jeudi 9 avril 2020

Charlotte Figi dies. Medical Marijuana reduced seizures.

Over the past few years I have watched Charlotte's (who I believe was 13 when she died) story with great interest. Born with a seizure disorder that was chronic, frequent (a seizure every few minutes) and unmanageable. Until her parents fought to try CBD in hopes it would slow down the frequency and intensity of the seizure.

It worked well for the child. Allowing her to leave her padded room at times and have some sense of normality. It gave her a few more years of life that had not been predicted for her.

It also highlighted the fact that marijuana had some useful health benefits, and seemed to lift a great deal of stigma attached.

My 13 yr old granddaughter was born with a cyst on her brain (inoperable) which causes seizures. Recently she was prescribed CBC. It has been about 2 or 3 months that she started taking it. So far, no change.

RIP Charlotte.

via International Skeptics Forum

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