mardi 18 juin 2019

The Latest News from the Alternative Reality Selection

Ron Unz and his merry band of followers continue the tradition of someone blundering onto a source, entirely unaware of the context or the counterarguments, and trumpeting it as the suppressed but Out There revealed truth.

First off, we have Robert B. Stinett's Day of Deceit, given the slack-jawed astounded view treatment by one J. Alfred Powell, apparently here for the first time. (If there is a J. Alfred Powell.)

All the Pearl Harbor discussion here, all the work of the sadly missed Gawzilla Sama, seems to have passed over this person's head.

Then we have the editor, the redoubtable Mr. Unz his own self, with his usual "I didn't know anything about this until I read this book" aw-shucks 'taint nuthin' attitude, reviewing Joseph Bendersky's The "Jewish Threat" -- and completely reversing Bendersky's conclusions!

All this takes off from Murray Rothbard's whole-hearted embrace of the Old Right world-view, arguing as if Harry Elmer Barnes had been silenced because he Spoke Truth To Power, and not because no one bothered to listen to an old crank cranking out blather. And so on down, via Lew Rockwell, who reprinted the two said articles.

Unz and Paul Craig Roberts, another contributor to the site, both once had some credibility. The ill-informed (as Unz brags of himself) may grant them that, and see this as the credible "other side" of the argument.

By the time they wear out their welcome, others will come forward to take their place.


via International Skeptics Forum

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