vendredi 3 juin 2016

Reincarnation: Soul Evolution?

In another thread about pseudo-religion, Ladewig asked:


I was looking forwRd to hearing more about how reincarnation works in your view.

Of the 7-something billion people alive today, how many are measurably wiser or more enlightened because of their reincarnations? Are you one of these wiser people, yourself? In broad terms, how long does it take to become more spiritually mature through this process?

I responded.


Now that is of interest. I will start a new thread. (Reincarnation: Soul Evolution) See you there.

Through personal experience (a learning journey) I have come to believe in reincarnation of souls.

Until a few years ago, I thought souls and spirits were the same thing. This changed when I experienced the ghost of a recent suicide who was haunting a cottage I was in, and doing the poltergeist thing.

A series of events led me to think that the formless genderless soul is an entity that survives death, and that the spirit, which takes the living form, decays.

Thinking about souls (if they exist, and I am presuming they do) led me to some conclusions. These conclusions were informed by the belief systems of many religions. It seemed logical that souls cannot just collect in some place after death. Other events helped confirm (confirmation bias?) my hypothesis.

I need to limit my time due to other commitments so I will leave it here for the time being, and give members a chance to respond. I will do responses within a day or two of my last post

via International Skeptics Forum

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