lundi 23 décembre 2013

Philosophical argument and Journal for proving the existence of Psychic Phenomena

Okay guys this is my journal that I am working on for proving the existence on phenomena that has occurred, and how it is likely to have happened it is 35000 words and it is still growing and being edited. I am honestly probably not 20% done.

Table of Contents 1




Creativity (with Consciousness)

Intuition with Existence and reality

Existence and Reality (Dreams)

Existence and Reality

Table of Contents 2


Human illusions (existence and reality) pg. 22-24

Neurology pg…

Emotions, DNA, Synapses and Frequencies pg. 24-25

Nature and Geometry pg. 25

Consciousness pg. 25-28

~Subconsciousness pg. 28-31

Consciousness (with Time and distance) pg 31-34

Consciousness (with dimensions) pg. 34-36

Probability/Possibility reasoned explanations and psychology pg. 36-46

Table of Contents 3


The Explanation pg 46-

Dream Log pg….

Thought Journal: C&D #6

In this journal, I going to attempt to finish my consciousness and dimension thought journal. With a theory/explanation to the existence of psychic dreams and other phenomena. Imagination seems to be important. this also might read strange as I continue to add new thoughts to old thoughts which makes them seem out of order or have conflicting explanations so it seems, or maybe stream of consciousness oriented. I new term was brought to mind today in my test the word was psychophysics, I think this is who I am but more philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, sociology (nov 2 13) now that I think of it perhaps I should not limit myself to labels but writing this has lead to many discoveries and realisations if what could be. This is I my understanding of existence, reality, and subconsciousness through my experiences, and thoughts

In our conscious experience, or in reality, either or... if one simply begins ask questions, imagine,and ponder, then he, she, or it they will have added a new lens or scope to which they will experience and witness life on their journey. A scope or lens which will enable one to discover what many consider hidden, the mysterious, and the cryptic. Allow he or she to realise their cause in life, a up to a higher understanding, meaning and factors of existence. The entirety of this realisation is vast and a bit much to summarise into a journal but a decent realisation could be made here.


Now, there is something I wish to point out about understanding, let us use this example. If you read a book or watch a movie with an simple understanding, then one would most likely perceive the minimum of information that was relayed in the movie. The same goes when reading the bible, let's take genesis 1 for instance, if one reads the bible with a minuscule understanding, the person could end up not understanding the possible full-meaning of this book. He or she may get the understanding that in the beginning Adam and Eve were the first to people on the earth and that they had control over the earth and were close to God, how the snake tricked them into eating the fruit. However, if that same person had a greater understanding through an expanded understanding he or she might perceive the book different or at least add more question to the book as though there was some metaphor attached. With expanded perception of the book, the person might now partially understand the level of oneness the characters Adam and Eve had with God, understand perhaps the establishment of language, understand the universal language of God's realm, the person could ponder the meaning of the beguiling snakes case. When Adam and Eve ate of the Tree of Knowledge, what did they gain? The Serpent calmed that God did not want them to be all-knowing good and evil and powerful and tricked them into eating it, when they ate of it the text says there eyes were open, could that also mean awakening, if so awakening of what? They would find symbolism. Although, this is not the exact interpretation that may have been intended, as there are many interpretations. But example was just to help understand what I mean by how an interpretation has more meaning or a different meaning with knowledge. The same connection can be made with movies, as such, Batman. The person could just see a man in a suit beating up a bad guy, or see that the bad guy is actually psychosocial-intelligent mastermind that became a psychopath after experiencing a sudden traumatising event and is now trying to inflict his vengeance on the world bring others to down to his level using his understanding of human nature. The protagonists understand psychology and the philosophy of the Joke fairly well too but know that they must move on and stay strong and not fall into the Joker’s mind game. They could also see the power of capital in society. This can also be incorporated into anything someone might come across in life. no matter how complex.



A strange thing I have started to notice that occurs in God's manifestation of waves, infinite energy, and vibration we call the universe is the phenomena of attraction or synchronicity. Every being as they explore and develop, gain their personality and knowledge of things they like based on their environment, peers, and various media; however, at a high level of awareness and understanding of themselves they become more in touch with their psyche, their higherself their true personality however the individual wants to think of the psychology. This mentioning should help bring some clarification, whilst watching a movie or perhaps while listening to a song one might hear or experience stimuli in the movie that speaks to the heart, one’s inner self, the person hiding under all the makeup, trapped in the tortoise shell, the person force to conform and hide by our environments. Reading books can also bring some insight to discovering one's true self. In my opinion, I think people experience this strange phenomena even more after discovering their true self or have the realisation that things they express and think about the most start to appear more and more. Humans seem to have their own personal signature that attracts things to them or brings them to things, such as music, people, animals, movies, books, activities, knowledge. And most of the time people are broadcasting a signal that others respond to which may be through body language, voice patterns, and such cues. It seems as though things occur or cross their path in life based on the things that go on in their head, once they realise it they could choose to control their reality by changing their inner intentions, ideals, ways, but even if they do try to control it there, we are subject to external influence as well, but would it be meant to be as though apart of a plan? The people one meets in 'reality', if the person notices they might see she or he has similar experiences or maybe even meet more people with the persons personality type, possibly having the same interests. In the perspective we normally view things in it is socioeco biologically,behaviourally, and naturally based and it could just be that we are being manipulated around by media and advertisements, in which the brain takes in the stimuli of the advertisements and based on your personality you tend to start moving closer and closer to coming across that object. However, there is a trend that I noticed that could point to it being something apart of a greater whole or story, maybe just caused by a something on the small level. It almost like this the body’s signals that it is sending out plus all the algorithms of civilisation work together. However, consciousness does not seem to care. This works in concert with personality, signal, and the statistics of the world, but also the apparent journey that one walks in life. It works in a way that could be figured out by logic until it starts becoming more and more complex and patterns become more invisible to the point someone might conceive that it is external or internally driven as a part of some psycho-social interconnected. Both of these tend to work together but thats because, the person releases the signal through interaction which other people consciously or unconsciously pick up with or without knowing it whether it was on the internet or somewhere in public and an individual with similar personality traits finds the person. The higher personality of person chooses what the person pays attention to, memory and metacognition also play into this, as well as the limbic system basically, the experiences one has had that the person found pleasure become the things that stand out the most. Our system’s statistics in civilisation play a role but minor, in fact, it can play a bigger role depending on the person but things always same to cross paths of individuals based on their personality. All of this works in concert with a line of probabilities and possibilities or journey of life, giving the feeling that things are being thrown in or are being attracted into one’s life because of the fluid motion of reality and how it seems that things are setup in line for us to encounter them in life after we have recently been thinking about them. It seems we have choices but those are already known or one has a higher probability of occurring based on personality and traits and has been incorporated already into the next areas of the road. So they add up to allow the next set of possibilities to occur of the next thing to occur. Space exist all around us and through us. Its as though bqw experience consciousness, we begin or seem to find people, music, books, and movies through notions, random insights or these strange insights, thoughts, ideas, cognitions and also coincidence, that give us hint without us truly being aware of them, thats how I believe most intuition and instincts work. Subconscious processes can affect behaviours and thoughts at least so I think, so they are sometimes superficial when we have them occur we would not exactly know if our mind was interpreting something and then gave us the urge to do something so the intuitions and instinct I guess sometime affect us without us realising it. Of course we have the ability to think on our own. But reality has a way of making us superficially think that these patterns are due to coincidence or luck but when we start to pay attention to them we would start to notice there are strange tendencies that occur that give arise to the phenomena if we are aware of ourselves. It might be that it might be that the subconsciousness is analysing the world around us without us really paying attention and possibly giving us insights based on information it receives and processes. Its just not the natural or conscious signals, they are the results. Although some insights are made consciously and I would agree upon that I do it all the time when I observe others or when I am trying to figure something out. But something about reality could be responding over time to our intentions, personality, and thoughts. Interesting how we end up finding people that are similar even if they are on different sides of the globe, however, that could simply be to some information left on the internet. Its understanding the origin of these notions, insights, and cognitions that will help. I can also see how this could promote bias perception because you are constantly finding more and more people similar to you or you seem to find and discover more and more things that solidify your beliefs. How does one turn something that is purely self-observational and possibly only occurs with at what is occurring an unconscious level, random, or at low levels of consciousness but then becomes nonexistent when aware or hard to pick up on when aware? Our our brains are receiving and processing information from the space around us unconsciously through interaction. Perhaps this may be why orthodox science can't verify or agree that there is some sense going on here because it's located in the area that most people can not tap into or support is difficult to obtain through observation of this at times but its also largely because not everybody neurological architecture fits into a normal distrubution or maybe be different in rarity, what one person can naturally perceive another person might not have the same thought pattern. Has this been purposely done based on our interactions in society? If we were all subject to the same development stimuli would we be uniform or would diversity still take it’s course? Would anything relative to this change if we were on another planet is one way how one could test this, our perception and our human experience would be the same. However, would the strange things that happen remain? Would they be better? Would being in space and seeing the little mote of 7.1billion segregated amongst themselves be enough to bring the person to full realisation of whatever this is.

Creativity (with Consciousness)

Thoughts and creativity, prayers, intentions, imagination, thoughts seems to affect our reality and what appears, occurs, what changes. Thoughts, intentions, emotions, state of mind, and environments overtime can interfere and change DNA which follows into controversial epigenetics and change synapse organisation which follows into neuroscience and other changes in the bodies neurology could occur I am sure, which could explain what is occurring my life. Essentially, it seems the energy released with the thought - also restated as the amount of faith one has while making the thought and the level of understanding and connections. The more one focuses on the thought the more likely it is to manifest in one’s reality or have a chance to. But why? I believe the majority of this is due to unconscious processes of the brain that define us, and tweaks our behaviors and decisions to change a line of probabilities and possibilities to the point the event will occur but it gets more complex as other people become involved its similar to the way the phenomena of attractions works its a lot of things working together to produce a single effect, another part could be what many would call evidence of God, it’s strange how these interconnections work but it usually only works for small or subtle things. Its like say the universe is clockwork or overshadowed or both I believe we do have connection to whatever this force is that is creating reality. For instance, focusing a thought and expressing it with belief for wisdom, for intelligence, for understanding, for help, maybe even for sustenance, or maybe ask for ability to do or to have something. It just does not make sense I and have tried explain their occurrences logically through the clockwork function and it works but when reflecting on choices and outcomes of dreams that predicted events to occur months and years in my life before they happen is baffling and only works if every being is given purpose in which they will most likely travel based on their personality and possibly statistic or if we were somehow part of a collective that is creating reality. So what are our 'thoughts and intentions? Are they helping to create reality or God responding to our thoughts and streaming the changes through our neurology so we can experience a different spectrum or gain an insight to do something that will change or create a an alter-reality from the current probability line? Consciousness is a result of what? chemical reactions with sodium and potassium pumps in the Brain(according to science), but does that have an echo of sorts that can traverse the space around us that we can't perceive using normal sensing something that can be stimulated by something that lies beyond the 1% of the spectra that human neurology has evolved to perceive. Is what we think as reality actually being streamed to us as we go? Well apparently there is something there but we can only theorise what it is until we get there. So when does these random reactions become all that is our conscious experience, the foundation of the soul that we can feel, the very thing that connects us all? Consciousness has to exist as a something that can also cause creation, something not just as a result of a chemical reactions and interpretation of information in the space around us. It’s certainly something that is experienceable at when the thalamus - the sensory centre of the brain is no longer in control as well as when we are awake, so just our sensory perception. Is the echo just information that is responded to by God or is it creating our reality individually? But what is the echo is what I'm trying to understand, a wave, vibration through space? Ever stimulation from the environment the nerve centre ultimately makes these world real but the brain can create its own stimuli, like in dreams, I don't see the brain alone with the things we have given it credit to being able to do being able to or to have dreams about what happens in their reality in the future. How does it know what the information is that is creating that moment reality, my point is consciousness and reality is more complex than science currently understand it's more than just chemical reactions and perception based on our 5 physical sense there is something there that we can only sense when the Brain is at the right frequency, in dreams, through intuition, ESP, and instincts. There are more senses perhaps than we could imagine. When I'm forcing or concentrating on having a vision It usually deems unsuccessful or it's not as clear but when I am not it randomly happens. Now, I'm starting understand how to use this sense to an extent. I am attempting to stimulate the brain in multiple ways to see which produces such a function. But sometime it seems like that the conscious brain will so it seem try to override or suppress the areas of the mind in control of these sense or could it be that our brain is doing something that it then thinks it impossible based on years and years of programming by society, or maybe its because the frontal cortex does not understand how it occurred. So is there something that the brain can tap into is affected by, or a bio-function it has when it's not focused and randomly processing or unconscious, when the thalamus and other sections of the brain are not precepting reality like when sleeping and having dreams a higher dimension of thought and consciousness, a field?

