mercredi 5 février 2014

StopSylvia email: (no subject)

Received the following in an email on SSB, with no subject:


Mr Lancaster, I was wondering, now that Sylvia Browne is dead, if you intended to shift your attention to Christopher dufresne, and dissuade others from getting readings with him through your website. Now that Sylvia Browne is dead, to me the most logical step is to go for Christopher dufresne, and avoid more people getting hurt or simply wasting their hard earned money on false hope.

I would also like to compliment you regarding your work with the site because it has been really informative and helpful to me since I was a believer. While I never I intended to have a reading either with Sylvia or Chris, it helped me see that they're just liars and frauds that prey on your emotions and grief, and would like to see their practice out of business, which is why I want to know if you intended to post a little more on Chris dufresne. If you feel the need to publish this, you have my permission, but all I ask you is to not use my name at all.

My reply:



Thanks so much for your email.

I am, at present, unable to update the site, due to long-standing technical difficulties.

I have intended for some time now to add more content about Dufresne to the site, and have several emails from people dissatisfied with readings from him which I intend to add to the site once I am able to do so. But you are right - Sylvia's death does make such an article more important and needed.

Thanks again,

Robert S. Lancaster

Founder & webmaster,

via JREF Forum

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