mercredi 5 février 2014



I was wondering.

So much is said on this forum against Jesus (Christ) and theism (especially Christian) that one could conclude there are a lot of active antichrist personalities hereabouts.

What is ‘antichrist’ anyway?

Do you consider yourself as anti Jesus? If so do you also consider yourself antichrist?

Is antichrist a serious risk to the world, as millions believe?

Which is more likely as a future reality for human beings? A Utopian type system or a system often portrayed in movies?

Which future do you think Jesus was interested in humankind building for there selves/each other, and if it is the more Utopian type, then would it follow that antichrist personality’s support the darker, suppressive system brought to life in the imaginations of whole populations, through media such as movies?

via JREF Forum

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