jeudi 15 août 2019

Bullsh!t Receptivity it's a real term

I was watching this video titled: Why Do Flat Earth Believers Still Exist?
and while watching it I learned a new real terminology called "bullsh!t receptivity". So I got curious, searched and saw sites dealing with it. Here's one of them. Also learned "schizotypy" after reading the article.

Schizotypy and bullsh!t receptivity predict belief in conspiracy theories

New research provides evidence that belief in conspiracy theories is more likely among people with certain personality traits and cognitive styles. The study appears in the Journal of Individual Differences. “I was struck by the impression that conspiracy theories have begun to take hold in the mainstream of our culture to a greater degree than in the past,” said study author Joshua Hart, an associate professor of psychology at Union College.

via International Skeptics Forum

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