lundi 17 septembre 2018

NZ Police use of force report 2017: US posters may find this particularly interesting

Cut a long story short our police have pretty comprehensive statistical recording of any incidents where force has had to be used by police.

It records everything from guns being discharged all the way down to handcuffs being used and bare handed.

Also official complaints by people of over use of force

2017 has been released

Makes for quite an interesting read given the propensity in stories from the US in particular to tend to go for the shoot people method of deescalating confrontations .

Couple of obvious highlights

While our police don't carry guns. The majority of police cars do carry firearms in lock boxes if the situation requires them to use them and they get permission to grab them.

Our entire police force discharged a gun 10 times in 2017: Four of were misses, three caused non-fatal injuries, and three were fatal.

Pepper spray and tasers when hands don't work are the go to and even then, just showing them the taser worked over 80% of the time

One obvious not great one is the 12% injured cops, but not sure how this compares to other countries, or frankly what counts as an "injury". Knowing our health an safety laws it could be a pricked finger.

Below is the article on it (includes a link to the full reports for the last few years

Below that is the full report for 2017


Full report 2017

via International Skeptics Forum

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