lundi 3 février 2014

an akashic record

I am going to share what I take to be an akashic record. I am going to do so because I feel this is an area of considerable interest. I read some considerable portion of the recent post on this topic and, to say the least, the tone was mocking. I did not read a single post -- though they may be there --where the poster had any experience of such records, or the slightest curiosity no matter how skeptical. This bothered me. So I decided to post an experience with such a record.

Two provisions here. One is my experience of the record comes in a dream, an area of inquiry that brings hoots and hollers of mockery at the mere mention of it. I would simply remind you skeptical types that many discoveries of a mechanical and scientific nature came out of dreams including the key to Singer's radical design for the sewing machine and the ring structure of the benzene molecule not to mention Edison's little restorative "naps" when stuck on some project or other.

The other provision is the record is in some measure one that concerns depression of the psychological variety which I suffered some 40 years ago. If that discredits me, then thanks, you put me in the company of Lincoln, Beethoven and others who also suffered that condition.

Here is the record:

I am in the basement of the University of W (State University) Hospital where, some 40 years ago I saw an counselor for "acute depression" on the second floor above this basement. There is a massive, probably 15 or more feet in diameter, record imbedded in the concrete floor of the basement. The record is of the vinyl disc variety, what we would call a "dinosaur disc" today. My immediate impression is that it may well be the Solti recording of Gustav Mahler's vast Second Symphony, subtitled "The Resurrection." The Program of this work concerns the funeral of a Titan, said to be Prometheus, followed by a largely non specific resurrection of, perhaps, that Titan. (Mahler, as a Jew in Vienna was pretty much required to covert to Catholicism if he was to succeed. The Second Symphony is not necessarily Christian however.) My second impression is this is a medical record, perhaps one concerning depression, mine in particular, but in a larger sense depression in general and that it, the record contains information upon that "malady" upon which this modern hospital is based, founded -- suppressed or secret information as this is a "black disc" or record.

Not knowing how to access such a record, play it, I step out on it and walk along a part of the arc of one of the grooves. When I do a very famous major university neuropsychiatrist steps out from behind a partition at the back of the room, raises a revolver and shoots me through the chest, the bullet passing through my heart.

EOD End of Dream

Following this I was briefly in a hospital room drowning in my own blood, then "died" and went to "heaven" which is a whole other story where I became Albrecht Durer's melancholy angel from his etching Melancolia I which features in Dan Brown's book, The Lost Symbol, along with Noetic Science.

I will add one or two general impressions of all of this, then leave it up to you to do with this account as you see fit.

#1, I think in Anthony Peake terms this is a "past life review," visible here where I am accessing a place where I was "killed" to see how it happened. This may be "killed" in the sense of C. Nolan's Inception. I sure find out how!

#2, I think this record does demonstrate a cause of depression which is nothing less than the murder of Promethean human beings, the loss, suppression of all Promethean qualities.

So, is this an akashic record? Maybe. It is also a whole different level of human memory that has been intentionally suppressed to produce certain results -- more my take on what akashic records are.

Have fun.


via JREF Forum

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