community here thinks of this. In short, a microbiology graduate student scoops up some dirt on a whim during a hike and has a look under a microscope back at the lab. She discovers some phenotypically unique looking organisms and has a colleague perform single organism genetic sequencing.
Turns out the organisms (at least two different varieties as far as the article reports) are so genetically different from other genetically classified organisms that they seem to represent a new kingdom. Very interesting in my opinion, but the fact that they were "scooped up at random" suggests to me that these organisms (and perhaps other new kindgoms of organisms) may not be as rare as previously thought. Appreciate thoughts of those educated in this field and will check back as soon as I can.

via International Skeptics Forum

Anti-vaccination stronghold in North Carolina hit with state's worst chickenpox...

I guess we never learn...


Chickenpox has taken hold of a school in North Carolina where many families claim religious exemption from vaccines.

Cases of chickenpox have been multiplying at the Asheville Waldorf School, which serves children from nursery school to sixth grade in Asheville, North Carolina. About a dozen infections grew to 28 at the beginning of the month. By Friday, there were 36, the Asheville Citizen-Times reported.

Of the school’s 152 students, 110 had not received the chickenpox vaccine, the newspaper reported.

via International Skeptics Forum

Found Guilty: Nazi terrpr cell murdered 10 in Germany


One of the longest and most expensive trials in German postwar history has ended with a life sentence for the sole survivor of a neo-Nazi terrorist cell, but failed to answer questions raised by victims’ relatives.

Beate Zschäpe, a former member of the National Socialist Underground (NSU) group, was on Wednesday sentenced to life in prison for the murder of 10 people, two bombings and several crimes of attempted murder and robbery between 2000-2007. Nine of the NSU’s 10 murder victims were immigrants.

The sentencing was in July but I noticed that it hasn't been discussed here yet when I came across a current english language article:

The trial leaves many questions about undiscovered terrorist supporters and sympathizers. It also raises questions about the police. It had jumped to the conclusion that an immigrant mafia was to blame for the murders until the nazi group was uncovered by pure chance after their last bank robbery.

via International Skeptics Forum

How High Were The Nazis?

One thing that I fear is not as widely known about the Third Reich as maybe it should, is how widespread and even encouraged the use of dangerous drugs was.

E.g., methamphetamine (and I mean really the exact same meth as in Breaking Bad) under the brand name of Pervitin was so ubiquitous in the Luftwaffe, that Pervitin was better known colocquially as "Herman Göring pills" or "Stuka tablets". During the night raids on Britain, air crews were actually encouraged to take one or two Pervitin pills to stay awake.

After France, the side effects became very obvious, not the least of concerns being that after you got a soldier higher than a kite on meth for a battle, it would take one or two days for said soldier to recover to full ability to fight again. Also documented effects were an increase in agression, which sounds good for an army, but that also included being more inclined to take it on civilians or get into fights with fellow soldiers or even officers.

So the Heer (army) cut down on pushing it on the troops after France. Other branches, including the Luftwaffe and SS, just ignored the side effects and continued pushing it on their soldiers until the bitter end.

Which really gets me to wonder about one thing: THE most prevalent complaint the Heer officers had about fighting together with the Waffen SS was that the SS were overly aggressive, to the point of endangering themselves and the troops they were supposed to fight together with, and routinely ignored orders in favour of doing their own aggressive thing.

And my wonder is: so how much of that do you suppose was because of being marinated in meth?

via International Skeptics Forum

lundi 19 novembre 2018

[Split From] Dude in the US done for 3 murders, so owns up to over 90


Originally Posted by cullennz (Post 12507448)
Forgive me if already posted

Far out

Four unsolved cases, so far prove to back up his claims

I think he may have issues

It's all a lie. It doesn't add up. We all know you can't be a serial killer without using a gun.

Let me be the first to say we need to register neck ties. Wide large capacity ties will be first. "They can have my neck tie when they pry it from her cold dead vertebra".

via International Skeptics Forum

Australian terrorists can't get guns

Melbourne terror attack plot suspects arrested in police raids over mass shooting fears


Three men arrested on suspicion of plotting a terror attack in Melbourne had tried to source a semi-automatic rifle to kill as many people as possible in a crowded space, police have alleged.

The men, who are aged between 21 and 30, are from the city's northern suburbs, and had been under surveillance since March, police said.

They said the men — two of whom are brothers — were inspired by the Islamic State terror group.


Mr Ashton said the men had made attempts in the past few days to obtain a 0.22 semi-automatic rifle to carry out the attack, but would not confirm if attempts were made to obtain more than one rifle.

