mardi 4 février 2014

Are you allowed to be a Muslim atheist?

Disclaimer: First off let me just say i am wondering... and in no way encouraging anyone who is Muslim, to become atheist.


But if you were brought up Muslim in a Muslim country, and became atheist, and started publicly explaining your position...would you be able to safely do so?...or would you be done away with, perhaps in public, as to make an example out of you?


I know on google you can read websites that claim God is a myth and imaginary.

But if you substitute the word Allah, for God, would you then become a marked man?.


And while on this topic, has it been shown or speculated at all if there are an equal number of atheists found in Muslim countries, compared to Christian countries? Or are there way less atheists due to say a more strict upbringing in that faith, that seems to bind their faith more?


Also, if say there are more Muslims adhering to the faith, rather than abandoning there any evidence to support that due to a lack of education, they have less reason to doubt?.


If there is no God lets say...look at all the killings...all the Muslim-Christian wars, where then people would have died for nothing.


Here is something else: What would happen if you were a foreign Muslim and you were even viewing skeptic or atheist websites. Would you be in danger also? Are websites in such countries Censored lets say for religious, sexual and idealogical content?

via JREF Forum

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