mardi 3 novembre 2015

New UK passport design "sexist" - should have stuck with wild birds!

BBC News: Sexism row over new UK passport design

"The government has been accused of sexism over the new UK passport design, which includes just two famous women to seven men.

The new passport focuses on UK figures and landmarks from the past 500 years.

Architect Elisabeth Scott and mathematician Ada Lovelace are the only women to feature in the redesign.

Government officials defended the decision, but Labour's shadow employment secretary Emily Thornberry told the BBC it was "exasperating".

Minister for Immigration James Brokenshire launched the new passport at Shakespeare's Globe theatre in London, along with representatives from the Passport Office.

The theme for the new 37-page passport is "Creative United Kingdom", and highlights Shakespeare, the Angel of the North and Edinburgh Castle among many other iconic historic people, places and achievements."

Obviously this sort of thing keeps cropping up again and again, but isn't it simply a fact that throughout history more men have done notable things than women, precisely because of marginalisation and unequal access in the past? The Globe is a case in point - a theatre from a time when women were not allowed to be actors.

via International Skeptics Forum

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