jeudi 19 décembre 2019

Quantum Supremacy — Factoring Large Primes


Quantum Computing Supremacy Fight — Google Versus IBM by Chris Roberts

Multiply 1,048,589 by 1,048,601, and you’ll get 1,099,551,473,989.
Does this blow your mind? It should, maybe! That 13-digit prime number
is the largest-ever prime number to be factored by a quantum computer,
one of a series of quantum computing-related breakthroughs (or at least
claimed breakthroughs) achieved over the last few months of the decade.

An IBM computer factored this very large prime number about two months
after Google announced that it had achieved “quantum supremacy”—a clunky
term for the claim, disputed by its rivals including IBM as well as others, that
Google has a quantum machine that performed some math normal computers
simply cannot.

What would really blow my mind?
Factoring complex numbers like quaternions.

P. S. Obligatory math joke:

Q: How do you solve the Ramen Hypothesis?
A: Use your big noodle.

via International Skeptics Forum

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