samedi 7 avril 2018

Kevin Williamson Fired From Atlantic

Kevin Williamson is that delightful conservative Atlantic snatched away from National Review so they could have more diversity of thought. Nothing wrong with that. The only problem is, he once tweeted women who get abortions should be hanged (his twitter account was deleted, so we can't exactly say he had the courage to stand by his convictions). The calls for his resignation poured in. Atlantic stood their ground. Then MediaMatters dug up a Podcast where he said the same thing, Atlantic editor Goldberg talked to Williamson and says Williamson actually believes that crazy ********, and that was enough. Exit Kevin Williamson.

The reaction on the Right was apoplectic. Of course it was. But seriously? Are conservatives so far off the deep end they can't see how saying women who have abortions should be hanged is beyond the pale? Any conservatives here want to argue Atlantic overreacted?

Here's a good take on the story:

via International Skeptics Forum

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