"Recently, over about the last week, they've become more energised so there's certainly been a lot of publicity and talk about terrorism and certainly public place activity," Mr Ashton said.

"We had the Bourke Street [car attack] trial on as well so there was certainly a lot of public awareness around mass casualties and terrorism over recent times.

"I don't know whether that's played a role or not. But certainly over the last week they've become energised about doing something more quickly."

via International Skeptics Forum

Being Black in a Lecture...

Another totally not racist incident....

So a black female student is in a lecture and has her feet up on the empty seat in front of her.

Does the Professor....

A) Ignore it.
B) Ask the student to take her feet off the chair.
C) Stop the lecture to demand that the student leave the lecture
D) Stop the lecture to yell racist obscenities at the student
E) Leave the lecture theatre and call the cops on the student.

If you picked "E" congratulations, you're a winner.

Of course we can be sure that this totally wasn't racism because the College says so, and of course any white student merely sitting there quietly with their feet on the chair in front of them would of course be removed from the lecture by the police... actually I guess they wouldn't. Hmmm.

via International Skeptics Forum

Scientists unravel secret of cube-shaped wombat faeces

An early contender for next year’s IgNobels?

via International Skeptics Forum

Shameless Joe Nickel

This thread is about Shameless Joe Nickel, one of the more prominent public faces of the skeptics’ movement. Shameless Joe also holds the dubious honor of being the first ever inductee into the Skeptibunkers Hall of Shame. He earned his spot with this ludicrous explanation for the following Implausible Plausibile™ in this documentary about Human Levitation:

Go to the 14 min. mark and watch for yourselves how Shameless Joe bumbles his way through his debunking of the Flying Friar and ends up with the most asinine conclusion I’ve ever heard.

I’m surprised no one has called him out on this kind of drivel before. After all, he’s out there representing you guys as one of the more prominent faces of the Skeptics’ movement. So what say you?

via International Skeptics Forum

dimanche 18 novembre 2018

Dude in the US done for 3 murders, so owns up to over 90

Forgive me if already posted

Far out

Four unsolved cases, so far prove to back up his claims

I think he may have issues

via International Skeptics Forum

What was the worst interwar dicatatorship?

Which of the three major European dictatorships in the interwar period was the worst.

By worst I mean how bad would it have been if you were an average citizen living there. For example, if you chose Germany you are imagining being a non-minority German living in the Third Reich.

via International Skeptics Forum

"Conspiracy Granny" Jodie Mann committed..... a federal prison for mental health treatment

She and Robert Ussery (link: The Guardian) had previously confronted the pastor of the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs claiming that the shooting there was a hoax.

See HERE (link: NBC 5)


via International Skeptics Forum

Jews For Jesus

Interesting but most disturbing, that when a religion evolves where an effort is made to meld two faiths, that new faith is condemned by both of the parent faiths.


It's a controversial belief, and one that gained international attention a fortnight ago when US Vice-President Mike Pence invited a Messianic Jewish leader onstage during a rally for the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting victims.
The Jewish Democratic Council of America condemned this decision, stating: "So-called Messianic Jews are not a part of the Jewish community, and espouse views considered deeply offensive."

via International Skeptics Forum

Ordering a take-out whilst white, and American

"Thug who savagely stabbed US tourist, 20, and left him fighting for his life in a chip shop in Birmingham is jailed for 18 years as video of attack is released"


The angry men threatened customers before turning their attention to the 20-year-old after noticing he was American... Fearon then quickly stabs the victim eight times in the side.
Obviously this isn't the severity level of a black couple suspected of shoplifting, or a black woman being asked for ID whilst standing outside an apartment, but nevertheless I feel it warrants comment.

via International Skeptics Forum

2004, 2011 ja 2018 Tsunams and Earthquake, delay and some strong weather phenomena

The solar system has extra energy / pushing force by the Sun and into and in of the planet, releasing energy / pushing force that produces highly affecting weather phenomena.

In December 2004, the tsunami and the earthquake.

Day after that, a very powerful energy pulse penetrates the Earth.

2005 4 x Greatest Class 5 Hurricane and, Much Much Hurricane.

2005 and 2006 strong sunshine.
An energy pulse to the solar system, part of which protruded into the sun and strengthened the expansion and the surface of the new deterrent projecting towards the surface towards the penetration.

Same thing in Jupiter. Jupiter's Red Spot jr 2006 is about a year behind Jupiter.

2011 Japanese Tsunami and Earthquake on March 11, 2011

25 - 28 April 2011 with a short delay of 80 years the biggest and the strongest in the Tornado Horns in the southeastern United States.

