mercredi 26 février 2014

Skeptical Bigfoot Articles

This may seem like a slightly strange request but I was approached by a BFF staff member and asked if I would like to contribute content to the Skeptic's Corner section of the BFF Virtual Library. There are a meager 5 articles there right now and there has been no new content since Nov 2012.

I have no idea if many members view the content but I do appreciate the offer to refresh the area. Who knows, maybe someone might read it? It certainly cannot hurt. The entries are not open to comment or attack. I would have write access, and other members can read at their leisure.

I sent a brief note to Sharon Hill and she seemed keen to have some of her stuff linked. I will see what her and I can do about getting permission to post entire articles rather than just links. I don't have a lot of experience in posting other people's content like this so I am leery of stepping on toes or breaking copyright laws, etc. So I am going to proceed cautiously.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I find the problem with bigfoot skeptical content is that there is simply not that much of it to be found.


via JREF Forum

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