lundi 26 août 2013

"We Paid Our Money, so You Will Let Our Kid Hit You!!!"

So... at several Renfaires, among other duties, I play a troll. A nice troll who is surprisingly well versed in math, chemistry, & physics. My sister & I are tormented by an evil wizard who bullies us & often steals things from us so we recruit children to help us get it back. (A LARP for kids)

This weekend, our wizard wasn't in place for our final puzzle, so we made up someting on the fly & while the kids were getting their reward, I went to look for him to make sure he was ok. He was not...

A group of several kids, not on the LARP, ages 6-10 had surrounded him & were beating on him with wooden swords & axes. Close by their parents were cheering them on. I yell back to my group to get security & run over. Yelling for them to stop. Being a crazy looking blue/purple guy with tusks, claws, & pigtails comes in handy because they stop immediately... Then one of the dads yells "Oooo! A monster get him too guys!" One of the larger kids charges & swings his axe at my stomach like he's Mickey Mantle & I get my arm down to block. It hits my bracer hard enough to break the axe.

Daddy dearest goes nuts & the parents now surround me. "What the hell is wrong with you! He's just a kid! Where's your manager!?!" I just stand there because the rest of my crew is getting our wizard out of there & I can see security approaching. I explain (admittedly with an edge to my voice) that their kids can't run around hitting people with... well anything really. They scream about how I should've chosen a different line of work if I didn't want to accept the consequences of this. They paid good money to be entertained & if their kids found it entertaining to kick the arse of a liberal arts reject then that's what they'd do!

Then Greg security got there & they suddenly calmed down... might have been the uniform... or the fact that Greg is 6'6" 290lbs. We were taken backstage & I went to check on Sean (wizard) several nasty bruises, sprained wrist, bloody nose, & his mask was broken.

When the group was informed they were horrified... that the mask was harmed. "Gasp! It was a commision piece?!?"

Sigh... end rant...

via JREF Forum

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