According to the article published on June 9, 2011, the largest solar eruption in the last five years, that is, the last hassle, after December 2004 after the delays of the Solar Delay, the largest.

In May 2012 there is a powerful sunshine

2012 In July, 150 years, the strongest solar eruption.

2018 After the Tsunami in Indonesia, there are still no strong Sunsets / Sunstorms

Otherwise, an exceptional weather phenomenon.
California forest fires most recently.

On the other hand, was there a deepening dark matter from the supermassive object of the galaxy center that had expanded intensely within the Sun and thereby exposed the Sun to a new deterrent to the surface of the Sun if it reached its speed of expulsion.

There was, but how close to the Sun's surface had come to pass. Its delay.


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samedi 17 novembre 2018

Stealing From a Restaurant and Returning to Steal Again While Black


A manager at a St. Paul Chipotle was fired this week after a video went viral of employees refusing to serve five black men and asking them to prove they could pay before taking their order.

Masud Ali, 21, said he and friends were told they couldn’t be served Thursday night at the eatery on Grand Avenue and were accused of being customers from an earlier night who weren’t able to pay for their meal.
Link thing here.

via International Skeptics Forum

Microscope suggestions

Christmas season. Want to find a microscope. I only have experience in lab classes. What I need: inexpensive (I make hardly anything). Ability to see paramecium and other eukaryotes. What I’d like: to see bacteria. Bonus: digital images.
I love camping, especially by water, and I think it would be fun with kids to be able to sample water and see who lives there

via International Skeptics Forum

I have 911 posts.

Not including this one.

Coincidence? THERE IS NO SUCH THING. :eek:

via International Skeptics Forum

vendredi 16 novembre 2018

Dozens of Nazis arrested in Florida; had arsenal of illegal guns and bombs

It started out as a drug-trafficking investigation; but when the feds began arresting the alleged traffickers, boy howdy were they in for a surprise


Thirty-nine members of the United Aryan Brotherhood and Unforgiven neo-Nazi groups were arrested in a Florida drug trafficking sting — and one had functional pipe bombs in his home.

Tampa’s WFTS-TV reported that the multi-agency sting codenamed “Operation Blackjack,” a three-year-long investigation, led to the seizure of more than 110 illegal firearms, a rocket launcher and two pipe bombs from the individuals mostly based in Pasco County, Florida.
Wonder what the white-supremacists were planning on doing with those.

via International Skeptics Forum

In this thread Trump critics complement the president

Well, Trump...



Oh! Trump has managed to get white supremacists to publicly expose themselves.

via International Skeptics Forum

California Wildfires caused by Directed Energy Weapons

California Wildfires Have Spawned a Truly Weird New Conspiracy Theory

I find the overlap of these theories interesting. There is already a thread here in CT about "targeted individuals" believing that the government is lasering them, even drying up their slobber while they sleep. And QAnon has a thread. And HAARP. So why not DEW-spawned wildfires?


The claim, being taken up by an increasing number of people in QAnon circles, is that the fires are caused by “directed energy weapons”—that is, government-directed lasers bent on destroying homes, property, and lives. And if recent history is any judge, there’s a chance the country’s biggest conspiracy-peddlers, up to and including the one who lives in the White House, will take up the cause.


Inevitably, the conspiracy theory is migrating to bigger and bigger accounts. On Thursday, a far-right internet personality and QAnon booster named Mike Tokes, who has 170,000 Twitter followers, aggressively took up the cause, using the same line of argument: some homes burned, others didn’t, thus lasers must be at work.
And it might have to do with high-speed rail. (*EXACTLY means "exactly" for definitions of "exactly" that don't mean "exactly")

Here's a video:


via International Skeptics Forum

More evidence of US facism ascendant in Wisconsin

Baraboo High School students in their prom photo engaged in an act of racial/political terrorism by making a mass Nazi salute. Once again we see the proof of the US' slide into fascist thought.

When will this stop? Better yet, when will the decent people of America drive these hateful monsters out of our midst and ensure justice and peace returns to our land?

via International Skeptics Forum

ACLU Sells Out

The Education Department has officially released new rules on how to enforce Title IX, the federal statute that forbids sex and gender-based discrimination in public schools. here is a primer on the new Regs from Washington Post to get you up to speed.

Shockingly, the ACLU raised an objection to the regs that is absolutely stunning:

"It promotes an unfair process, inappropriately favoring the accused and letting schools ignore their responsibility under Title IX to respond promptly and fairly to complaints of sexual violence."

-ACLU Tweet

"inappropriately favoring the accused" is not something I think anyone would ever have conceived the ACLU as arguing, but there it is.

