mardi 10 novembre 2015

'Twas the witch of November come stealin'

Forty years ago today the SS Edmund Fitzgerald sank in Lake Superior with the deaths of all 29 crew aboard.

At the time of her construction (1958) the vessel was the largest freighter operating on the Great Lakes freighter, and is still the largest to have sunk there. She operated as a carrier of bulk iron ore, taconite from the Duluth mines, to various iron working cites on the lakes. However that winter storm (the 'Witch of November') would end her travels; while en-route to Detroit she and another freighter (the SS Arthur M. Anderson) were caught in hurricane force winds and waves over ten metres. A little after 19:10 the Fitzgerald sank suddenly about 28km from Whitefish Bay. No distress call was made, the captain had been optimistic ("We are holding our own") two hours earlier.

No bodies have ever been recovered; nor has the exact cause of the sinking been determined. Plausible possibilities include high waves, structural failure or loss of stability from water entering.

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via International Skeptics Forum

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