Intuition with Existence and Reality

Arguably, intuition is a gift and probably one of the most underutilised and undermined in comparison to, the more logical or rational functions of the brain, however, it is indubiously useful. What is intuition and what explains it? Intuition is something we all have but at the same time is a type of intelligence. Its just being able to understand these notions and insights is what will make them useful. It also could be the closest perception to the language of God I will get, unless I begin to derive mathematics from them and logic, that is highly plausible in the future. There are many types of intuition and in my understanding and reasoning they could originate from the following: unconscious reasoning and processing of subtle data and patterns that the subconscious brain picks up, subconscious connection to different aspects of our conscious experience, a field, or perhaps this is a more psychokinetic aspect of our brain. I believe it involves subconscious processes that make there way to the individual’s awareness in the form of an indirect insight, sensation, notions, or perhaps a direct insight and things of similar criteria. Some of these functions, such as, psychic perceptions, premonitions, precognitions, dreams(day dreams or while sleeping), seeing images of importance like things one might see later in the day, creativity such as seeing art, et cetera these could fall into what is known as clairvoyance one could also experience seeing things. Science can only establish a conclusion based on what is known and some conclude call this a form of schizophrenia or that an individual is suffering psychosis. For example, one might start seeing lights, orbs they might interact as well and give information and understanding of things passively. Schizophrenia from what I have learned in psychology is caused or correlated to the dopamine levels in the brain. However, this could be also caused in part by another factor, the dopamine neurotransmitter is not something and can not cause hallucination if these are hallucinations however, it could work with another neurotransmitter, Somewhere in the brain something can produce psychedelic neurotransmitters in which increased dopamine levels may be a longer lasting reminisce the experience. I explain this in parts in sections below. Another intuition, is known as clairaudience, for some people they hear music or singing through channels in their head, some voices but not as one might assume when dealing with an individual that has voices in his head that tell him to do things that are harmful or wrong. It is also possible for an individual to experience clairvoyant-like activity listening to music and sounds. To this, there is a slight difference I think from what I have experienced and read about I have never heard voices but music yes. Another Intuition is claircognizance, it occurs. it can occur in many forms, a thought, an insight, a hench, information that will allow the brain to predict something, or most common experience when one knows an answer to be true based on “gut instinct” or sensation, it can also occur in writing where one could start writing eruditious things that the mind knows knows but may not be metacognitive of in the frontal cortex . In continuation, the last intuition I have the terminology to communicate with is Clairsentience - this intuitive function is usually a gift of someone with an emotional intelligence and can understand the feelings and experiences of others to greater extent. I thought of why this may be. It could be based on the subtle energy they release such as electromagnetic waves which has been shown to effects on people. Each state of mind and emotion cause the body to change the information of the light released by the body so if some synaesthesia occurred in the brain this is probable. These individual limbic system may be more complex so reading their body language, voice expressions and tone usually without realising - affective and cognitive empathy comes easy to them. I believe other forms of unconscious analysis of body language, tones, and energy incorporate into psycho-social human interaction. All people have these intuitions but some areas are stronger than other depending on an individuals personaility cognitive function. Clairvoyance could also be attributed to an the experience of seeing auras could also be some rare form of synaesthesia even more of these intuitions could be connected to synaesthesia that others have experienced.

An example of an intuition. I got a strong sensation and image in my head that my friends were about to enter dorm and moments later the door opened and a few seconds later they popped around the corner, similar things happen when an image of someone appears in my head moments before a text is received. This is another thing I am looking to prove, humans are not so limited to time they have the ability and perceive and predict outside of their timeline consciously and react sometimes without knowing it 3-5 seconds before the event.

Whether the brain is receiving precognitions from an external source, such as, through unseen information from space around us or a field or even something internal, its something to think about, it challenges our orthodox understanding of psychology, philosophy, and physics. In essence with these psychic phenomena, I am practically reliving moments of my life from dreams I have had in the passed and I have tried to remember as many as possible that I believe where psychic due to their nature to include in the last section of this document. It is nauseating work to bend reality in this way, however, now these dreams are becoming less in length and detail, all the long dreams have and some that I believe were precognitive have not come true yet, but I have kept them in mind and dated them to occur in a summer. This summer procured nothing so perhaps this summer is the one. Could it be due to the fact that I may be so lucid in reality now that it's hard for the brain to predict on a precognition of an event, meeting, or exploration that has a possibility of occurring in what I want to call my probability line? If this is the case, that means the brain is taking in and processing unimaginable amounts of information such as, the weather, the sun, the thoughts of others, their location in space-time as well as what they are wearing it almost sounds impossible, can the Brain really predict what occurs on the probability line of time or is what we call reality, space, and the creative ability of the brain an undermined and mis-institutionalised series of facts? What causes the brain to be able to see intervals of 3 days-6 months and 1-3 years into the future and then have it happen, with this I believe there is no such thing as freewill any change made in ones reality ends up coming to a day/event predicted by a dream. To be able to have these dreams, I would have to know all the possibilities to create the dream according to most logic and that’s impossible. However, I now that I reflect this it’s might not be so much that the brain is having a harder time predicting it might not even be the brain simply predicting but perceiving what this time is, but perhaps it is that the state of mind in which these precognitions or precognitive sensory perceptions occur have lessened in duration or does not stay open long as long as it did, perhaps my awareness and attempting to understand what’s has been going on has had a repercussion to prevent me from bending the reality too much, but that infers that their is a greater piece being enacted here. But about thoughts and intentions I could probably make it so that overtime I can have another series of dreams. I feel this is another subconscious process that by focusing on something over time brings it into the underlying functions or capability of the subconscious to the point that your behaviours, things to pay attention to change, and the other areas of the brain informs itself through insights or notions to do things to appeal to the things the psyche now prefers. This or aspects of our reality responds to our thoughts, perceptions, beliefs, and intentions.

Another possible explanation of this synchronic phenomena is a field that our bodies are interacting with. Electromagnetic waves carry information with them that the brain can interpret like emotion and light but what else can they convey or can the brain translate from them. This could also be another explanation. Perhaps some information received during psycho-social interaction is caused by EM waves, the information is sent through the wave the the brain picks up of the signal and the information.

Perhaps, I am possibly sometimes so anxious about the future when unconscious, the brain uses a function in which the field becomes a part of. In this field all matter is connected, every change in space or change in energy now or the future is relayed through space-time as information, when unconscious the brain fulfills a creative or an open source role allowing the brain’s perception of information coming from the field or perhaps its using the field to require the information it needs to produce a signal aspect of the simulation or utilise a function to create a future point in reality. Or utilise a function that works in this open-source or internal creative mode that allows it to perceive reality in multiple dimensions and then able to simulate points in the future while unconscious or in a state of low consciousness. I can only see events and interactions that occur in my life and know what someone else is going to say or do, what the day will be like, and what will else will happen because of this in the future. Its might not be the brain predicting by itself the future but that a field which is self-intelligent that knows about everything that is in created, which the brain could pull information its was looking for from the field and predicting a future possibility that has the highest chance of occurring. Could it be that this information travels at speed I mentioned in a section below? Could this be how the creator is responding to us? Perhaps this is how we able to have this extended perception in reality or our conscious experience, even though our body is having the experience our world could just be a personal one. This could also be how we are able to have out of body experiences where we are able to leave our bodies go to a different place and when we wake up go and find it there or fly out of our body like in a lucid dream. Although in the dream it could be the brain creating the illusion of outer body experiences, just using information it has stored about the environing area. Is our intelligence or aspects of it like some insights linked to this connect? The brain and our subconsciousness does so much more or can do so much more that what we are aware of. This could explain why it seems like we have the ability to change our reality the more we think about something the more the mind can affect our behaviour and decisions so the reality occurs and it usually happens without us realising it also from my paradoxical experiences with dreams, it could be that the brain is creating events of something it sees it will do in the future, so these changes may then appear to be superficial to us. The ones we meet also everything seems like it was already planned ahead of time or was already apart of our reality, I have made countless attempts to change what was in the future like some alter-reality or possibility but they end up happening even the bad ones which I really try to change, perhaps there is some level of adjust to which one can bend in a point in time which could make sense because every time I attempt to change something the moment it is happening I get nausea or I have not thought outside the perspective of my personality and cognitive functions to make a differences in my reality. I don’t know if the nausea is from having a memory about something that hasn’t occurred yet and then trying to change what is happening as part of the same memory, its quite strange thought, I do not experience it any more though. However, this seems to deny absolute freewill because something had to have known or been able to predict what was happening. The strangest of my paradoxical experiences was going to Bridgewater, apparently I was already supposed to attend here. I remember having dreams about the college masonry-work sign with garden and walking around campus on tour and the friends I made there, so I knew I was going to a place called Bridgewater. Once, a Bridgewater representative came to our school during college day months later after the dream and I applied or added my name to the list because of the dream. So now I have no idea why originally wanted to attend here, I can only guess as to why my spirit or why my life journey would want me to come here plus more and more dreams have been coming true here, however, not all and some dreams I have had do not seem to be apart of my bridgewater experience but perhaps one of another college. Two which I believed would occur during a tour day or upon first arrival at the school, one of which may not have been Bridgewater but the other one I am certain of because I saw the inside of the building that was in my dream. It was supposed to take place during orientation but it did not well it did not occur the same way it did in the dream. I have looked around for the place nor was the same people in my group by group was much larger. I wore the same clothes as I did, but even our Orientation leader was not the same, the one in the dream had brown hair. The other dream that may have been bridgewater as well but I have not been able to find anything on campus that looks similar to the college I was at. I was walking around the campus looking for things. I found the soccer field and I said “ok theres the soccer field, i am so lost” it this time I believe had Brina’s truck because of the dream series the soccer fields where downhill there was two, I kept walking in big circles I looked at a brick building with the polygonal window approximately build between 1920-1940, so the campus might have been big. Anyhow, through the field, humans are able to connect to people of similar personality and experiences, it could be that we as humans have a higher existence and are finding ourselves in this field or this is the creators doing. Could this be the foundation of the soul's existence after creation of this world. This could be the conjunction that links the things that are to us the forces of nature to that which was done by God or a creator. Anyhow, I realise I make mention of similar thoughts throughout this Journal, but what if everything we see was just a part of a never-ending dream that is this thought says that this world is the illusion of God’s imagination and creativity and it's the stability of the consciousness created what we call matter which is energy and frequency which I believe is established by the creation and laws of God that created the universe that makes up the world that we see. It's possible that our dreams are creating a universe which is unstable so isn't the same as the one we 'exist' because it is imaginary.

Existence and Reality (Dreams)

Another possible but more in depth explanation (based on my subtle shell thought and the subconsciousness) to the existence psychic dreams. In dream reality, one person is only known to exist and that is the person creating the dream, the architect of the dream. Some dreams may have a strange presence to them. Anyhow, people in the dream are creations of the creators subconsciousness, his or her mind, some of the people the mind creates could exist in real life as psychic and what the brain does is animates the persons in the dream with a series of personality traits if one is not derived from bits of their personality traits in interaction in reality. Then the brain imagines or creates a perception of what they will be or incorporates it as apart of a large playout of events to occur in the dream. The brain also creates an episode so it seems some dreams are more like plays with morales in them, others are alter-realities that are the brain’s creation and takes people you know in actual reality and mixes them with people the dreamer creates the environment is created by the person and basically its the brain entertaining with itself by creating its own sensory imaging it seems but why? In lucid dreams, I became conscious or aware inside my subconscious’ creations due to a hybridisation of sleep states and I realised that the laws of “physical” world do not oppress me so I fly around through space, and actively create things in the dream, or do psychokinetic things, walk through walls . Furthermore, it seems as though the the body just flows with the interactions of the dream without thinking in the dreams where it is unaware it is dreaming that could be because the subconscious mind is controlling everything or the brain is simply entertaining itself the logical and judging aspect of our brain or suppressed or are at rest. This could also be due to the stability of the dream and how deep of a sleep state I was in, and if I was interacting with Earth’s E-M fields would could have a sleep benefit i suppose. What goes on in the dreams, there are so many concepts that are being played and added into the dream’s architecture and the personality to chooses to animate the people with. If you can remember a dream analyse it’s every detail. The dream has something to do we what were subconsciously thinking or perceiving through a series of days, weeks, months, even your entire life. The brain it just creates an abstract version of our thoughts some are more abstract than others. For instance, there might be a building with a design and something written on it that relates to an event that happen or something kept in memory. The people in the dream act out different concepts that were recently perceived or say things that you may have heard in the background somewhere, the environment in the dream is based to convey and express these things, sometimes its things we do not notice in reality or have full understanding of them until we see it again in the dream. But It might not be that all of our dreams are creating things based on concepts, thoughts, and perceptions of everyday life or things that stand out to us in reality. There are dreams of pure creation even though they are inspired by the real world its like a mix of both somewhat, its like realistic-fiction. Dreams seem pretty complex, their is apparent gravity, water, food, sleep, dream; entire worlds generated from our imagination, with probabilities, people, we breathe air in the dream, we feel pain, emotions, feel the warmth of the sun, there is distance but there is not time or sense of time. How can the brain alone accomplish this and keep the dream stabilised so that is stays this real, the nerve centre. When we dream its a world created by mind, its like looking into the inside of our mind and being able to experience it through the people, the events, the scenes, the all the abstracts. To create this world and all its complexity our brains need to be able to do something special. To be able to program the actions of everyone in the dream, to control the physics, to be like or similar to the universe itself our brain has to be a quantum computer and the universe may as well be like one to. So our conscious creates a world we are able to observe and the universe is the result or just a giant conscious that we as life are able to observe. There is also the possibility of this, in our dreams our soul or presence can be in multiple places at one instance, so we could be going into each others dreams if invited by the creator and if the dream is stable enough to allow our form to materialise as a part of the dream. In psychic dreams, it could be that something similar to this was happening. Who else what know what to say other that the person who will eventually say it? At given time we never know what the other person in the dream is thinking, if they are apart of our subconsciousness we should be able to know what they are thinking when we are aware we are inside the dream. With this, could it be that we are not in control of the entirety of our brains? So our mind can lock us in as a person to increase its perception and functionality in the dream. Where was the individual in the dream before I made contact with him? Where did he live? if I kept going moving through the dreams would I have met more people? The dream created each person as a separate individual as a part of a greater whole. In the dream, reality begins where the mind what ever component or connections it has to higher functions or connects us to a decides for the creator to be able to look in at. Strangely, in (my) dreams, I rarely look up at the sun is just something that there, however, in some dreams I look at the stars. The dreamworld is just like a universe just created by inspiration we get from life. What about the universe, what if this universe was inspired? More than likely it was something of pure creation opposed to the way dreams are created by our minds. If our spirit does come into each other dreams in order to teach each other or express an act than what does this say about our incarnations outside of our mind and the patterns we see in reality with psycho-social interactions? What happens when we sleep? our sensory perception of reality goes away when our body is asleep and paralysed, or distracted from reality. The brain looks for a way to reach or perceive something that is sensed but could not make its way into conscious awareness. Why is this solely a subconscious process is it really because the conscious mind believes the reality we live in more or is designed to maximise functionality in this world? It’s as though the brain is split into 2, 3 even part of it is saying this reality is just illusion I have seen what lays beyond follow your heart, the other part is saying no, this is real, light, people, matter, real, pain, emotions, real, then there is the next part of the brain that is saying I don't know who to listen to what should I perceive? I wrote something about this that I found, “If only there was some way— more potent, more outlasting than meditation, to free my mind from the very thoughts that encumber them. As two children they are, they bicker, debate, they sometimes wonder off, they bring each other to the brink of tug o' war. And quite often, I myself, have grown tiresome of these conflicting notions; as I can no longer brook the gist of them. But if I were end this everlasting tempest from clouding my cognitions, my productivity, my ingenuity, would it necessarily bring my ails to peace? Would it destroy the essence of my nature? Would I become a better me?” However, In precognitive dreams, the brain is simulating based off the information it receives or perceives from any source but it is also imagining what will be done in some cases (filling in the gap), and the better the brain is at predicting and perceiving the information the more accurate it will be. The reason why I think precognitive dreams feel strange is because the are closer to reality and the body wants to control what’s happening thinking it was reality. In a different way, it is a precaution to keep the from straying too far into what ever this space of creation is. But also it could be because, I am defining what I will do in reality while in the dream, however, the simulation might not be me saying something I was already supposed to say but me acting out what I would do given the setting or enacting what I what do, it’s a paradox. Although what I say in the dream is not always what I say when it is actually occurring. No, when I am having these dreams there is an overall strangeness to them as if there is some impairment to the 5 senses as if I was inside my body but not in control, as though it was on auto-pilot. I was just a spectator inside my own body is that because I was having a dream of a memory that I have in the future or because it was something that I could not change? Then there is me always bending the line which would explain the chills and nausea when I first started realising would I was doing. In dreams, the creator is still the only person known to exist, right? However the characters the brain is creating and imagining people and animating them except these are the people that exist in reality(the one we wake up to) and what the brain does it percepting them exactly how they will be in reality. A difference in precognitive dreams and regular dreams. How would I know these people existed? I do not want to bring the idea that the world is solely a creation of my subconsciousness or all of our consciousness combined but what if the latter of the two had some truth to it. It brings me to an thought I was afraid to an extent to say although I make hints to it. What if we have shells that are existence and function above us? Our upper shells were manifested in the universe before we were, our subtle shells are materially based and are basically surrogates, they have a mind of there own to an extent so they think, but basically we have been animated and proscribed with this road with semi-variable probabilities in which our uppershells of our existence are influencing our behaviour through the mind as though we all have purpose as a part of the act called humanity. There is a connection between the dream reality and what we consider the real reality they are designed in similar ways except our universe we all exist in is stable and we are limited more in. Precognitive dreams have a strange feeling to them, and sometimes the white unfocused haze along the outside of the dream, since I known what precognitive dreams feel like apart from others so I use that as a way to determine if it could be one of not also if I am present in a place with a sign that or icon that has name things I peer at, the way the people in the dream act is more realistic and not self-animated for entertainment. If precognitive dreams are simulations, but I rarely remember myself saying something in them unless I was really paying attention to the dream and they skip around or have patches that or I just do not remember how I changed locations in the dream or the information was missed or the brain did not see it as being important. Interesting thing is just how it the brain does this its incredible. In these precognitive dreams I believe it could be that I am perceiving out of my subtle shell and into one that does is not limited to time. In normal dreams where we create the reality there is not a strange feeling in fact I do not think the brain realises the difference in the realities because it is designed to respond to sensory information as though it were real and I have a thing I wrote about it even though its not complete. However, it is as though the brain will embrace it… I found it [I finally was able to sleep about two and half hours after my 2 Am panics... And I had one of the most bewildering experiences. It was as if my mind was distracting my brain from consciousness by first inducing it into a trance... First my imagination began to play cinemas of a beautiful field and about 1 minute to seconds later, I began to start hearing sounds and beautiful music. There was singing, like an angel voice one of the lyrics she sung was"I love you just the way you are" seconds later beginning to be able to start feeling my surrounds and unfortunately my leg was resting on a branch of thorns. I then realised what was going on and I opened my eyes and discovered that my brain centre had already paralysed the body( I forget this name of the process and the thing that does it). Every attempt I made to move was greeted by a strong tickling/tingling sensation. But the paralysis slowly wore off. I still have a weird rested feeling in the areas I tried to move. I had another dream after but since this is my third attempt in writing this I will skip the details of the dream..

