mercredi 27 mars 2019

O365 Groups - Who invited dis guy?

Good day all.

Having worked infrastructure and networking for far too long I have recently taken the plunge into a new area, namely Cloud and Cloud based applications.

After being the grizzled vet for many years I suddenly find myself being the 55 year old rookie.

One question has recently been brought up to me that has defied my Google-Fu to find an answer, and I am reaching out to the folks on this board hoping to find a solution.

Here's the question:

Is it possible to see who invited a user to an Office365 group? We have a situation where there is one owner of a test group who suddenly had several new members that he did not invite. It’s my understanding that anyone can invite another user but only the owner can remove them. Is there a way to tell what user invited the other users?

I'm still learning the product so any insight is appreciated.

via International Skeptics Forum

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