mercredi 5 février 2014

The penalty for apostasy in Islam, is there any justification for it?

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This is to my knowledge endorsed by all mainstream denominations of Islam, with some slight variations as to how exactly to apply the rule (does an apostate get three days to repent before getting killed or not?). The more theocratic Islamic countries do kill apostates, many less theocratic Islamic countries don't kill apostates but still punish them in some way (like jailing them).

How can this be justified? Can someone ever really justify killing (or even jailing) someone for the ideas or beliefs he/she holds or does not hold? It's like Orwell's thought crime, only that Big Brother in this case is named Allah. Good thing Dawkins is willing to speak up against this dangerous nonsense.

Please stay focused on the subject! Let's see how quickly the whataboutery and logical fallacies appear in the responses...

via JREF Forum

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