What was interesting about this was that I was halfway conscious the entire time I was being sent into the dream reality. I usually have lucid dreams on accident while I'm inside the dream but this one was strange. If I can figure out how to trick my brain out of consciousness like when I'm about to sleep... Then I be able to do sub conscious things and see all the worlds and receive all the information and have the visions and dreams I get when I'm asleep. I try to achieve this through med but its hard unless I lay down .... This could be very power of I could train my brain to jump into that other world. So then I would be able to hear, see and learn while I'm still half conscious and have visions and not just rely on my intuition to help the conscious mind tap into what was heard and etc the night before and God. I feel then ill be another step closer to God and unlocking the rest of the supernatural features and abilities I have been experimenting with and perfecting] The some of the details of the dream where used in an explanation here.

But it could also be that all information is received or perceived and simulated. The most thought challenging thing I can possibly think about is why Waves, energy, and vibration? Is a wave only a wave to us? What purpose is to live, that's taking the nihilistic perspective, but what we should do is know that this about world is that what we keep looking for is also apart of us it has been taught to us and the older we get we tend to understand but many people begin understand earlier also. People would consider this to be supernatural but it's not its perfectly natural its just the brain, body, everybody, space working together in a strange way, every person has this ability but it's more so just awakening to it and getting those areas of perception activated I think. Seeing into the future sounds impossible but when one begins to understand beyond the illusions, logic, reason, and perception basically the things the make reality real to us, and sense what the universe is, what space-time is, one would soon realise that maybe our perception of what the universe is that we has a beginning and trillions of years later possibly an end its just an illusion. But beyond the universe what if space never began or ended, the universe began but space was eternal and anything is possible, we might never know the creator or this conscious aspect of space could decide to start another project and cause another act of creation trillions of light years away.

Existence and Reality

what is reality, what is matter, what is existence? How do we know its not superficial, mirage, and that this is just a test, to learn, to develop? There are many things that make up what we see as reality and know as existence. To understand this I will attempt to start from my understanding of the fundamentals. What are atoms? Atoms are mostly empty space actually ~99.99999999999% space and has protons, neutrons, and electrons and in space are many other sub atomic particles. These atoms are here due to waves, energy, light so that 1E-10th could be the product of those waves or the information that we resonate with. The cause of mass is gravity which is the depression or bending in space-time which occurs when matter is formed and interacts with space and matter is composed of energy and vibration. Consciousness could be also the ability to know, just making reference to the latin derivative in the word, to an extent consciousness is apart of everything. As a new thought, consciousness is overall our perception, our mental experiences, our physical experiences, our connection and experience of all fields. Time and Space are eternal and were likely present before the universe began, so what was space before universe was created? Space and Universe could actually be infinitesimal meaning infinitely small, so distance and size is also a matter of ratios and perception, we could also be infinitely large. Science has concluded with evidence that the universe has a beginning and an end, expanding through space until it’s just virtually just gone, however my theory says that there is a possibility that even though universe is expanding and stretching space to an extent with it, it could contract like a spring in a sense, but whether the law of inertia is overridden by the springing back of space is a mystery to me, it could also be in another theory that the “big bang” is still occurring and will never cease until the one who created it decides to end it. Its like an inverse i suppose, in order to see the beginning of the universe one would have to the end of the universe but in order to see the newest creations in the universe, one would have to travel towards the centre, we might never be able to see the centre or any new manifestation into space or detect them. Even though the centre is where the creation is and the oldest stars are on the outside rim but the universe is unfathomable large as we find more and more stars we should if that is the case the point that is know as the big bang could also be a generator not a package of a preset amount, a place where a conscious spirit and imagination work in rhythm like a cosmic drum an infinite amount of energy and waves and possible where the creator may be actively creating the universe or the force, the greek understanding of the word Cosmos, God’s order of the Universe. So if the universe was terminal, could space prepare itself for another possible act of creation but the energy that created our world would expand infinitely into the vastness of space. But what if it does not, what if their is an imaginary edge to space that brought the universe back to a point where it started? We do not know the absolute shape of space we have the idea that is spherical or to some degree is round but that is based on our logic which is limited to what we can observe and witness. But what was the cause of the universe? I could be that in the centre of our universe there is a force creating and through the force of creation the space around us seems to be propelled faster and faster creating radiation from a surge. As I think into this further, the universe and space are is infinite but in our limited perception is universe terminal but space is not? There was an expansion or surge of creation that orginated from a point and that occurred and in our perception it has ended but possible somewhere else in the some version of time it could continue. If whatever created this universe all the probabilities and possibilities of events and et cetera, then another universe could have been created and there would be an infinite number of universes that is the same one just with a change in these probabilities and possibilities so these I guess these could be called virtual universes where a different action or series occurs(which could be understood by the creator but do not exist otherwise, they could exist at different branches of the probability line but we can only exist in one), virtual probability space which there is one universe but space-time and probability define each moment of the universe, alter-reality when a possible split occurs in the coursed probability and possibility lines and something else ends up happening or occurs differently that what was originally conceived through precognition or logical prediction they all are correct I would suppose, however, I believe our brains might determine the possibilities of these realities in the probability line, finds that one that it most likely to occur or the one it knows it been prescribed to cross in the journey of life.

Space, time, and probability seem to become more and more complex as they reach the point I call the God-point where all these possibilities and probabilities are present at in some unity. Which seems hierarchical but...

In continuation, an atom I suppose, is like a cloud composed of potential existence (if that is the right word), particles created as the result of this energy and waves which then form all others. This potential existence cloud of energy and vibration becomes particles are connected by electrostatic forces and if you change the nature of the atom the could possibly change whole atom. There are many other subatomic particles as well however, I do not know much about them and their role, most I do have an understanding of but I do not view them as particles. The universe we are able to perceive with our senses is created through energy, frequencies, and vibrations. Space is, well, I'm trying to find something to compare it to space not space as in outer space but just space the stuff that's all around us and in us the imaginary thing we are in, say there is a spider and this spider makes webs that are Carthegesianal (x,z) and the distance between the strands are infinitesimal and there is potentiality for something to exist there, all the laws for motion and matter and mass come through the existence of something in that space a force within the space, time, statistics, it acts as a medium for things to potentially exist and experience those things and others. Think of the space in your dreams if you are able. I thought of space being composed of imaginary matter or some special matter and is what I think we could say is ghost like in a sense, but what we see space changes based on perception. The world we see is only perceptible to our senses because our Neurology is designed or has been evolved to perceived it also it's not that space is 3 dimensions which everybody says, it's more that our brains interprets the potential space. If human brains were to be able perception 4-dimensions then we would think space was 4-Dimensional and be able to believe my case with having precognitive dreams more likely or if we saw space in . Space changes or formats based on the what layer the being is supposed to be and what their neurology is able to perceive in I believe. We as humans can't see 2dimensions or 1 dimension and those who see they can, they are not, what they are doing is imaging 2-dimensions in a 3-Dimensional perception of space Anyway, What causes you to see in your perception of reality? The answer is the brain’s interpretation of Light waves not everybody might be able to see the same colour, however, only a small portion of this spectrum is the brain able to interpret into colour and vision. The human body actually emits light. What causes one to hear? The brain’s interpretations of sound waves (vibrations disturbing the air molecules) that is picked up by the ears and interpreted in the temporal lobe. Of the entire sound wave spectrum, humans can only hear a small portion. If we instantly able to interpret all of the sound waves and Electro magnetic radio waves we would amazed, it would probably be too noisy or unbearable to handle. We could be able to hear the sun and other planets, may be able to hear the sounds of the creator, the sounds of existence maybe the sound of other extraterrestrial things it would probably be horrific. One is weightless, the only reason one seems like they have weight is because, of course, gravity but the issue is what is gravity or what causes gravity? I know what it is and what causes it but we can never say that one thing is the final answer. Energy and the fundamentals of matter have the ability to bend space so that light travelling through it bends with space. Light has a duality to it as a particle and wave shootout at the speed of light and then are over come by bending space back into the black hole. So gravity is what looks like the result of something that disturbs the potentiality of space which could create. So when matter I guess coalesces together it causes a distortion in this field which affects other things near it. But what is the cause of the fundamentals, I can understand that they are functions and laws at work but what created space and the that which was necessary for the fundamentals? Without an observer space would just be full of information.

The subconscious mind and body as a whole can do so much more than people think it can we are not even sure of all the features and functions of our own neurology yet. Basically, this world to me is just a long dream in which when we turn off our senses, we get to experience another world that we create or experience life beyond this illusion created by consciousness and when we die perhaps we move on. Knowing that our mind creates reality. Here we are in this area of space, we are born, like in the reality of a dream the person the world is being seen through is the only people known to exist however, given that our brains take information in the space around us. What the brain does is it interprets the orginisation of shapes, energy, and vibrations of a person in space, of course we know that our best friend is just as there as the store clerk. What if a persons thalamus was damaged preventing him or her from being able to sense that world around him, the person could be walking into a walk and not even know he was his brain would perceive that he was still walking and imagine he was, we would see him running into a wall. This person also does not know that their our other people that are present in the space around him he remembers people. Since we can perceive each of us being there we all know we exist there. But our perception of reality makes it so that only person is known to exist and that applies to every person just because their is someone there to observe the information the person is there of course. In dream reality (not precognitive), each person could be a creation or be a person in real life that is just being added into the dream, our perception of them or our subconscious perception of them is what we see in the dream that we interact with. The principle of perception follow us into our reality, in one person’s brain an individual is perceived as being a certain way even though the individual might not be as the person perceived. Which is something I am endeavouring to get people to understand. With this a person could learn to step out of box and think about what they are perceiving in a situation and not just respond. Our neurology is just a subtle means to experience all that is in space. Our brains interprets waves and chemicals our bioware can sense. The spectrum we are attuned to is only a small portion of what it out there. Think of a multi engine machine or an engine with 300 trillion cylinders and the ability to operate using different ECU commands controlled by perceptions, memories, and arousals released by different compartments, in this cylinders chemical reactions occur to produce cognition, our body to an extent is veritable an engine that is programmable. These chemical reactions which are the most subtle form of our experience in the space, there are manipulable by the space around us and what we perceive.

