lundi 3 février 2014

The Disruption of the American Fascism's “Dr. Strangelove” Option

Should Fascist power in America find itself threatened, the Fascist's would try to take a **** in everyone’s soup. They had a Cadre of Fascists among the Air Force Officers controlling our Nuclear Missiles. One of the insurance policies for American Fascist power was Nuclear Armageddon. Historically Fascist's are bad losers. (see Berlin 1945)

92 Air Force Officers Suspended for Cheating on Their Missile Exam


The cheating is only the latest in a series of scandals for the Air Force, but is particularly alarming. “You know what the bumper sticker says, ‘one nuclear weapon can ruin your whole day,’ ” said Loren B. Thompson, a military expert and the chief executive of the Lexington Institute, a research group.

Fascist Spokesman Loren B. Thompson meant to say “one nuclear weapon can ruin Russia’s whole day”.

In December, an Air Force report revealed that the general who oversaw some of the nation’s nuclear weapons, Maj. Gen. Michael J. Carey, was dismissed for his drunken antics during an official trip to Moscow last summer. In May, the Air Force disclosed that it had removed 17 officers assigned to watch over nuclear-tipped Minuteman missiles after finding safety an potential code protection violations.

[b][i][B]...removed 17 officers assigned to watch over nuclear-tipped Minuteman missiles after finding safety an potential code protection violations. [/ISo the Fascist had bypassed the safety protocols to get “launch on any Revolt against Fascist authority. “ As I said “sore losers”.

So what about any other American Fascist insurance policies?

How about the Israeli Fascist's special batch of ultrapure enriched uranium? It was supposed to be isotopically doped to match Iran's enriched uranium signature. But Iran never made enough enriched uranium to make a bomb. How inconvenient for the American and Israeli Fascists.

Most of the evidence for Iraq's nuclear program was manufactured by Israeli's planted in the Bush Administration (with the Bush Administration's knowledge and approval).

But ultrapure enriched uranium can be doped to match any other isotope signature. So that still leaves Russia's, Pakistan's, North Korea's, or France's enriched uranium. We all know that Texas (Capital of American Fascism) and France don't get along!

I propose an American policy that if any “Anonymous” Nuclear Weapons are used on American soil, Israel will immediately be obliterated by our Nuclear Forces. Think of it as an involuntary (Fascist American-Fascist Israeli) suicide pact.

Thorough inspection of Israeli Nuclear facilities will “of course” allay any of these “paranoid” suspicions. Hiding the uranium in Terrestrial and Lunar Geology put a spotlight on Israel's participation in manipulating radioactive isotopic data. The Israeli infiltration of the American team that analyzes “Nuclear Incidents” was particularly blatant. Israel could blame the Mormon's for a nuclear attack on America and make it believable. (if only the Mormons had a nuclear energy program)

So what would be the American's Military Juggernaut next target? By agreeing to controls, the Iranians have avoided becoming the next Israeli opponent destroyed by one of America's “accidental” wars. (“accidental” the evidence “the Casus belli “ would later turn out to be non-existent)

Like any cornered animal American Fascism is still dangerous. Will it play the Anthrax card like it did after 9-11? Sorry the dispensary at Fort Detrick is now closed. When the staffing at Fort Detrick has the same psychological profile as Nazi war criminals, you can “restrict” them as fascists. (From 1946-70's Nazi and Japanese war criminals were directly employed at Fort Detrick).

The American Fascists have had their Nuclear Dragon teeth pulled. Their Dr. Strangeloves will leave prison only in a box. What further surprises do the Fascists have? How will America's Fascists try to drag us into the grave with them?

via JREF Forum

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