vendredi 16 août 2013

JULY Stundie Finals (the 2013 version)


Wow, thank goodness this happened. It would have really sucked if humans evolved on Earth before it was made suitable for us to live on it. Reminds me of the Nitrous Worms that keep trying to evolve in my back yard despite our atmosphere causing them to explode violently on contact. Pity the poor things.


Nobody wants you to know that even our solar system is specially shielded against the entire universe

There's love out there for you that you never even knew existed, puny human.

Somebody has gone to enormous lengths to make this planet a decent place to live. It is a miracle we can exist here at all. What a wonderful home we have.


I hate it when they shut down busy airports and no one talks about it. You show up to pick up the new exchange student from Kiribati and some guard is all like "sorry it is shut down to plant a fake aircrash."


Did any flights land at SF airport on the day immediately prior to the event?


For far too long people have neglected to model the hovering block aspect of the World Trade Center.


There's nothing fantasy oriented about Minecraft.

You can add fantasy modifications to the game, but I'm not planning to.

What you can do easily in Minecraft is build models. Several other people have built models of Ground Zero, one of them much more detailed than mine.

But these people aren't 9/11 Truthers. They just built the model as a memorial instead of using it as a research tool as I plan to.


LOG ENTRY 51: Frustration. Magnets continue to attract ferrous metals. Mass still seems to attract mass. Momentum remains constant absent outside forces. Grant money running low. Sixth graders continue to mock me. Depression setting in.


Why is science such a tight-knit group? It seems as though every real industry company is also doing hoaxing on the side to support a false demand. Hence, NASA does some real science and some fake science. They control the truth and they control the debate on it. So it goes with all the steps of this pyramid.

Why have we gone so long without testing Earth science for ourselves, why have we so easily fallen for the claptrap and parlor tricks given to us in high school and universities to explain physics? Why are we so satisfied to accept previous findings and retest them the same way, why can't we re-test basic physics and find more real evidence for our real cosmology?

Is it because most of us only desire to be at the top of this pyramid accepted as an "elite", so we worry about 'grades' and 'certificates' and we have no compassion for our less informed or more creative fellows?


Yes, lots of casual sex to battle sexual permissiveness. Lots of church to battle programmed behaviors and attitudes. Lots of patriarchy to battle inequality. IT ALL MAKES SO MUCH SENSE!


Men need "game" to understand how secularism, feminism and mass media society has brainwashed him and spiritually and psychologically emasculated him with programmed behaviors and attitudes. Christian men need it to understand PRECISELY and clearly see how the forces of satan (feminism, equalitarianism, sexual permissiveness) has infiltrated the houses of worship and turned it into Churchianity.


And this is why I tell people to go into the swamp that the "experts" insist have lots of alligators which surely means there are none. Strangely I never see those people again.


The proof of the pudding that there are conspiracies at high levels of society is media's insistence that there are NONE.


I'm pretty sure fertility, alcohol and genitalia do not work this way.


Women by nature are predetermined in their D.N.A to get pregnant and reproduce, and until they reach menopause they need a constant supply of penis to provide fertility. Your girlfriend might prefer your penis, but once the alcohol kicks in and she is inebriated, your penis is useless.


Ha, it is not like air, rock and water all have mass and therefore act perfectly in line with the theory of gravitation. And it isn't like water pushes back against other objects. We'll just ignore that in our continued quest for Force Fairies.


I have no idea why the massive vacuum of space doesn't 'suck away' and equalize our atmosphere with the void of outer space - but then again, perhaps its repellent force against air might 'compress' our planet's atmosphere against the Earth's surface? As for gravity, which no one has ever satisfactorily explained, may it possibly be caused by the sheer, tremendous force/weight of air pressure (1kg per cm² or 10 tons on an area of 1m²!!!) pushing us against the Earth surface, thus counteracting the inferior centrifugal force of the spinning Earth? To be sure, gravity is not a 'constant and absolute' force emitted from within the core of our planet - or else, when swimming at sea, you would be plumetting down towards the seabed at 9.8m/s²!


Hey, I have this great idea, instead of hitting the hugely symbolic undefended target with thousands of people inside let's hit an immensely strong concrete edifice with almost no one inside that has zero symbolism.


Had 9/11 not been an inside job any hijack attack on the Pentagon would have been a failure and any professional terrorist would know this.They would have chosen any of the thousands of undefended targets around Boston or NYC, like Indian Point nuclear power plant,that would have resulted in thousands of causalities.They attacked the Pentagon because they KNEW beforehand that there would be no response. Where is the footage from the hundreds of other cameras trained on the Pentagon?


Crafty. To make sure we lose the scent of this plot to resurrect Babylon for reasons unknown they chose another name. I blame this on Kate's obvious Akkadian roots (I assume everyone with "ka" in their name is Akkadian).


William and Kate's Baby will be a boy and will be called David

Now David Beckham has hinted to call the baby David.

As we now have a Jew Prince (Diana's real farther being James Goldsmith) and Kate's Mother (maiden name also Goldsmith) the bible prophecy of Isaiah is being played out

As the Jew bloodline is carried through the mother's side not the fathers side it is only a matter of months that GB will be ruled by a Jew and the JEW WORLD ORDER will start to unfold.