If in someone’s neurology, such as a monk who has spent a long period of his or her life pursuing enlightenment and happiness has an increase in dopamine, glutamine, dimethyltryptamine neurotransmitters in his or her brain and that attributes to a mental being we diagnosed as schizophrenia is that bad or good are we misinterpreting these things as being a mental disorder and that it is going more harm to the individual than good, what If everybody that found eternal happiness and peace had an increase in dopamine levels and became schizophrenic would it be considered a disorder. We normally classify a disorder as having an effect on recreation, occupation, and relationships, I think its more of the individual not understanding what is going on and overreacting like an unintentional self-infliction, the placebo effect shows us how we can make things worse for ourselves or better just from what we are thinking the consequence is. I believe the stigma we place around schizophrenia, or conception of it, and what the individual is accepting, his or her perception of it, what I am saying is that the brain can take something and make it worse than what is causing the disorder in the individual. The brain does the best it can to translate the data from space into chemical reactions that can be interpreted. The same principle follows through with the increase in different chemical signals and seeing things, more than likely it is false-perception, the brain is misinterpreting a sound or has vivid imagination from movies, our nervous system is designed to interpret sensory information as though it was real, so its how they react to it. Sometimes it could be that the body senses or starts paying attention to something in the space around it that exists in another area of the spectrum and translates it, highly fantasy in comparison but I am a person that is a believer of existence beyond the end of the human experience. So when I am having precognitive dreams is the brain translating a perception of something written in a different code from the field into chemical reaction codes that it can interpret, creating the scenario and simulating it or maybe using this chemical messengers to create the perception or maybe these chemical messengers or the result of a process that occurred? When a intuition, instinct, precognition happen is their some information that we perceive communicated through space and translated by our brain to the best of its ability into chemical processes the body can interpret depending on the person’s ability to perceive and translate the information determines how likely the information is likely to be brought to awareness. People claiming to see auras and feeling the emotions of others through EMWs it is the same concept. One way to test this Electromagnetic wave taught would be to mark the distinct changes in frequency of an individuals EM energy signature based on emotions and have another person determine which emotional state the person is while blindfolded. The universe works in the same way a dream works except none of us can see the creator we can only seem to experience that there is one or that the universe is alive or a reflection. In our universe, space, probability, and time get seem to progress, open, and become more complex to the point where there is infinite possibilities and there is no limitation to being stuck in one moment of time these could be where a Being being all knowing comes from and omnipresent if the Being that created our Universe has the outside perspective then this being would know all the probabilities and possibilities of our universe. The brain and body is able to perceive is self in higher dimensions less constricted by time. However, it is taking this consciousness and imagination that creates the matter we are designed to perceive. I am sure if a dream where stable enough I could lucidly probe the dream for the same physics and chemistry found in reality instead of just flying around and doing what is coined mind over matter phenomena. Rarely do we remember how a dream begins, with precognitive dreams it is more likely to remember, but with dreams that we are creating its more difficult it also depends on how stable the dream is. The reason why dream reality and the reality we live in the “real” world are so similar could be because we are a the subtle part of the universe that has taken a mind of its own, as though we are the creations of God’s subconsciousness or the universe looking in on itself as creations, so this is a dream. The only thing is we are the part of this infinite dream that’s subtle, limited to what we conceive as time and space, and the rest of the subtle world.

The Idea of there being a field that is endued with intelligence went a little out of hand with the theoretical possibilities it opened. As I think about it more the possibility it is there but I cannot attribute it all to the same thing because its is not, although there also that being that a field interconnects us all, there is a concept there that is true and that I was trying to convey but I was made wrong. its right but its wrong The brain is predicting events there is something there that is… such as when You can sense when people are about to arrive before they actually do the brain is predicting but where that information comes from is what I tied to a field but I believe what im trying to say is it more complex that would I thought I put in here. And I believe this idea of there being apart of us or a shell in each level of space where time and space become more complex that the brain become interconnected to and when unconscious able to see events, and things that will occur in the viewers life. The thing is it can be explained either way through the existence of a special field, or probability lines of space and time, I keep switching between these. space is like being in the part of the dream that has not created yet, that is what space is like, something could exist and be there rather what time, the things that help create the matrix of the dream are there but you just have to create what is there. So this could be a field that all information travels through and the brain can pick up able to create accurate predictions or simulations of reality at a different point in time. That is perhaps what this is the field connects to a source. everything within space is connected to each other and then to a source but then is is the origin of the source undefined?

(early this morning nov 28 around 2:20) I woke up in a bit of a fright and I might have figured out why I do not have as many psychic dreams, the conscious mind is afraid of it and interferes. I was just barely asleep and then it started happening, if there is a field to which I connect to at night this would be the closest experience of it i think i would, that or this was an illusion put on but a night terror/dream...i basically i felt myself become a bunch of different parts like a million parts. It was like not having a body I was just there, I knew everything or a lot of things but I could not really focus on just one and i started dreaming about something i knew was going to happen… this initiation of the dream and the experience or what my conscious brain made of it caused me to wake up terrified the whole experience lasted about 10-15 seconds, afterwards the mind confused by the event resorted to horrors programmed into it by society and fiction, creating an uncomfortable sensation, I defeated this by distracting the mind or myself from the events. I can not even remember the place. Even stranger, I knew how long I had been asleep upon waking up so there is something else to human perception of time, is the brain turning taking what time feels like and matching it to unconscious bio functions? Maybe this is how dreams start, we usually only get to see the part that is pulling us in, the creation and imagination. Perhap this was a phenomena caused by the mind looking in on itself before or as something is being created.

Dreams are like the mind looking in on itself and experiencing its creation, we could be the universe looking in on itself but it’s much more complex than that. The question is their an external being looking in or Is the entirety of the conscious aspect to space what we conceive as God. Perhaps, about everything that is in space exists and responds with the entirety of the universe is God? But the force that sent us out. If this consciousness exist throughout space and space was present before the universe then it’s logical that God created the universe within itself space makes up ~99.99999999999% of the matter in the universe this intelligence can control the matrix or the fundamentals of reality in our universe and to an extent we can as well. With the attraction phenomena and the strangeness of it, humans are creating their reality individually and our reality is based on their perceptions, beliefs, and conceptions. but what allow this to happen? Its a create as we go we are creating our universe and reality as we go. But also as long as something is there as long as there is information in an area of space that is able to be observed we know it’s there and we interpret the information to have a perception. But we create our reality individually, based on our own signature and information which involves our personal operational system of our mind and its interaction with the information in space. Have we already created a planned future for ourselves?

The atom that makes up matter and the fundamentals of all matter are both particle and wave, so if we view an electron as a wave its particle nature becomes undefined or no? Its similar to a concept I was trying to make in the Fractal section, we can look at a fractal one and see the same design throughout the entire fractal but if we change the way we look at one part of the fractal we see a totally different design, could these subatomic particles just be fractals of waves, energy, vibrating at a frequency that we observe and change the design of? And This is where the theory of a intelligence of a conscious present within the universe itself it exist throughout space that many have probably recognised as God. Matter has to exist through these fundamentals but what sustains them? Or perhaps this is just a lapse in my thinking. If the big bang occurred then this burst of information expanded across space, it would not be the universe there was no one there to observe is being there just information which is the basis for the fundamentals, the wave function is derived from this information and then we get our particles.

What if we view the information of the universe as something separate of the result then there is the gap that allows for their to be a conscious force governing the information. As long as the information for the wave is their the wave will be there. But if we look in the perspective that the big bang occurred and from that all the sub atomic particles and then eventually the atom and as everything settled and came together up until now. Then we are left with still that conservation occurs by itself. With possibly that a conscious is creating the keeping the universe with the laws of physics and mathematics(in our perception) and we are just materialised projections of spirit. Before birth the information for the universe to exist it there and somewhere in space there is the Earth and people already alive but before birth we have no ability to perceive this information we are just apart of it in a way the we are not limited to time, space, we are apart of the universe but a part of the universe that it not observing itself. I make mention that the world we go in dreams is just as reality in the universe and just like a fractal or an image inside an image that could go on ad infinitum but it begins with one image and could go on forever like being in between two mirror planes we would just continue to see the same thing. One of the differences is that in our reality time is linearised or our perception of time is linearised, In dream reality our perception of time is not limited to the dimensions we experience in reality. So the dream begins in medias res and then we can skip around to the places in the dream because of the way time and space is the dream are. And With precognitive (psychic) dreams and visions perhaps we are not beings limited to this space and time but quasi-limited. With the brain is interpreting sensory information it has no choice to respond to it as though it were real. In when we are asleep and the body is no longer relaying sensory information to the thalamus, the mind in which somewhere is the connection to the spirit, the mind is now able to interpret sensory information that comes from the future because is it not limited to time to a linear perception of time. This being opposed to stream of consciousness in dreams. This brings me into timetravel. What if we could put the body on suspend and subject the brain to the same things to see into the future? It would not be controlled timetravel or timetravel where we are able to manipulate our environment according to what we want. But what we would be doing is living in that moment in time as a spectator that goes with the flow. Just today I had a dream come true, not really one that I could document with pictures, but ths one was interesting because I knew It was a psychic dream during the psyhic dream and I tried to act like everything was normal. So in our life there are things and places we are going to go because that is just apart of our life any road ill get you there but the is usually one that we decide to use. on the road there are places where we can add a road or an attraction or change a bit of the road. Anyhow, back to timetravel, being able to cast yourself into the mind of yourself in the future. It’s strange being inside yourself this way, you can think you can only think what you are thinking at that particular time in space or in the dream. But if the dream is a psychic dream does that not mean that it was timetravel? I am practically projecting myself into the future but temporarily, what it was possible to suspend my mind in the future. Would I be dead, in a coma in the present, would the future then cease to exist? No, I do not think it would, for example, If I was suspended in one dream the was psychic I would continue to live my life based on the choices, and the journey of life up to when I had that dream. So I would continue to live as though I was never in a coma, and I would continue to function and do things based on my personality, personal OS, and the journey in life I need to travel. Everything I do seems to fall under a certain range of possibilities and what I choose, I only seem to do and choice the things that leads to the next thing happening… How much time would we actually need in this state to actually live our entire life out in the dream considering the time is slower in dreams but feels the same? This is strange how can you be like a spectator in your own body? Maybe its not so much complete spectatoring in this dream but I could change what I was going to say in the dream. But what if this could suit as evidence for the spirit or soul as well we already know its there we can feel it or have a sense of it. This time travel would not be actual timetravel but more of a glance into the future where you are just spectator viewing the world from inside mind in the future. In reality every individual has their dream but these dreams are all merged into one where we can all interact, this is a way that we could explain reality.

The reality we experience is only one station out of what could be thousands.

The Concept of freewill and fate

I stammer around this point in my journal a lot so I deciding to just finalise it. what is meant by freewill is ultimately attributed to the perspective its being viewed in. So I will view is here in an open perspective. In the world are we free to make any choice we desire? Yes we are. But can we? No. In the world we subsist in we have to abide by the rules -- our legislation, the economy, our social groups, our peers, and so on. Although we can be free-spirited and nonconformist, we have these obstacles that influence our behaviour even when we try to free ourselves from them. Most people would not want to make an unpleasant reputation out of their name would they? During the journey of life, we notice - or at least in a psychics perspective - that it seems that the journey of life seems pre-coursed for us we can see what lays ahead to make us the best at what we want to be. However, in the open perspective, as we go through life, we find our personality and develop our skills and abilities and find out what we are best at, and proceed through life often in unconscious aspiration or having an underlying goal to achieve something in life, our action are then tweaked to make that unconscious or subconscious aspiration or goal have greatest probability of coming true to come a part of our reality based on our cognitive function, personality, interest, and the entirety of the psyche. My cognitive function(Myers Briggs) has tested as INFJ,INFP, and INTP its actually a mix of them. I meaning Introversion I am mostly internal, N meaning Intuition where I perceive things externally mainly through intuition and internally I am dominantly introverted Intuition with extraverted, T meaning Thinking- where I am mostly dealing with things externally rationally and logically often in my own little world F meaning , Feeling - Judging thing based on how I feel about them. P meaning- Perception keeping things open-minded or open as in flexible, open possibilities. J - is Judging and planning. With this my life journey is going to conform and give me the resources to make the best of this personality and cognitive function. Which may be way I was able to have such things occur to me or able to experience such things. So there is no freewill in the sense that we will ultimately do with what we unconsciously aspire and whwhatat life has decided to give to us. So we do choose the road but it often a road that our life journey and neurology have wrapped themselves around and it seems that way because we think we have conscious control over our everyday live because of our judicious nature but a lot of day is driven by unconscious things that usually never comes directly to awareness. Everybodies’ neurology is not uniform people are different and choose to go through life different which their chosen ways to live, believe how things work, and perspectives. Encrypted into our everyday lives and our past is the information of who we are its just finding those moments and reflecting on them. The activities you partake in, the narrow decisions you make between choices, the words you say, the things you write, the things you take interest in without really acknowledging it, they are all apart of the journey and are who we are meant to be. In a psychic dream its not just the person its everybody else around him that is there and him interacting with those people. What chance is there that something like that occurs through freewill? In the dream, one person say something and in reality when the dream is coming true he says the exact thing he did in the dream. So our actions have to be known or able to be predicted. How do I even know that this is my true consciousness and not something that the universe has set up in a way that my personality just becomes a simulation?

