vendredi 16 août 2013

HTML help (Submit Buttons, etc)

I need to make a some really, really vanilla submit buttons.

One where I can type into a form, and it populates a data file. I'd make a CSV or whatever, and the data I'd input would populate that CSV when I hit "Enter"

And another that I'd choose a file from. So it'll have a "Browse" or "Choose File" button, and another to Submit that chosen file - submitting it would simply drop it into another folder maybe on a server somewhere. IE - click browse, select a file from my desktop and hitting submit saves it on a server. works I suppose.

Does anyone know of a place where such templates are located and I can just do a simple copy-paste into a text editor?

Bonus points if you can just reply with the appropriate code, as it's most likely the most simple thing you can do with HTML.

Must be HTML because the end result will be used in a software package I'm trying to learn here at work - PlanetPress.

via JREF Forum

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