Babylon is rising


I keep telling you trail mix is racist! I fail to see how that is idiotic!


So you still believe 3000 real people died on 9/11 then?

No, they don't always sacrifice real fresh-and-blood victims. It happens (say, the bombing of Dresden or Baghdad) but it's more common that they simply make up the identities of fake victims. I fail to see how this hypothesis is 'idiotic.'


Interesting. I could have sworn snow and ice melts in the arctic during the summer. I wonder what other official explanations there are to things that aren't true? Like is the reason penguins transform into taffy during full moons because of despondent fonts?


The second problem is that this axial tilt would cause our Northern icecap to be inclined by about 23.5° towards the sun in our Northern summer - and our Southern icecap to be inclined towards the sun by the same amount in our Southern summer. So how come – one may wonder, that our icecaps do not melt during these sunny, night-less summer months? Official explanation: "The sunlight's angle of incidence doesn't really affect the temperatures on Earth."


It is almost like things with more mass take longer to accelerate and that this might be advantageous to keep humans alive that ride them. How strange.


this ATLAS rocket appears to take off at the incredibly leisurely speed of about 20mph - or 32km/h. That is, in fact the AVERAGE speed of this rocket in its first 100m of flight. This means that, in its first 50meters of flight, it travels even slower than 20mph. Imagine that - and try envisioning the real-world physics involved in maintaining this heavy, 58-meter tall rocket upright - against the forces of gravity. Does this sound plausible to you - even if you are (most probably) not a rocket scientist?

Now, we have all seen military missiles (Tomahawks/Cruise/Scuds, etc) taking off from their launch platforms. I am personally more inclined to believe that such deadly weapons of destruction exist and that they are - sadly - very real. Well, they certainly do not take off at slow, bicycle speeds. If you put a human being inside them, he/she will immediately be killed by the massive G-forces of the sudden acceleration of these powerful rocket devices. Instead, ever since the ol' Apollo launches shown on TV in the sixties, we have been conditioned to think/accept that bigger rockets ("because of their superior mass", we are told) will take off at initial speeds comparable to that of a running man - or cyclist.

Could these rather absurd, "slow-motion" lift offs we have seen for decades possibly have been dictated by the need to imprint in our minds the plausibility of asstronots surviving such rockets' G-loaded acceleration?


Things with less gravity repel things coming in their direction, right? Yeah, I'm just going with that. Screw facts reality.


The Moon has only 17% of Earth's gravity.

How can meteors make craters on its surface then?

Their speed would be greatly diminished before impact.


Crap, my spheres fell to the ground again. How will I ever prove gravity exists if this keeps happening? If only the force that makes them fall didn't exist!


Yeah, gravity is nonsense. 'Scientists' can't make spheres hang in nothing and rotate around each other just because one is bigger than the other. If it can't be created in a lab and extracted the theory behind it is wrong!


This was boring until the end bit.


This week I will be really busy doing paperwork. I have a better understanding of how the provincial courts operate. My approach will be even more effective and also it will be documented. Please do come to New Westminster Provincial Court on August 14th 2013 and witness as I am about to make history. I promise that this time I won't get arrested again for something ridiculous. See you all there!


Ah, yes. This is another tale from the universe where mistakes never happen.


Looking at the Video the train had absolutly no chance off making that bend, no chance at all, and the driver should have known that.


- either the driver derailed the train on purpose,


- the driver was not in control of the train, ie the electronic computerized control systems of that train was hacked. (Blamed on computer hackers / terrorists of course)


Whoa there William Gates. When did you become omnicidal? Was that the reason for Windows Millennium Edition?


This goes right in line with what UN Agenda 21′s plans are for the “sprawl” which is people for those that do not know. They want to kill off 90% of world population, Bill Gates wants 100%. Sickening. This is the only way we can fight this is by exposing what they are doing. Although we have come a long way in exposing the truth and have made a lot of head way, the globalists are so infiltrated throughout our entire system and country that it is worse than the black widows spider web.


The people of Santo Domingo have a huge surprise in store for them.



Fyi, Monsanto is rebranding their name is MonSatan.

Doesn't it already mean "My Satan?" Mon means "my" in French or other languages & "Santo" means satan or derivative thereof: "MY SATAN!!!"


I might be crazy but I suspect I'm in the northern hemisphere and have never encountered this phenomenon. Maybe it did harm me so much I hallucinate sunrise and sunset each day? And why does the southern hemisphere get to avoid this?


well people certainly have learned to cope with it [full moon sleep disturbances] in the northern hemisphere, they get 6 months continuous darkness and 6 months continuous daylight. So no harm there, is there.

whoever is dishing this crap out out fails again.


As for what won from June, it was this beauty.


They are screwing up and we need to act NOW.

I am going to my courthouse RIGHT NOW to tell them. ACTION NEEDS TO BE TAKEN!! GO GO GO GO GO GO NOW


-update- (and risky as this is)

I went to the courthouse, but it is closed on the weekends.


via JREF Forum

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