dimanche 7 août 2016

This is probably why people start to believe in poltergeists

So I've been living abroad for the past three months, prepping my late father's estate for auction, etc. I'm flying home this evening.

As I'm packing, I'm trying to recall whether I brought my spare keys with me, on the chance that my wife might not be able to pick me up from the airport. We're chatting by Skype and I ask her to double-check whether the spare keys are in their usual place at home - she says they're not, so evidently I did bring them on this trip. I can't recall having seen them all the time I've been here, though.

So I'm packing, looking for the keys, can't find them and basically shrug it off - she will, in fact, be able to pick me up and it's no huge deal to have a few new keys cut. I sit down and we keep Skype chatting.

About twenty minutes later I hear a "jingle-thunk" sound, exactly like a small set of keys falling a few feet onto a carpetted floor. I turn around and there are the keys I'd been looking for.

So; given that I don't believe in the supernatural, my best guess is that the sequence went like this:

* In packing, I removed my laptop case from the closet, where it's been sitting undisturbed for the past three months.

* Somehow, I just didn't notice that the keys were inside or snagged on the outside when I searched the case.

* During that search, the keys (their sound masked by the jingling of the case zipper tabs) fell or slid onto the jacket on the back of the chair I'm sitting on.

* There they sat, unnoticed, for twenty minutes until my movement dislodged them and they fell to the floor behind me.

I know this seems like much ado about very little, but it was an uncanny moment when it happened and I think it's a good exercise to parse these things from a rational point of view.

via International Skeptics Forum http://ift.tt/2aKgHfR

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