Here is an article collecting objections to the ACLU's outrageous position


Even on this front, though, the critics of Title IX reform seem to forget that the students who face sexual misconduct adjudication on campus are—as best we can tell—disproportionately men of color and immigrants. Who will speak for them, if not civil liberties organizations?
Really mind boggling....

via International Skeptics Forum

[Continuation] Brexit: Now What? Part 6. Pick up sticks...

I asked this elsewhere on the interweb, but has the PM ever alluded to No Brexit (ie Remaining) as an option before?
Because she did last night:

"This deal, which delivers on the vote of the referendum, which brings back control of our money, laws and borders, ends free movement, protects jobs, security and our Union; or leave with no deal, or no Brexit at all."

Mod Info
Thread continued from here.

You may quote or reply to any post from that or any previous section of this thread.
Posted By:zooterkin

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"Separating out individuals for special notice makes no sense".

Personally I find the following slightly annoying.

I'm all for the encouragement of all, because it is bleedingly obvious, but children need to learn that in life you don't always get things, and how to deal with it.

And who knows where he gets "ranking" from in a prize giving to a few outstanding students


Primary school cancels prizegiving: 'Schools are not about ranking and sorting'

An Auckland primary school has cancelled its school prizegiving to move away from ranking students against each other and boost self-motivation.

Silverdale Primary School, on Auckland's Hibiscus Coast, announced the decision to cancel its prizegiving in an October school newsletter.

Principal Cameron Lockie wrote that there were a number of reasons the school had decided that it will no longer have an end-of-year prizegiving, saying there was a counterproductive nature in rewarding children and the ranking and sorting of students as better than others.

"Children are likely to become enthusiastic, lifelong learners as a result of being provided with an engaging curriculum; a safe, caring community in which to discover and create; and a significant degree of choice about what, and how and why, they are learning," Lockie wrote.

"Rewards – like punishments – are unnecessary when these things are present, and are ultimately destructive in any case.

"There is abundant research showing that awards, rewards and other external incentives undermine intrinsic motivation. For the majority of children who don't receive awards, the prizegiving spurs boredom, anger or resentment."

Lockie said that handing out awards at the end of year prizegiving doesn't align with the school's beliefs and values.

He also said that "separating out individuals for special notice makes no sense".

"Schools are not about ranking and sorting. They are about learning and creativity in a safe and caring environment. They are about empowering all children, not just the ones that are strong at the core subjects.

"If we continuously tell our children that every single one of them is important to our school, I do not see how end-of-year prizegiving aligns with this belief. Do you?"

The announcement was said to have caused "a lot of talk" in the community, which led to Lockie clarifying his decision in a newsletter on Wednesday.

He explained that not all reward systems would be discarded, with placings still available in things like sports events, speech competitions, and team awards.

"By rewarding a few we find that it discourages the others. We are trying to get our children to succeed because they want to succeed and not because of a reward at the end which is subjective at best," he wrote.

"The sporting awards are easy to give out, if you win the cross country race you get first, not subjective. Everyone can understand this.

"Try explaining to a child that has tried hard all year with their learning that they didn't get the Commitment to Learning award because someone else was trying harder, this is subjective."

However, the decision has garnered mixed reaction from the Silverdale community.

Silverdale resident Tracey Smith questioned how students would handle progressing through to high school.

"I think many have forgotten that we live in an extremely competitive society. If we don't teach our kids to be the best they can be and learn how to fail sometimes they will be very disillusioned when they hit the real world," she said.

"I teach my kids to give 100 per cent of themselves but if they don't achieve their target that's okay. Keep going and never give up."

But Theresa Yaroshevich applauded Silverdale Primary School for their bravery.

"I have long admired the work of author Alfie Kohn, after reading his book Punished by Rewards. His conclusions are backed by research and so sensible," she said.

"The prizegiving ceremonies have always struck me as awkward and onerous to sit through. I hope [other schools] will take a similar stand and dispense with this outdated practice."

The Herald has approached Silverdale Primary School for comment but did not receive a reply before deadline.

via International Skeptics Forum

Julian Assange Charged in a Sealed Indictment

The charge was supposed to be sealed, but was accidentally revealed, possibly due to a simple cut and paste error.

Listening to Frank Figluzzi (former FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence) on The 11th hour tonight, has says that this may have huge consequences for the Russia Investigation. He thinks that Robert Mueller's apparent strategy is to tell the story of Trump's Corruption through the indictments of others. If he has anything to do with this indictment of Assange, it could simply be another chapter of that story. Figluzzi believes that Mueller is in possession of much more information of a classified nature than anyone could have imagined.

