I hope this is only semi-off-topic here:
Tomorrow in Frankfurt (Germany), the AfE-Turm (116 m) will be demolished. It will be the tallest building ever imploded in European history, and I fully expect every single video of this which will be uploaded to YouTube to be plastered with Truther comments.
Here is what they are planning to do:
First they will implode the outer columns with explosives placed in the lower floors (red dots in the graph below) to let the outer part of the building collapse into the basement. Three and a half seconds later they will detonate charges in two areas of the core (containing the stairs and the elevator shafts) to make it collapse slightly sideways. All in all, 1,400 charges with a total of almost a ton of the explosive pentaerythritol tetranitrate will be used.

Of course not only will this look quite unlike the top-down twin tower collapses, but it will also be the result of preparations that took months during which everything but the reinforced concrete has been removed so they don't have shrapnel and asbestos flying all over the place (the building looks like this now), and it will be really, really loud.
They have also placed two dozen water tanks all over the building (blue squares in the graph) in an attempt to reduce the amount of dust (or should I say "pyroclastic-like clouds"). More than 50,000 tons of rubble are expected. The prohibited zone is in a radius of 135m around the tower. Residents are allowed in a radius of 250m, if they stay indoors. As you can see on the photos there are other buildings pretty close to the tower, so this is going to be a bit tricky.
Originally they had planned to remove the building floor by floor from the top down, but then changed their minds because residents complained about the long demolition process. The newspaper "Die Welt" quotes one of the people responsible as saying that in this case a demolition with explosives is still a practicable solution because the high rise is not a steel building, which would make an implosion much more complicated.
N-TV, the german partner of CNN, will broadcast the event live at 10am Central European Time tomorrow. Web stream will be here.
Tomorrow in Frankfurt (Germany), the AfE-Turm (116 m) will be demolished. It will be the tallest building ever imploded in European history, and I fully expect every single video of this which will be uploaded to YouTube to be plastered with Truther comments.
Here is what they are planning to do:
First they will implode the outer columns with explosives placed in the lower floors (red dots in the graph below) to let the outer part of the building collapse into the basement. Three and a half seconds later they will detonate charges in two areas of the core (containing the stairs and the elevator shafts) to make it collapse slightly sideways. All in all, 1,400 charges with a total of almost a ton of the explosive pentaerythritol tetranitrate will be used.
Of course not only will this look quite unlike the top-down twin tower collapses, but it will also be the result of preparations that took months during which everything but the reinforced concrete has been removed so they don't have shrapnel and asbestos flying all over the place (the building looks like this now), and it will be really, really loud.
They have also placed two dozen water tanks all over the building (blue squares in the graph) in an attempt to reduce the amount of dust (or should I say "pyroclastic-like clouds"). More than 50,000 tons of rubble are expected. The prohibited zone is in a radius of 135m around the tower. Residents are allowed in a radius of 250m, if they stay indoors. As you can see on the photos there are other buildings pretty close to the tower, so this is going to be a bit tricky.
Originally they had planned to remove the building floor by floor from the top down, but then changed their minds because residents complained about the long demolition process. The newspaper "Die Welt" quotes one of the people responsible as saying that in this case a demolition with explosives is still a practicable solution because the high rise is not a steel building, which would make an implosion much more complicated.
N-TV, the german partner of CNN, will broadcast the event live at 10am Central European Time tomorrow. Web stream will be here.
via JREF Forum http://ift.tt/1aQy7TX
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