mercredi 22 avril 2020

11 words from John Oliver that expose Fox News' fundamental hypocrisy


"They only pretend to believe these things on television for money."

11 words from John Oliver that expose Fox News' fundamental hypocrisy


(CNN) - HBO's John Oliver dedicated his entire 21-minute show on Sunday night to a deep dive into false information being peddled by Fox News and other conservative media outlets about the coronavirus, and the impacts those falsehoods are having on President Donald Trump and his decision-making.

It's a stunning exposé into, as Oliver puts it, how "the feedback loop between Fox and Trump has run way ahead of the science." (You can -- and should -- watch the whole segment here.)

But there was one thing -- actually one sentence of 11 words -- that really stood out to me in the Oliver segment. And it was this, when he was talking about Fox News' coronavirus coverage:

"They only pretend to believe these things on television for money."

The point Oliver was making was that even as many Fox News anchors were pushing the idea that coronavirus was less virulent than the flu and that it was the product of a hyper-partisan media trying to "get" Trump, the company was warning its employees to stay at home and "reducing the staff footprint at our headquarters in New York."

I'll stop quoting there, but the point is that Faux News is telling its viewers to go out and risk their health and lives while they tell employees to stay home. They don't give a **** what happens to their viewers, it's entirely about money.

We knew this of course, but Oliver makes it absolutely clear.


via International Skeptics Forum

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