Human illusions (existence and reality)

we are incarnated into this earth and thought the ways of the world, how things are, we take all of these to unconscious belief, we are taught in school about space, about economy, social systems, government and having pride in a nation, one is also taught to believe without realising that their country or that there group is the best, or their socially derived classifications. We are taught that humans are civilised that this reality of ours began and will end. We are taught to fear the truth, go against intuition, believe what we are told. Humans have been being manipulated in this new system since it began. Pouring stimuli through the media to move and manipulate peoples thoughts, sexuality, things they find pleasurable, public opinion, make them seem different from others, to divide people into groups, leading them around in circles. I cannot just say that of we are all made of the same atoms or we all come from the same dirt of star that exploded billions of years ago, with lack of understanding and wisdom what meaning does that actually impact? In our world we look around and see a world divided, fighting amongst themselves to push their culture, their history, their socially consented perception of reality and how it will end. History has been simplifying repeating itself. Power is an illusion, a construct, humans through the lack of enlightenment, and due to ambitions can but do not govern themselves so that there is what is called anarchy, therefore the populus give power to an individual and they never find their way out. And anybody that does it become conflicted by sociology, group pressure, that one persons does not have the energy to start a chain reaction, because the group will only follow what is the norm, or will be close-minded with their beliefs and perceptions, because thats what they have been taught to do but also what fear has disciplined them to do. Fear is an illusion, a clutch, imagine you are a gallant warrior like Beowulf battling against a dragon that guards an imaginable wealth treasure, fear is the only thing holding you back from slaying the dragons life throws at you and reaching achieving one’s dreams. Property is illusionary, its something we feel entitled to. Knowledge to a degree is illusionary. Beliefs are not entirely illusions but created by our perceptions, we should realise this and that other have their beliefs but not be oppressive about it, be open. A difference or the difference, the bridge, or the wall between the physical and what is higher than ourselves is our illusions, the ego, and partially our neurology. the body and the unconscious brain are able to perceive beyond an individual consciousness awareness. Ideas and ideals slip into our dreams occasionally of the body trying to understand what is happening beyond its restraints. Another illusion is the illusion of property, that we own something. Briefly, close your eyes and take a deep breath and imagine you are about to fly into the upper lever of the exosphere, look down at the Earth. This small mote of life. Imagine you can see what we call North America and the Middle East, look at Europe, and Africa, keep them in mind and move further and further away. They are so small, look around at the stars. Now I want you to ask yourself a few questions, what is stopping political leaders, people, the world from coming together? out here there problems look so small. Now ask yourself, who are you? There is nobody else around. What do you have? Out here you are nothing, without a label, stripped away of your illusions. Now, prepare to accelerate, play some music if you’d like you are in control, there is a blue and purple Nebula off in the distance you can get there in less than 1 sec if you want, go there! Now try going even faster, come back to the Earth you are ~1.8125×10²1 kilometers away, It is human nature to want to be free. Here on earth I are trapped, born to conform, to benefit not the world but a group in com. In your dreams you are free, its something we have always wanted to be, physically, mentally, and spiritually free. There is a difference is being civilised and slave of a system that captivates the individual mentally, and physically. And the biggest illusion of all is the world that we all live in, we have been evolved so that in our conscious experience the world we see is there and feel is there.

A name, our Ego, why do we care for such things they limit who we are to just what will please society. Of course there is the occasional fool that feel like he can do anything because he can, he just lacks self-control, even other animals show self-control. To be able to go beyond one has to be able to realise that reality is just an illusion created by our senses and our apparent subjectivity to the laws our universe.

What about After Existence

I was reading a recently published journal on near-death experiences that shows that the light at the end of the tunnel and the dreaming was actually due to increased brain activity and it questioned life after death because of a comment one of the scientist made which could be explained by psychedelic DMT and an example I made in a latter section. I began thinking about this for what I know and came up with this. Life after death might not be exactly was we interpret here on earth. There is some form of eternal existence but how would we perceive them? Every thought, intention, and emotion we have releases a vibration through space-time and are probably presence through some form for all eternity. When one dies of course in their human experience everything is turning off but at the same time we are having this psychedelic experience and a person might start seeing things but after the body finally dead and no longer perceiving the 3Dimension world what happens. They would be existent as energy and vibration faster than our perceptible range and then able to existent in another world that God has created or that they have the ability to create such as the kingdom. It might be like this, try understanding what things were like before birth. It’s something we can remember. Would this be like becoming nothing? Is it because can a soul can perceive and is that perception based of creativity and dying result in us starting over our soul remains but we are given a different vessel. How does DNA and proteins create our persons and change our sensory experience? What information do they interpret. How did we get here? Why are we here? Everything in our perspective is the result of energy, waves, vibrations, probabilities, particles I mean if anything we are not necessarily real, just the a part of the universe that has gained the ability to see itself through life which also might just be illusion. But I can not help but think that when the universe began everything began clockwork, every probability and possibility was set into action, even the coming of man was something that could be predicted, but how do we know that it was not purposely done? That this conscious aspect of space knew and calculated that on the macro level this would happen and it wanted it to happen. Are our bodies are veritably an engine for us to experience creation? What is us? Was our soul existent through all eternity or just until our conception? Is our soul apart of a collective, something we create or is established in us as our body is beginning to turn on? The hard thing to explain is, what of our soul? Would God have to be creating it or do we exist as entities that are subject. Perhaps this is more could become sensible, when we dream our brains are sometimes perceiving an experience of what is beyond the human experience. The brain’s sensory perception may be apart of our conscious experience but does that actually mean that consciousness is confined by our neurology it could just be what it seems like to us in our perspective. Is this just what we use to perceive what God wants us to understand as consciousness, this conscious nature of the universe know the outcome of every event on the micro level? Perhaps the conscious nature of the universe in this spectrum is cause by impart by us. Subjective but understandable, which becomes an experience caused by the illusions that we are immersed in and the things we believe in, our perceptions. The prophecies we trust in faith enact them and our reality as a whole is changed to match the story we put our faith in so the world will constantly appear to be in its last days to those who have that perception and belief but on a larger scale the culture what we develope in becomes a factor by which we alter our reality. Which means that if I am having Psychic dreams there actually is a major plan or I am just acting my part out in reality. It is another thing our brains have done in a sense, is taken a mind of there own in which they since learn from the higher-self but also learn from lower level in experience, if that’s the case this world is just like a school we all create as a part of a bigger purpose, if thats the case have we all became too attached to this world. As we age we become wiser and more enlightened to what we believe our purpose is want we think God wants of us.. The soul and the higher-self knows the answers to life but it comes down to finding and listening that is if the soul is felt with in us. What is the soul? Is it part of the universe or something not of the universe but of something in space-time that is existence in a different dimension, something of that is consciousness of C^3 or higher? If this that how would it be, waking in this new way of existence, through being possibly all knowing a soul would be able to create a perception of reality or create one entirely without the need of human neurology, would they be sent to an ethereal world thats next on the list or be able to move between infinite worlds at an instant, be one with everything becoming nothing. The possible reason why the soul has no memory is because it exist in the present, real time in an existence statistically independent from this world. And along their probability line there is an infinite number of possibilities each with an Infinite chance of occurring or perhaps some laws to govern their perception of reality or that they can override. what happens at any moment is already known already so it occurs over the chance of something else occurring. If this is the case would there technically be no statistics just infinite possibility and whatever else God decided to be. Perhaps this world, our world is ran by clockwork, laws that have been already set and each ascension bring the person to a world less constricted by laws and more to imagination and creativity. In the Afterlife, do we all come together in a better world God or do we exist in separate dreams where everything our innerself or spirit is attracted to is placed, or do we get the ability to create things with God’s approval. Our neurology is evolved or designed, they both are the same or come to be the same in their meaning, to experience what many call the supernatural in a subtle form. If this is what is happening will we continue to evolve to experience this to a greater extent?


Here is the physical manifestation of our brain and all of its parts and

Emotions, DNA, Synapses and Frequencies

Every human gives off their own electromagnetic field (cooscillating orthogonal electric and magnetic fields) and that field changes based on emotion and what the person has recent been through which in a way I believe is how empaths can sense the the mental or emotional state of others and how people see auras, also by paying attention to small details. Emotions cause the heart and or brain and other 5 other parts of the body to produce a frequency through this field, which one can detect. Emotions also affect the Brain and the DNA of cells and others around them. The frequency produced by the emotion of love is the highest of any emotion. Interesting, that also every religious text point to the importance of love. The emotion with the lowest frequency is fear and then anger. It also seem our DNA could be also some kind of access code but I can’t be sure, depending on good and bad changes.

One thing I experience when I experience an emotion of love is get a tingly sensation in my solar plexus that feels good and whenever I become enraged or terrified (which is rare) there is another tingly sensation in my solar plexus, that feels notably uncomfortable in comparison to, the ones I feel with love. DNA is also changed by thoughts, emotion and past experiences the there are also codes of DNA where are turn off and this switches seem to turn on and off based on emotion and from being awaken. Its possible that I may have over the last 4 years and especially the last 2 years have been changing my DNA, epigenetics is the study. Emotions have a big effect on consciousness, love having the biggest effect. Our thoughts and experiences also change the position of our synapses in the brain so I guess that mine are orientated towards prediction, and empathy, intellect over animus or some combination of the two, and detecting and perceiving other things in whatever is going on.

There's something about the waves released from the body when in an emotion or in thought. When ever I was near a person after sitting next to them and allowed them to get comfortable, I would focus a thought about something using a calm demeanor then shortly after I would get the strange sensation like a tingling pull. Then the person would start making movements that they have not been making previously and on some occasions they would move. So if this is happening and I have designed something to test for this called TP experiment, then there could be something about the heart, solar plexus, chest area, and the forehead that causes them to respond to the energy or waves being released… which I think is the EMWs, Electro-magnetic waves if that is the case then these waves carry information through space and it could be the magnetic and electric fields of the earth combined with something else that connects them to an intelligence which makes them seem self-intelligent and works with the phenomena of attraction. However, I do not think that it is the electromagnetic waves that send all of this information, there is a lag for some of these things that seems too long. There is something faster which I believe is >C^2 Although, there is something about these areas of the body that add to our consciousness experience which is not just our brains.

Further exploration the DNA and code

Earlier I mentioned DNA as a reader of code and that it is influenced by our emotions, thoughts, and experiences. But as a reader of an unseen code, perhaps this is what connects us to the field. The DNA gives off our information and receive information from others in the field that is than inputted into the mind. The things we do here leave finger prints on our dna and our dna structures the information and translates it to where we go next.

Nature and Geometry

I did not want to think about this although the thought is reoccurring and that is that the universe is secretly a bunch of shapes, and fractals that our brains interpret a fractal of fields and energy… If we were instantly able to see everything around the earth and through space we could probably see what I drew In a diagram. We would see the same of our bodies

the most common one that we can see in nature fibonacci’s number and the one on sun flowers but there or ones that we get directly interpret

life equations

There is a lot of nature in geometry its found everywhere, such as, in tree foliage, shells, bee structures, raindrop ripples, wings, insect wings, sound waves create geometry where vibrations affect an object that is able to conform into geometric shape. the higher the frequency of the sound wave the more complex the shape will be created out of the.


Is our experience of reality merely just the result of chemical reactions in the brain? What does it mean to have consciousness? Waking up one morning and being able to smell, see, taste, touch, hear, feel pain and emotions? How does being able to interpret waves of energy and three dimensional structures of chemicals that are our tastes and smells, being self-aware make us conscious? What of the person with no sensory perception or impaired limbic system functionality? Is he not experiencing reality? How does being able to have dream about the future relate to our experience of reality? What about the psycho-social interactions that act as a part of the phenomena of attraction, two people of like personalities meeting each other from different sides of the globe? Similar people grouping together in spite of external experiences. Our bodies are made out of the same materials as the world around us, being given this architecture allows us to be able to observe the world we were created from. Is it because since we are apart of the universe we inherently have this connection no matter what? It might not even be the subconsciousness that has this strange effect on us. It might just be us being apart of universe driven by whatever force there is that sustains it or causes it to function we are creating reality. How do we know that these are actually my thoughts and not something that the universe has just proposed in me? The body has its own drives and longing for freedom, Inside the mind the individual able to be free, where does spirit come into play? Perhaps the very thing that connects us all is our souls or the part of us that is hidden within the world we perceive, in allows us to communicate between one another feel each other than our using our 5 senses and find each other. Is it thing the is not apart of the universe but of the force that creates it. Perhaps this is what the soul is being apart of this network, field, or connected to the force that created the universe but being able to experience the universe as individual. Being able to interact with itself and exist within itself might be closer to what consciousness is everything in this universe should be a collective image of the whole. Perhaps the reason we experience these things is because the brain is always creating the ability to do something new, unless being psychic was in my genes I do not think it would occur otherwise, besides I was wanting to be psychic. I started noticing that the things I think that I wanted to be able to do I was able to do them or they started occurring in life. So the brain is creating ways to do new things, but how do we explain why the brain is able to do this? I realise the basics of this if this could be figured out then the key to creating true artificial intelligence is made. If something new is being create then wouldn’t the functions for the process being created already be there? Perhaps it is synergy between the functions and patterns in the brain with being able to observe and with those observations, interpretations, and intake of data be able to adapt, learn, and create a new function. Its like this in the brain all of these patterns and sequences represent a thought and the brain is going through its knowledge about the subject, logic representing other patterns of chemical reactions but then as the pattern becomes more complex it randomly becomes an unknown series of new patterns are created that are the new thing or idea. But how does something such as psychic dreams and other extra sensory preception become a function that the brain can do? Its probable that the other ESPs are caused by the brain constantly looking scanning or predicting the future. Perhaps, in the brain their is pure consciousness, our soul, in which we create new thoughts. But with the incident in the movie theater, it could have been that I picked up on their sound waves those 10 seconds before my friends came to the door and in other scenarios similar to it but my brain was not focusing on that because it was focusing its attention on a different conversation. The same thing I believe happens with camouflage. My cat was sitting right in front of my view but all I saw there was just the couch the brain just filled in the spot I was not in focus even though the information the cat was captured, it just took me a few seconds to spot her. Another example, looking in a cabinet where cups are stored they are all white and all look the same except for one, and thats the one you want, when I opened the cabinet I could not find the cup even though it was right in front of me, I was after I closed the cabinet and came back that I saw it right there in front of me. This goes back to what I wrote earlier somewhere in here, that the brain designed to increase its functionality in 3D-space. However, this is a bit more like having camera software that will not focus on the thing you want it to. Anyhow, how would the brain be able to create the ability to do that? In life we are constantly synchronising to patterns and signals based on our personality, interests, thoughts, memories, and ideas and perceptions that are created in the mind but the brain has not percepted them yet in reality yet, the brain finds a trend, it recognises that its it most likely going to respond and interact to these patterns, signals, stimuli, and people with a certain personality or trait, Our thoughts then branch out into time and create those instances and set up those instance where we match these patterns and signals. With the attraction phenomena the more we belief in a concept or perception the more our reality will wrap itself around that belief or perceptions. If you think someone is weird every time you see him would most likely be when he is doing something weird or a time where you will be able to percept what the individual is doing as something weird. If you believe somebody is spying on you will experience more and more synchronicity between your thoughts, perceptions, things you are doing and what happens in reality between interactions. We create reality as we go not just experience. Then when the brain stops focusing on the outside world and introverts such as when absent minded, day dreaming, or when asleep. In begins to create or stimulate the reality it synchronised to and is branching out or possibly a function in the brain occurs where it jumps forward in time. Perhaps there is something in the brain that gives it this ability to perceive reality in a different dimension something that is used during one of these functions. The brain and nervous system no longers needs to direct its attention towards awareness, so it then functions in a way that is quantum-like, of full creativity where it is able to create any function in it needs in which information is drawn from this universal network of consciousness and then able to see further down the line of probabilities and possibilities and the reality they create. Doing after the information has been used to create the dream the individual is then created in appears in the dream without knowledge of how it started. Like waking up for the first time? Something that a person says at any given moment in time, has a basis in something that has happened in the past, something maybe based on their personalities lifestyles, and then become something that is predictable interaction, something that they stare at something in the background. In the dream, I had about the Jefferson Forest soccer game, the assistant coach said “I once had caviar”, in response to a player who was talking about eating fish and the eggs being disgusting. Based on the way the assistant coach dressed and talked he sounded as though he was rich, the player could have picked up on that and then said that in hope of getting this response. We seem to do this a lot purposely do something to get a response out of somebody. So in the psychic dream it is a simulation in which the individual is created and observes, its taking the functions and patterns of information to create the simulation what reality. But then it could be the other way around I was wanting to have a psychic dream, instead of me connecting to this network, could it have been this universal network responding to me and replying with information of a future event to occur in reality. This is the point of view of what is happening in the brain, when aware and brainwaves indicating that at an individual is functioning is related with awareness. The chemical reactions occur in sequences and patterns that maximise functionality in that while being conscious. When that is not in use it does not have to resort those resources to survival and living and can then create a world based on the things it has encountered.

