mardi 2 juin 2020

Can relativism save you in a religious community?


Well, this is my situation : I am an atheist in a religious country, I cannot make friends or date a girl without making it clear that I am non-religious. And it always end up by rejection. I still cannot find a wife, although I am in my thirties. I always try to convince myself that I am the one who rejects people, and I cope using methods from stoicism...

I just want to socialize with others, and get rid of this urge to correct them if, deep down, I think they are wrong (especially on religious matters)? I am not convinced that relativism is true, because I am sure truth is grounded on objective reality.

But I think that relativism is a healthy position, if you want to function normally in such a society, because I feel like I am a robot on the autistic spectrum.

I don't want to care anymore about what is true or what is logical, and I want to keep my convictions to myself. Can relativism help in such a situation?

Thank you,


via International Skeptics Forum

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