If you forced me to make a prediction about what will happen in the next few days, I would say that an indictment is about to drop, and that it will drop on Roger Stone.

ETA: I didn't know where this belonged, so I dropped it here in a thread on its own in USA Politics. However, it may be directly related to the Russia Investigation (only time will tell) so if the mods wish to merge it with that thread, I have no objections.

via International Skeptics Forum

jeudi 15 novembre 2018

The kilogram is about to be redefined

Reality is about to change. The kilogram which until now, has been defined as the mass of a certain artefact (or big K) held in a vault in Paris. They will define the kilogram by defining as planks constant as exactly 6.62607015 X 10^-34 Js. This then determines how big a kilogram is.

This will mean that the values for the kelvin, mole and ampere will all now be fixed.

Avogadro's constant will be 6.02214076 X 10^23
The charge on an electron will be 1.602176634X10^-19C
Boltzmann constant = 1.380649X10^-23J/K

See this YouTube for details



This thread is a duplicate of this one Started in 2007. So the discussion has been going on for some time. Come to think of it my science teacher mentioned it in the 1970s.

via International Skeptics Forum

The Biggest Problem in Science

The biggest problem in science

Humans have a deep-seated emotional need to believe they understand their world and there is a lot of money to be made fulfilling that need. And since most science consumers don't have the time or the education to put much effort into it, the most money can be made giving these educated science consumers excuses for why they don't actually have to literally understand it. *And so--for reasons of fiscal necessity--many sciences have dumbed down their models to go with the flow of what people want to believe. The thinking goes as such. Everybody has sat in their car, windows closed, on a hot day. Therefore everybody will find it easy to believe that CO2 traps heat, hence the greenhouse effect. Everybody has seen a pot boiling on a stove produce a mushroom cloud of vapor, like a thunderstorm. *Therefore everybody will find it easy to believe the water in the atmosphere acts the same way, hence the convection model of storm theory.

One consequence of this is that certain assumptions that are associated with the models have to be concealed, ignored, or effectively dismissed by the people that maintain them. *And it is for this reason that there are certain concepts in every discipline that are sacred. Their validity is beyond dispute and cannot be contradicted without the person being shunned by the larger discipline. Or, more simply put, certain subjects are taboo. You won't find a meteorologist willing to field questions about or participating in a discussion about the implications of the fact that the boiling temperature of H2O is much higher than that in the ambient environment. They are members of a discipline that is fundamentally obsessed with maintaining its public image. *Likewise, you won't find a climatologists willing to discuss the known fact that the overall thermal effect of CO2 on the atmosphere is miniscule compared to H2O.

And so, by appealing to the emotional need of science consumers to believe they understand what they actually don't, the discipline of meteorology (for purposes of its own survival) effectively panders to the lowest common denominator of the science consuming public with dumbed down models that gives some of the more ambitious but equally gullible members of the populace all the ammunition they need to shout down and drown out anybody that points out the parts of their models that are cartoonish nonsense. (Like the surreal belief (superstition) that H2O magically becomes gaseous at temperatures/pressures far below its boiling temperature/pressure.)

James McGinn / Solving Tornadoes

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Teaching our youth critical thinking skills.

Could this possibly be done in a classroom setting? The aim here, is to equip students with a set of general problem-solving approaches that can be applied to any given circumstance. I'm also thinking it could help nip in the bud a huge number of conspiracy theories. Thoughts?

via International Skeptics Forum

In this thread Trump supporters criticise the president

A thread that will offer perspective on what Trump supporters see as the president’s greatest failings, missteps and character weaknesses. I would prefer that people on the other side of the American politcal chasm do not offer speculation on this here.

via International Skeptics Forum

Australia's NRA-Inspired Gun Lobby

How Australia’s NRA-inspired gun lobby is trying to chip away at gun control laws, state by state


One of the more noticeable ad campaigns in the upcoming Victoria state election comes from a seemingly unlikely source. The Shooting Industry Foundation of Australia (SIFA) seeks to unwind Australia’s gun regulations, and knows that state governments are as good a place as any to start.

SIFA is a key part of Australia’s gun lobby, and uses the same tactics as its American equivalent, the National Rifle Association (NRA). Like the NRA, SIFA seeks to co-opt democratic norms to force change, even when it is directly at odds with overwhelming public opinion.
We do not want to turn into another America. SIFA does not yet have the political capital that the NRA does (read: puppets in government), fortunately. But this is an example of America directly influencing attitudes and - if SIFA gets its way - public policy in overseas countries.

via International Skeptics Forum