What if the soul was something that was created by being a part of this universal network of infinite intelligence but being able to experience its function as an observer in reality? But what if their was not something that connected us all? How would having a dream that occurs in the future happen then? How would the brain alone be able to create a dream about something in the future? Only if that the brain itself if creating the future or following a set path that it could drawn knowledge from, or that the brain when it is internal processes higher functions that allows it to perceive reality in a higher dimension, it changes the algorithm. The universe must be conscious or there must be a conscious aspect to the universe, that or we as individuals are able to create what happens to our neurology and in reality.

What about my reality? everything is going according to my dreams, but to an extent am I cheating by bending reality or was this apart of my purpose. How do I even know my thoughts are my thoughts, that my consciousness is mine not just a simulation based on the universe or conspired by the universe, the events and interactions that circle us? My thoughts would certainly be influenced by those. What if the conscious aspect of the universe was setting up events and interactions and experiences to get us to then create of our reality. Perhaps it is there we would be able to find the foundation of a soul, the part of us that is alive, conscious without the universe.


What is doubt? What is fear? What is true intent? Faith? Don't try to force, let go and the brain will interact with the field and the universe. It sounds impossible, but we do this all the time especially when we are sleep.

I have been focusing on the things I hear other people say, or the things that I write well its usually certain words or events or coincidences. for example you are reading something and a word stands out and then later in the day someone brings up the word…. or you do something that relates to something that happens later in the day… im going to keep my eye out for more of these coincidences if they keep occurring I might be able to add more about it. Interesting, there are instances in life and throughout the day or throughout a series of days that can be used to predict what could happen later in the day or what we may do or help predict what could be coming in the next few days. In the case that it influences what we may do it could be that these stimuli are manipulating me. Such as overhearing the conservation of someone who walked by and that conversation of the part that you hear appeals to you or is about something you’ve often talked about… it could have been that they had been talking about something previously and the brain just chose to ignore it until a keyword was said. I experienced something similar with my friends, I was absent-minded and there was a dog that I notice looked similar to the dog that played the role of Benji the my friend had said that 3 second before me. Even though I was unconscious of her voice, was what she said still processed by the brain and did her voice in anyway aid my answer? I had seen Benji before but I was still thinking of the name the exact time was saying it she was a metre from me. Anyhow, this strangeness builds with the attraction phenomena, we pay attention to certain things more and it shows how the brain work partially. The brain looks for patterns and trends, I believe if we collect enough information from these instances we could then predict what could then occur in the person’s next few days or the current day because it seems to happen a lot. Or by throwing in our own stimuli strategically we could influence the behavior of the individual being tricking the subconscious into a false-pattern. This is something I actually tried myself. I studied an individual and placed these stimuli such as, in background conversations near the person and other subliminal stimuli to produce a higher sense of empathy in the individual. Basically, what I was doing was acting the same way the phenomena works to a degree. I feel a lot of people know this already because of the biased statistic and rhetoric I see or in some public information broadcasts. This could also be used to determine what notion people have of us. Its interesting how this ripples, a series of people do something probably without intent to effect a person, but then the body synchronises to them. This is more than just a phenomena, I think something is actually happening here. I write something in my thought journal, then someone mentions the word and then another expresses a word similar or impresses a similar meaning, then on the television right as I change the channel the word national consciousness pops up. The same thing occurs with other words, ideas, people, see a word such as synaesthesia which I had not known much about then, when I witnessed the word I was on article that connected it to the Autism spectrum, I then open my facebook and I see the word their as well. The following day my friend is talking about smelling Blue and Purple, I contribute to it with my findings, and another person next to me agrees. This is beyond coincidence, how can these crossovers exist in our week? This is the strange part of the phenomena I was talking about in the Attraction section, It leads me to believe that we are somehow connected and that the Earth’s Field or another field plays a role in producing this phenomena. The people we care about this most of find interesting we unconsciously discover their signature and since we all live separate journey’s we end up contributing to each others lives on accident, perhaps not so much accident but the insights, notions, and other things, the subconsciousness influence on behaviour; humans being interconnected or has entangled connections in this field. Another possibility, the brain is scanning into the future to adjust to or match these incidences perfectly, scanning this patterns, the energy, using the earths field to help guide or pinpoint.

Another thing has occurred that I believe can be attributed to the phenomena. I was walking around on campus, several times I cross paths with a guy who was walking beside a girl. I saw them when they first left, I saw him again and he said hi and I said hi back but in shock I then saw him again. Based on the way he was listening to the girl and his look I figured out who he must be plus the way he looked at me and spoke. I had once walked with a friend as well like that around campus to let her talk to me. Anyhow, the next day, being today as of (dec 5), I saw him walk swiftly through the main hall of Dillon. later that same day my friend had talked to me about a man and described this man and triggered my memory to earlier today and yesterday I told him I knew who he was talking about. He said he had talked to him about me. My mind instantly went to this.

To tie the phenomena to the way things are arranged and organised in dreams with concepts, morales, and perceptions. In some dreams, the people inside the dream function in a way that is just like the phenomena of attraction they express things that you like, in the dreams the things you like you are usually drawn to or find in the dream. Is the brain mimicking itself or reality? If this the brain or the mind is using itself to teach the body a concept or to understand more about itself and what is going on around it even with psychic dreams where the mind is not only using itself but perhaps interacting with the source the show or allow the body have a physical representation of the mind and what it is planning to do or has been told it will do.

To restructure a few things, most people classified with mental disorders especially schizophrenia, make claims that they are being spied upon, they have a chip inside him them, or that they are broadcasting their thoughts. My belief is that this is due to noticing the phenomena of attraction and synchronicity in their life, they are seeing the patterns, coincidences, trends, and reflecting on them in a paranoid fashion. However, not only in a paranoid fashion but also in a paranormal way which it is but instead of trying to understand it and how and what is the cause of it they go mad or blame the thing that is the most secretive or unseen in their culture, for many people its aliens. Some also sense the pattern and think that a message is trying to be sent to them and I think that it could be, the mind or aspects of our existence that extends beyond reality knows information about something and then focuses of synchronity to help show that, and it sometime seems like an individual is being spied upon or that there is a chip inside of them. The truth may be that we as humans are broadcasting our thoughts through space, but not only our thoughts but our emotions, intentions, desires, something that is but also different from the subtle reality in the way that we experience it. Also the person gives off readable cues that can be analysed. the thing is the person that acts as a part of the phenomena often does not know what he is doing or has done to tip off or make the observing individual paranoid. What lead the person to say something and be there at the time. Our thoughts are becoming integrated into an interconnected collective that than sends the information across the network to everyone. And this leads me further into to the possibility that we sometimes experience or perceive things beyond the subtle illusion. The subtle shell does not pick up on the information but the mind does and then it is created in the mind and becomes apart of the physical world. And without realising it we synchronise to these patterns. With everything that we focus on and think about that is in the mind but not apart of our consciousness just yet is then is then sent through the network of consciousness or a field we then reaches the source and returns as an echo in the physical world. So I might already know everything that I will write here but it just has to come to past.

And to do this, translating the information in space that is beyond our spectra, through specialised neurotransmitters or neuromodulators. One of which I a mention to be of importance is Dimethyltryptamine (DTM) and possibly Dopamine. These could or possibly the DTM could be activating areas of the brain that are able to perceive these things and could be attributed to being able to see into the future. The area of interest is the Pineal gland which in many cultures has been linked often as the third eye, dimethyltryptamine also is released by the pineal gland

Consciousness (with Time and Distance)

Perception of time in reality, while sleep, This is interesting. One could fall asleep for what seems to be 30 minutes but soon realise afterwards upon awakening that he or she had actually been asleep for 4 hours or so and then there are times where the body knows actually when it should start waking up. With this, the precognitive dreams I have may have only lasted the duration of 30 minutes but seemed 4 or more hours long in the dream creating another questionable case of human limited perception of time in reality. In answering why the body seems to respond to events in the certain time of the day, such as looking at a clock and every time it is observed it is eleven after, or being able to know what time it is after a long period of time has passed. My previous theory suggested that the mind had become too used to counting seconds that it was counting them subconsciously. Now I have a new hypothesis, the mind isn't subconsciously counting seconds time, and I probably should had started with this clarification that time is just a concept and one's perception of this concept can change. But there is a the measurement of time that we as human use that seems to put into numbers what we conceive.. So let's just say that there is time but in a perspective where space and time are eternal there doesn't have to be... If there is actually time then it would be a change of some sort that effects this dimension of God's realm. Anyhow, in continuation of the afore, deeper within the Brain is the Pineal Gland and a series of functions known as the zeitgeist (timespirit) and unconsciousness processing of stimuli and other thing that have been conditioned to what time feels like. When asleep, one loses the ability to perceive time, I suppose because the body’s sensor… And it seems as though it goes by slower but simultaneously does not exist because time and space in the dream is not linear at times. If in a dream, it could seem like the dream last for a long time but only a few hours passed and like I said it could be the opposite way around. But understanding time and chronology can help one understand psychic or clairvoyant ability. I think that past, future, and the present are all connected or are one, but the vessel that we necessary to experience life is limited to the laws of physics because it is of material. So I'm in the future at infinite number of points in space-time but at the same time I am here, however Consciousness can be in the present or in the future or in a memory in the past. So, one is Asleep, and as the sun nears dawn and electromagnetic radiation scatters I suppose. The pineal gland picks up on it because it is sensitive to light and sends hormones to wake the body wake essentially. Does that mean the sun is the only reason one wakes up? No, but the brain, to be specific the pons, has the ability to wake up body at anytime even in deep sleep given certain stimuli, but when waking up while in the doing to sleep process or a transition in the stages the person might notice that there body is paralysed or unable to move and tingling. They might even see various colours and shapes as I have before several times. I frequently have lucid dreams as well where I can utilise the full creativity of the mind. A new thought of time, apart from thinking in terms of probabilities and possibilities lines, and dynamics, and dualities to life, nothing, or at least as something separate. I believe our conception of time is largely do to these and dynamics of the universe, our perception of 3D but we make it whole and it is limited. It almost like having a… In movement, when an object is moving at high velocity in space, time for the person moving at the high velocity it says that time moves slower for the person. I was thinking about how that could happen, Is it because if space cant react or be distorted to compensate the change in position that no change in time occurs.? So If i were to teleport no time would go by, if I was to walk, time would go by a billionth or more slower I don't want to call that time because it is based on the conception of change, although something is physically happening, and it needs an appellation of sort, its just hard to feel what it is. Based on this thing I said about a self-intelligent field. When an object moves its as though that information is being sent throughout space in the form of a wave or bending/undulation of space but this information is also not a wave or distortion in space but it is a way to perceive it, there is something there but nothing there. but in further detail what else is this information, I suppose if I were to teleport, the information that gives us a is unbridged. However, is there a speed to which in our perception of time would be 0s besides teleportation that speed would match the speed to which information is sent through field in the universe? If a human wanted to be timeless he or she would have to teleport an infinite amount of times in 0s, but if time was an actual thing wouldn't the person in real time and the probability line,die? Or would everything that governs the life of the person the probability and etc cease to exist and not having a finite existence become infinite. Anyhow, this weirdness in space it isn't time(although our usage of time with distance gives us a way to measure it) does an electron or photon or something mirco traveling at this speed experience the same effect? if not then it could be that the KE an object has is it moving through space well the mass of an object plays a role, so the object moving through space experiences a change in momentum or KE and time starts to go slower. if an object of a higher mass was to move at high speeds through space would it experience the change in time differently? Because, space would have to change and distort more for the object with the most mass. The object with the large mass would experience time slightly faster than the object of lesser mass. Part of me says that the mass would not matter and that they would both be effected the same, but the other side says opposingly. Perhaps instead of time it could be measured as the ostensible change in ratio of space between two points from different perspectives or views which could be measured as time but I don’t want to think in terms of time and how would we be able to measure the change in perception of space until we use time first to derive a constant. This new thing is I believe is more correct because it doesn't involve the presumption or limited thinking of time based on our perceptions of reality but it causes a lot of grinding of gear, some way of determining distance would need to remain constant, such as the metric system. Although this way makes things more complicated it could still work to explain the same thing but the thing is we are so into this concept of time that it might be even harder also its because we are limited in the way that is seems like there is time. Also, time is used to measure the change in energy between phases, but we could just think of those as increments. I suppose I am breaking up what we call time as a whole into the actual different components it is and how they are not time but apart of limited perception and experiencing of eternity [] It might be that we…. We would never be able to travel at such a speed unless we become something other than the matter we perceive and become apart of nothing, unlabelable, etc, but our spirit, but after that would if we are once again submitted to a test, a test of creation before we are truly able to live with the infinite existence? I mean Time is not a thing, it is only is to us because we are limited in a way that it seems to exist and of the dualities and dynamics of nature, basically, the show our programmed chromosomes and the movement around us play on us. Although this seems apart from our package of reality, I choose to thinkfree of time and direct my way of thinking in a different way unburden by it. if we lived in absence of pain, the bad emotions, the aging process that deteriorates as life proceeds, would we think that there was something as frivolous as time? So time is something a bunch of things working together but also nothing, however there something else …. time being a concept is true but there is property to space that probability lines that bend and entangle around. Should we call this time? There is something there. The way we are limited in experiencing the universe its through linear space and time in which we see the universe having a beginning and having an end. The universe and space does not have an end perhaps in this linear perception of it could be calculating that there will be an end. What happens if we travel to the edge of the universe? Is it something that can be reached? What if there is something was already there? So it is interesting that we experience space and time this way. If we go to the edge of the universe we would be going on into infinity as we get closer to what we taught was the edge we would realise that their was more there because we would be creating reality or being a vessel to interpret the information as we go, so long as there is information or something in that space. If the big bang occurred, the rate at which the universe expanded compared to that of light does not have to be the same it could be several powers above C or practically instantaneous expansion, that is speaking in our viewpoint. Light perhaps is just merely behind is sending us information that we can interpret visually. How do we know this is not a number in a series of Universes or pods that were created in the centre of the universe? What if the universe was one of several pods randomly generated by God perhaps not even randomly generated but purposely created?

