vendredi 12 août 2016

Ridiculous paranoid conspiracy cranks

Ridiculous paranoid conspiracy cranks cry conspiracy because

WikiLeaks issued a $20K reward for information leading to conviction for the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich.

All in one breath Wikileaks Julian Assange mentions protecting identity of his sources....dangers faced by whistleblowers......a Democratic National Committee data analyst was murdered in DC......When asked if he meant Seth Rich was the source of the DNC email leak, Assange avoided answering directly and referred to dangers faced by whistle blowers. (nothing to see there)

...and because

Before Wikileaks posted the DNC emails, lawsuit process server Shawn Lucas was found dead after serving Debbie Wasserman Schultz and others at DNC with papers claiming DNC conspired against Bernie Sanders so Hilary would win.

Where is the evidence? There is none. Shaun Lucas died of natural causes and Seth Rich was shot in a robbery.

End of story.

via International Skeptics Forum

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