mardi 4 février 2014

Make parents responsible if kids get a hold of guns, Tucson lawmaker says




Rep. Victoria Steele [Democrat] said parents should be held liable for leaving guns where they can fall into the hands of children.

“We’ve seen too many children get hold of guns and hurt themselves or hurt somebody else,” Steele said. “I think parents and people who have guns should be responsible gun owners. … To me, this is a no-brainer. This is responsible parenting.”



“It would potentially victimize someone who is already a victim,” said Todd Rathner, a lobbyist for the Arizona State Rifle and Pistol Association and a National Rifle Association board member, in an email. “If, God forbid, a child obtains a parent’s gun and kills themselves, then the parent not only loses a child but is now charged with a felony.”

It seems reasonable to me. If responsible gun owners are being responsible with their guns, this should have zero impact on them. If it makes less-than-responsible gun owners act a little more responsible, mission accomplished.

On the few occasions where my 5 year old has gone over to a new friend's house, one of the things we ask is that any guns in the house be locked up and out of reach*. While I would not want kids to use their parent's guns to accidentally shoot themselves, I want kids to use their parent's guns to accidentally shoot my kids even less.

* note that we don't ask if there are guns in the house. Frankly, we don't much care. We just ask that any gun be properly stored and locked away while our kid is there.

via JREF Forum

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