If the universe is clockwork with a Being creating more and more whether in a place beyond the physical dimensions of this space or with n the possibilities of this space, than the all the math of the universe is space calculating the energy, frequency, and etc about whatever is created in it which is where what I believe is the second closest thing to the understanding of language of the universe - math comes from. Our intuition, although not rational is the closest thing to the language of God of perhaps they both are the closest thing and that information however from using intuition to think, imagine and feel what’s there, interacting with this field and expanding in it one could translate it into math… however, if translating from math to intuition is it possible to be able to experience it as you ? Vice Versa, it would require a building. Does God exist as a Being or as this order of things or as both with the ability to exist as a Being, its the undefinable infinitiality that makes it both.

Consciousness (with dimensions)

Consciousness of some being seems to be thing the that controls the matrix of our universe especially in our dreams. Is it possible that there is a conscious infinite intelligence present that controls matrix of the universe or maybe not controls but created the matrix of our universe? If there was not, would that mean that every function, law, package in the universe, defined itself at random after an event and that our existence or being is of random probability? If this is the case how are our physical bodies or our minds rather able to call things into our reality things into existence in our reality, in a sense we are apart of this manifestation and giving some ability to control it or is this illusionary or superficial we are connected to different version of ourselves that are less limited to time and they are the ones that are ultimately influencing the subtle bodies decisions and such through the subconscious. Are we thinking for changes the something has pre-programmed into our life already know will happen or that we know we will make or more likely thinking of things based on synergies personality, cognition functions, metacognition, experience, memories, just the things that are just layout? Our bodies are made of recycled atoms. What of our consciousness takes us out the illusions and mirage that seem so real before us and connects us to what we can not see? Aeons, it has seems, in our perspective, it has taken the forces of nature to procure a being as intelligent and able as man, when to God who does not necessarily have to perceive time and space, we all think that we are entitled...How does one explain psychic dreams, how does one explain premonitory communication between individuals or premonitions at all? Without this figure or a purpose, and in my current understanding and reasoning, it seems as though nothing would be possible, unless we are apart of a field that interconnects us and time, but able to experience as "I"... It just makes sense that there is a super and infinite intelligence creating this manifestation of energy, frequencies, and vibration and the dimensions.

But still no needed to become Nihilistic, in a sense that one believes that nothing has meaning or purpose in society, or in a sense that nothing has an actual existence or in genuine. It's a beautiful world for the most part, in spite of, how the News media makes it seem at times, by focusing on the more bad stories that people tend to find interesting for gossip. But what about after the body reaches the end, we lose perception of reality. Does consciousness still remain or is it gone with us? Now comes the possibility of worlds existent beyond the physical dimensions of this space, our physical bodies, the universe around us are attuned. A world where our spirit our soul possibly becomes the creator of its own universe under whomever created infinite potentiality of being that is space. Does our body in this world have a code that ascends as part of our spirit that so it seems as though our bodies have made the journey with us while the vessel we experience reality through, is recycled back into the universe. This is an interesting topic. Could DNA be a reader of this code that is with us in our dreams and apart of wherever we move on to, and this makes me wonder, about spirits if they are able to feel each other because they are similar than ours. There could be ‘matter’ moving through space so fast or has a frequency or energy so high that nothing man made can perceive. Each dimension of consciousness should have a higher frequency of things part from our own. Could it be that we are sent to another place


humans are experiencing all of these dimensions and as they continue to get closer to God or the universe or whatever the being, force, order is that activate their perception and ability to operate although the subtle body which is the spirit connected to the body in its lowest state grounded to the earth but able to experience God on higher levels after death the spirit is liberated from being fully tethered to the neurological subject beyond the dimensions of this space are those of consciousness where God may have created another world or we create which the subtle body can sometimes experience in dreams these could be heaven and possibly the place where one could experience God to the greatest extent or be the creator of there own stable dream universe.

Since our thoughts attract things in our reality could there be a dimension of thoughts where every thought we ever had is existent, then the books of judgement and the Dead Sea suddenly seem more realistic. This also feeds into the possibility of creating an unstable universe in dreams.

Could it be possible that something goes faster than the speed of light C and C^2, C^3, or C^4. Consciousness? What if consciousness or the echo of consciousness whatever this echo is I should come up an answer to what this echo is...was C^2 or C^3 that explains why is seems to beat electromagnetic signals it seems like it is instant, example, premonitory images, sensations, and thoughts of someone who texted someone and getting that notion and realising 5 or more seconds later a message is sent. Then there is C^4 could that be speed of 'spirit' or God then there is C^5 C^6 or as far as God wants it. Which is like going from here to the next galaxy in such a low fraction of a second it's instant to perception. the signals/echoes of consciousness are able to move at the speed of C^2/C^3 so it pierces the “time-barrier” if such a thing is possible like a “sound barrier” in a way, such that it is extradimensional, subconsciously i'm looking for these signals. And this is with the assumption that this frequency is coming from a future point of time or somewhere within probabilities and possibilities of this space. I guess one way to explain it is like having a graph where space and time are the same (x,y)but also having a z but ‘Z’ functions in a way that(X,Y) is not stationary This Z function although is seems random but isn't random there are points where our actions and overall consciousness bends what occurs at this point or these points because it knew of the point before hand and one subsequently might change a moment in time of their reality, however, Z could bring us to many conclusions, understanding of Z could bring us to understanding of fate of the different possibilities of events, but given the precognitive gives the individual the power to change what happens during that moment of (X,Y,Z) to an extent, so in a sense they are breaking the rules of fate, but a person without knowledge of a future event will live there life in a way that seems normal and based on what they have done to get there or things that have added up to produce their stand in reality but all these are probabilities, there subconscious, however though probability can be random, all random events have definite outcome which was possibly perhaps chosen by God or not and they build upon each other to create the future and thus a sense of Fate which will eventually occur, if one is suppose to kill themselves they will kill themselves. But the longest it has taken a dream to come true was perhaps 2-3 years and then there are the dreams I had 2-3 years ago that still haven't come true yet so how far ahead was the precognition from actual time. was my brain subconsciously discerning probabilities, taking the outcome that has the highest chance of occurring and then when it got to a point in Z,(X,Y) it decides to start discerning all probably to producing what the moment of reality will feel, look, smell, sound like and then creating the reality in a dream. Could it be that my brain became “quantum” in capability or was my brain just being told or shown what will happen at this point of Z(X,Y). In fact a the possibility of the brain being quantum opens up a lot of new ways to which things could occur, however, the fundamentals would be the same. This would mean that during the dream, I became "one" with the universe and space-time (Z,X,Y). But we are already one with the universe, so it just the critical part of our brain and beta waves that makes it not able to quantum compute in a sense. So if I could train my brain to break In and out of this state of mind at will I would have a very powerful brain and 100% doubtless but I would be super manipulable because my brain wouldn't be criticising what is happening but If I could master this how could it work for me? memory? This is also perhaps why I get premonitions and other ESP. That way or like i said, God and the universe are showing me but that's like saying the same thing. we are apart of God's universe and we are one with the universe and God but our parts of our brain which has conformed to the natural and physical makes us seem separated or distance.

why didn't I see this before as an explanation of how we are able to create our reality, our overall consciousness has an effect on the space around, but does it have an echo two waves coming together would create constructive and deconstructive interference could I then measure how humans change have the ability to change their reality because it is effecting the field around us what if that second wave isn't an echo but comes from somewhere else... the heart is said to have an electric and magnetic field than the brain. what if it is the heart. waves we can't see produced by our brains and heart energy vibrating in the field combine to produce these patterns. then when the heart or mind has doubt about what it is trying to change then it will be unlikely to happen Its like this the mind sends the thought and then the heart locks it into place which it then become a part of ones underlying lifestyle or journey and leads to a new set of possibilities... if this is it i will be so happy energy, frequencies, and vibration right.

Perhaps this is how I'm doing it. It's close that XY experience time and Z is time orthogonal to those those point, and that Z is compose of an infinite number of points each with probabilities of events but the events with the highest probability are of course the most likely to occur. Time can be broken down in a sense into these infinite points and possibilities. The subconscious features of the brain determines the probability of these events determines through the different levels of space finds the one with the highest chance of occurring but not always. Humans have the ability to change the possibilities of this wave/line and the probability that they could happen. The brain could also pick up on a possible changes to occur in reality along in these probabilities and show an outcome apart from what was the main road it's almost like this, there are several ways to get to the end of the road each one has there own possibilities like a never ending branching out but each one comes back to being similar to the proscribed journey of life. In addition, with there being the a layer of the human exist in each dimension of this universe there is the possibility that the subconsciousness connects to and interprets what is going. Although this does not Imply free will, humans have the ability to change their reality, that path has already been chosen so it seems to an extent by but having precognitive knowledge of the upcoming series of point along the wave changes what happens slightly during that phrase that is carried on through the next points and until eventually things ease back into proper motion if not the change was justified by our experiences it is like changing the probability of one of the outcomes so that is occurs because one is aware of it then getting a weird distortion that eventually eases back to a normal experience of reality. The road we are on in life is the one we will be on there is no changing the main road that is based on our personality and cognitive function, occasionally I think we can make small detours but those detours lead back to the main road what we can do is make life choices but those choices are determined by the higher self.

