vendredi 28 février 2014

Egyptian army invents "gaydar" divining rod


CAIRO (AP) — Egypt's military leaders have come under ridicule after the chief army engineer unveiled what he described as a "miraculous" set of devices that detect and cure AIDS, hepatitis and other viruses.


Professor Massimo Pinzani, a liver specialist and director of the Institute for Liver and Digestive Health at University College London, said he attended a demonstration of the C-Fast device during a visit to Egypt but "was not given convincing explanations about the technology" and wasn't allowed to try it for himself.


"I hope that the invention turns out to be true but I don't have confidence this is the case," said 35-year-old taxi driver Ahmed Morad. "I don't believe anyone ... everything is very confusing. It is like a salad."

I love the taxi driver's quotation! The photos in the article show what is presumably the C-FAST device. It looks like a diving rod to me and not that different from the quack device Iraqis spent millions on to detect IEDs at checkpoints.

via JREF Forum

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