mardi 31 mars 2020

Which businesses/sectors are profiting from Covis-19?

This thread was prompted by a conversation with a daughter about her job. She said income has increased and her job is rock solid. She works for a company involved in regulating the energy sector (with a great emphasis on safety) and is classified as an emergency service.

Okay, with dominoes falling over everywhere, which sectors are doing well (my observations are from an Australian perspective of course)?

Supermarkets? Probably, but I’m not certain.

Pharmacies? Without doubt.

Streaming Services? Again, without doubt.

Food and other delivery services? Pretty good bet.

Unilever? The world’s biggest producer of hand sanitiser is no doubt rubbing their hands (sorry).

Computer gaming? Pretty certain.

Robotics? Over the longer term, but I doubt now.

This is all off the top of my head (as is almost everything I post), but what do you think? Which businesses would be doing well at the moment?

via International Skeptics Forum

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