mardi 5 mai 2020

Copiosis? An alternative to Capitalism?

Was checking in on FaceBook and got hit with a weird ad about “Copiosis” saying that I could get free food and housing and other people could get rich providing it to me. I looked into it a little bit cause that just sounded nutty, and stumbled into somebodies alternative to capitalism.

The basic deal seems to be that rather that having money that people can exchange with each other, some big central authority issues Net Benefit Rewards (NBR for short). If you go out and do something of value for society, you get some NBR put into your account. If you go into a store and buy a luxury item, such as a fancy watch, you will have NBR deducted from your account.

The weird thing is the NBRs are non-transferable. They cannot be lost, stolen, or given away. They are only created and put in your account when you do something that benefits society, and are deleted when you buy a luxury. The person providing you luxuries would be given NBRs by that same authority calculating the net societal value of them producing and distributing that luxury. Basic food and shelter are not actually “Free”, but are provided at no cost to you by people earning NBRs by feeding and housing people.

Anyways, these guys apparently have done an ad buy on Facebook and the idea will probably be turning up in forums like this one. So, first!

Also, I really do think that it is an interesting idea, and we might be at the technological point where we can actually do this. I had questions (not sure how torts are resolved if NBRs are non-transferable), but before I got too deep into it and became one of “those people” I wanted to put it out there for discussion.

via International Skeptics Forum

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