Another possibility to these dreams. In the brain there is the thalamus that is in charge of interpreting our sensory perception. So if there was something in the brain that what be able to perceive a future of reality it would be located here. So is there fate? When we are having these precognitive dreams is it how does the mind uses this area of the brain and is it just showing itself what it is going to do or maybe creating a purpose for itself? If I am extracting this information from a field which is of course omnipresent or if this area of the brain is perceiving time as something orthogonal, how does it do this? I attempted to crack this earlier but I came up with something that even I was too afraid admit because it was such a risk. Anyway, What if precognitive dreams had an effect on reality apart from what I have been writing? Such as, when I have a precognitive dream it is based on places that have already been built, people born that I have never met, and our interactions go as scripted in the dream usually and when it does not its almost an improv scenario. What if our reality is nothing more than I big show or if we create our future before we are born, this is not the thought I was afraid of earlier. Maybe precognitive dreams are the mind creating reality and imagining something happened, It retroverts me to a previous thing I believed I was observing and went it to detail with using the subconscious or unconscious processes of the mind. Are our thoughts, dreams, and imagination creating reality? Dreams are the like mind looking in on itself. During these precognitive dreams was the mind looking in on itself as a reflection of bigger image? Could it be that somewhere in our mind everything that we will do in reality because we are creating it? Perhaps I have already lived out reality thousand times but the material body is limited to time. So I think reality is being created in the mind with our beliefs, thoughts and conceptions where in reality the physical is the final result that occurs we do not always get to partake in the mind creating our reality but sometimes we can and thats when we have precognitive dream. Whether the dream is being created impart by interaction with a field or just pure consciousness they are our thoughts and imagination. Perhaps, I should look at this from the point of view of the things that make up reality, maybe that would lead to a realisation? So, is it that when we have a precognitive dream we imagining or simulating an event and sending out some signal through the field, in the future our subconsciousness which received the information guides us to the places and influences our thought and behaviour but also the actions of others. And that does not make sense, if we are all interconnected and creating our reality together the psycho-social interactions in psychic dreams would make more sense that we are enacting a play, or that in space all information of our reality is preset or predicted through a series or probability and possibilities or maybe we are all just aspects of a larger image that acts as the original in which we can be given a character or personaility. Or maybe through pure consciousness we create reality and we are no more than surrogates of something that exist as apart of us in another shell above the subtle level or something that’s in a larger image. I suppose coming to Bridgewater, The admissions department did not have to let me in, however, if they did not none of the dreams I had about being on this campus would have became reality. This would lead someone into believing they were the only one that has a known experience in the universe, but that is out of question. How would the brain be able to determine the interaction and course/outcome of events before they happen, even the weather, the buildings, what does that say about our interaction with nature and the sensory information centre of the brain works with this aspect of nature, Or perhaps it is not so much the brain that is in control of these thoughts and dreams but it could be something not is the brain at all I do not want to think of our existence as superficial but to solve this requires a new whole way to think of reality. The foundation of the soul, if the foundation of the soul is apart of a field and the soul and body connects in the subconscious than that could be an explanation. But what connects the soul to the brain, if the soul was apart of the brain it would also be in the thalamus that’s where sensory information is interpreted. How would the thalamus be able to interpret sensory information from the future even if our thoughts are branching out and creating our future? Either or reality really is not what it seems or in the thalamus are the tools necessary to perceive information through a higher dimension of physical space or I guess we could be it this way sees reality as it is orthogonal to us. Something that is vibrating in a way that peels through space-time, it changes the brain’s perception of reality into perception of time that is ahead of what it is at a normal vibration perceiving. Solving this depends on which perspective I take and how I look at that perspective. Instead of creating Its more like synchronising but anyway, In the future we are responding and interacting based on just who we are. What person would know what better to say other then the person who will eventually say it? So it is at that moment in time that we are observing ourselves take in the sensory information and just doing what we would be doing given that stimulation and interaction in the environment the dream took place in. Which would explain the feeling of being a spectator in the body and the strange feeling with in the dream I guess it would be like telecommunicating between the mind in this point in the future and the mind in the present. Let us imagine we are asleep and we are dreaming, the mind portals itself into the future and connecting itself to itself in the future. Is there a reason why the brain decides to choose this point in time? On average a psychic dream takes a few months to a year to take place and some go beyond that range. Does that suit as evidence that our reality is something that we build as we go? Or perhaps statistics, personality, and perception influence our choices which becomes a predictable aspect of reality that the mind can use to find itself in the future but it would not be able to predict what another individual would it. Perhaps this is a telecommunication between the mind and itself in the future, but how does nature allow this to happen? What if these dreams were the brains imagination? What exactly determines why I go to places that I seem to have no junction to our there are several options, was that a paradox based on a paradox or did the reason I came to bridgewater originally have an underlying purpose that since the dream occurred I have forgotten? What is it that defines what we will do reality, I suppose it would be looking for energy and patterns and signature vibration, but I am certain I would have found similar thing at other places, perhaps I or God knew that bridgewater would be the place give the stimulation that would ultimately lead to me finally writing this or maybe because of statistics the probability and possibility influenced by our personality (the clockwork theory). I only applied to a small amount of schools. Perhaps it was the Bridgewater Representative that would have originally persuaded me to go to Bridgewater. Of the schools I had applied to if I had applied without the knowledge of precognition, I was accepted to two, but I applied 4 but did not complete the applications because I already knew I was going to bridgewater so I put my faith in that. But if I had not and lived reality without the knowledge would, based on my preferences, Bridgewater have been the one that seemed most satisfactory? So if we have a procognitive dream that does not go as it was planned does that really “bend the line” or make a dent in reality? Or is there meant to be flexibility sense we created it. What rippling effect would it have had in reality if I have been denied admission? All the interactions I made, perhaps I would not have even found the courage to write this. The world around us and our bodies are mostly empty space. So the sensory aspects of our reality is just created by having a nerve center a nervous system and brain the what holds reality together is laws of nature and that which occurs due to possibly the Higgs field and just our observation of the universe. If we looked at our reality in a different perspective of energy, waves, frequencies and vibrations how much different would we think about our existence and our consciousness and the existence of a soul. Or worlds other than the material and physical world we live in, I thought about this earlier our reality is just like that just like the dream reality the dream is created from vibration as well, and probing the inside of the dream shows physics. To understand our reality we not only have to be looking up but we should also look in. We do not need eyes inside of ourselves or ears the brain creates its own world and the stimuli, now I am not saying that is the way it is in reality that we are all what makes the universe there because the information for the universe is there, but in the dream everything is a creation of the mind but the mind acts as something that is separate from the brain and the body becomes a part of its creation. Perhaps, we should think of the universe as a mind in which we are all able to observe as something that seems separate from this mind. The mind could exist as something that is separate of the body that can connect us so what lies beyond our reality, or in order to be able to try and fathom what could be reality we need to think beyond our current understanding, continue to raise the bar. Perhap this is another plausible explanation to have precognitive dreams. In addition to the field or property of space that is conscious, there is the possibility that the mind or something that makes up the mind has the ability to exist in the future or in all dimensions like when I purposed with the idea of having shells. Maybe our minds are able to function in a quasi-quantum way and able to predict reality before it even happens which is possible, however, there are holes. If we were unconsciously quantum computing would we be able to know who we would meet in the future but these senses do not always make to it conscious awareness however sometimes they do and then we end up seeing or getting intuitions about something that will occur in the next 5-10 seconds. If reality is broken up into an infinite number of points each with a possibility of occurring it is a way of thinking that is possible that then the mind could try them all and then choose the one that comes true but that would be that every moment of reality is self-predestined. I have already realised that I can bend reality or create paradoxes from dreams so does that mean that reality is not a set course but a course which becomes defined based on statistics quasi-destined but their is a main road as I have stated before but that road is influenced by statistics in spite of consciousness. But that does seem to make sense, even if reality was generated and simulated in a dream. I remember one psychic dream about a soccer game against Jefferson Forest. I was wordless during the dream, however, the people around me in the dream spoke. In reality, when the dream came true they said the exact same thing but I reacted different than what I did in the dream I was in constant awe and excitement saying “I knew this would happen, I had a dream about this.” I told one person that I saw in the dream that I met him before this prompted my sociology teacher who was a coach to look at me, and the person I spoke to gave me a response that was also not in the dream. However, my excitement prompted my friend to say “ok dude we get it”. The thing was this was one of the major psychic dream that I have none of the others have been this detailed or of this length. The people there, even me losing my backpack which I knew was going to happen but I forgot and then it happen and the same person in my dream brought it back to me saying the same thing, After seeing Jefferson Forest I also immediately recognised another dream that would take place there. There was a dream where we were sitting on the bleachers and their were drain pipes in with black widows in them that we figured out in the dream. In reality when in was happening, I warned my friend Kane Floyd who was naively laying down next to the pipe that their was a black widow in there, minutes later the black window came out. That’s a bend in reality, something should have happened he was almost bitten and would have been bitten if I did not warn him before it happened. It is was not for our teammate who was sitting directly above him and spotting the black spider he would have been bitten. However, I will acknowledge this to my psychic dream often have gaps in them where I am just staring at something and listening. does that indicate that the mind knew that something was uncertain so it left is a gap or a speechless moment. Reality is not what we think it is it cannot be real but then what the is it. In order to understand reality we need to think past the subtle. The cause of this goes against the laws we have set as part of the universe. So if the brain is able to quantum process, if it is quantum it can create anything. Okay what about this we have two people, they both had a precognitive dream (psychic dream) that they would cross paths and briefly talk and then exchange, neither individual knows that other has a psychic dream that this would happen although the possibility of this occurring is so low its almost impossible I would assume but if it did occur I would accredited to the strangeness of the attraction phenomena and how their is an external force involved or maybe some cosmically arranged event. Anyhow, one person has a psychic dream where it starts by being at the place and looking around and then walking, occasionally the dream skips. The individual does other things but also finds a cellphone on the ground and hangout for a while sitting down in a chair and eventually sees a person that comes and sits the dream skips at a point where he is giving the showing the phone to the owner. The other person had a dream where they were wandering around looking for something they do not know what because the dream began in medias res, the dream skips or has a gap after he talks with somebody, and then he sees a person sitting and then sits as well and this person notices the frantic look and asks, what’s wrong? The second individual who lost the phone, in the dream does not say anything but in the end he walks away without a phone. but these blank areas or gaps could be where we are bending reality in the future or thinking or judging in a way that creates interference. I feel this may give me further information that our subconsciousness has a greater effect on our actions and intentions. When we are conscious we are perceiving and judging reality so we think it is something this is being controlled by the ego, but I think its more so our subconsciousness that grids itself to match or align itself to patterns in the Earth that are based on the signals we get off, that could also explain the attraction phenomena. There is something about reality that makes it seem that is it being caused by the things that we think but do not make it out of our mind. there are areas of reality that if we look past the what our neurology configures it as that there would be a similar energy pattern and vibration and with that information. So when we think we are really sending vibrations through space. In the grid our thoughts are waves and our emotions this has a signal and has information which then becomes attracted to areas or points in the future where similar patterns and signals will be created or will be found, that which represents our body being apart of the field then can determine where and when to be a place to be to interact with this energy pattern and exchange information. Another possibility depending on with perspective that is taken, that all of the things that are attracted to us occur at the same time but in our reality they occur as though their was time and that information was sent between the patterns to give them location and time. Another perspective, the unconscious mind sees reality in patterns and energy but also has the ability to see time by being able to process and infinite about of possibilities at once finds the one that will occur. In continuation of the psychic dreams analysis, it could be that the mind when it is having this precognitive dreams it is forced to leave things blank because of a the paradox we create. This may be why many of my psychic dreams last so little or perhaps DMT neurotransmitters if this is realised during psychic dream, my body has become I guess desensitised or used to the chemical so it is not as effective. What I was getting at with interference is if our brain and determining the future through quantum computing and perhaps a field then those blank areas and moments in the dream where there is not speech could be due to the brain not being able to figure out because it is something that is being rewritten as the dream is in progress .

New thought about precognitive dreams. I am still having them as of today (Dec 7) another dream I remember in preconscious occurred today. The episode and what was said triggered the memory. I did not even think to record this dream I thought I was just a regular dream. I should change my indicators for precognitive dreams, this happened to me earlier this year too. when I had a dream about being in the IT centre and mistaking it to be a Sci-fi dream. It would be over-compensating if I wrote down every dream, plus hard because some dreams the moment I wake up and my brainwaves change, they are gone or fade into a memory with little way of retrieving them until a similar image occurs again or if the dream comes out of preconscious. I am starting to think this dreams are coming in waves, of events and things I can remember and things I cant.

There has to be a more down-to-earth or explanation for these psychic dreams, the brain is the organ that interprets everything, so somewhere in our body something has the ability to look beyond space-time. The thalamus is known to control the sensory information, celebral cortex is the higher center of the brain that is most associated with thought, consciousness, attention and perception. Perhaps, I may be the only way experiencing this phenomena of attraction because of the cerebral cortex is functioning this way, but that would still mean that there had to be a phenomenon in the first place. I have an idea of what it is and I have explored it above, however, I can not look inside my head while these dreams are happening to take note of what is active. I can only make observations by trying things that will stimulate the brain into doing this to see which thing works and causes this strange phenomenon of consciousness. The explanation to psychic dreams may be a function that involves the thalamus and partially the cerebal cortex and the hippocampus. In these psychic dreams there is the inability for me to think but I can know what I was thinking even though I was not thinking in my conscience. So the hippocampus’ short and long term memory becomes a factor, to be able to recall the dream the prefrontal cortex comes into factor later. So during the dream the thalamus, cerebal cortex and the hippocampus are most like to be active with this the thalamus and cerebal cortex are working together to produce the dream but perhaps the cerebal cortex is using information based on how our life up until the dream and then making a prediction does a rapid stimulation of events up until the point that it decides to create the dream but this would require information the would needed to be received from an external source. Another possible explanation that the mind ignores the laws of nature that limit our perception of time. Or there is mind over reality, in our dreams in is the mind at its full potential creating or causing reality to change based on the dream. The other thought is that the universe is just apart of an illusion there is not a universe but just vibration that I suppose becomes energy that is organised into geometry. I say its consciousness like in a dream even though there are chemical reactions taking place. The world in the dream is still composed of its own form of matter that it creates the matter in the dream, that is consciousness, the universe may as well be created from the same substance as the in the dream, something is perhaps imagining us here and we and this universe are all aspect this conscious aspect of the universe. With this time is based on perception and perhaps our perception of this physical dimension of space is based on the our vibration and our perception of time is linear, when we are asleep the mind is able to act as something that is a part from vibrates in harmony with space at a different time in which it is able to perceive that moment in time. But in reality during the psychic dream the cerebal cortex and the thalamus are working together in a way that it changes perception of time as though it skipped forward in linear reality or connected one moment in time to a future moment in time.

What if I got stuck in a dream and everybody I knew and all the people of the earth were stuck in my dream... And in my dream I was able make and change my reality and the people were able to change there's? Would they realise they were in a dream? What if the only way to escape the dream and enter the real world was to die in the dream? What if in my dream world one could feel, see, touch,taste, and smell What if I decided to create a biological system so that things could create themselves in the dream. What if in the dream the people went and created magnificent buildings and made beautiful things. What if some of them decided to take advantage of others and strip them of their abilities and understanding that they can change their reality? Would they then realise they were in a dream? How would their perception of reality change over time their understanding. What if the dream was actually theirs? How long would it take them to realise they were actually one all along? How long would it take them to get together and change their reality(the dream I created)and their consciousness as a whole. How long would it take them to figure out the physics In the dream? How long would it them to understand consciousness and to fathom what lays beyond the dream? What if I designed their life to test and push them until they understood? What if this is what God wants of us?

What if it was like this? what if we were in a dream that's basically what reality seems like to me the brains interpretation and perception... Accept reality unlike the world we go to during sleep it's possible that somewhere between this world and the next we create an alternative universe that isn't Like ours the conscious, laws, and field that defines it's existence isn't strong enough or stable enough to stabilize it to the point to the point that it is always there... But yet again it could be there but lost in the great void sea

For a brief moment think beyond the prison of the neurological architecture of the body and the illusions of this world, society and see what it reality really is, now, the idea that the human body is multidimensional apart of a multidimensional space where energy, frequency, vibrations, consciousness, creation, and God are the cause of everything we experience

What would it take to live in a world truly free, and undivided, like things will be after our existent, and our spirit is sent to a world beyond our own if. We can feel and perceive this world and bring it to Earth but what will that cost humans. I sense that the world is getting closer and closer to realising the world in the way a cosmopolitan would. this reminds me of something I wrote for my english teacher and now the book i'm currently reading, also the PLUR movement with Electronic Dance Music also the phenomenon of attraction mentioned earlier. We can exist in a diverse world but we just need the wisdom to set aside our differences. A global consciousness shift not just national. On this path we are destroying ourselves, conforming to it as though its ok and meant to be, we do not have to live this way, the matrix that supports the fabric of our civilisation can be changed in a way that makes us freer than we are an at greater equilibrium with the planet. We need to be resourceful, less wasteful, we need realise that we can change the story and that that is probably what is wanted of us. But in the end if our reality in set in an unstoppable course, things will be forced to change. Think of civilisation as a train or several trains, this is a train in which everybody has to labour to make it work except those in the head of the train and it going 60 miles per hour in a direction that will lead it of a cliff and it is hard to stop a train, however, there are several detours on the track that will allow it to surpass that fate and give us track to continue on and change, turn the trains around, unite the trains, find a way to create a way train that is efficient and makes the people freer and equal. But the majority of people are going full steam ahead and off the cliff because they can only see the track a few hundred metres in front of them and therefore only think about consequence of their actions few hundred metres in front of them. However, a minority in a train can see the cliff and are warning others. Will they eventually leave the train in solidarity create their own world as they want to see it together and let the others meet their fate? That is what I interpret. But what would happen to those to fall of the cliff, would they destroy themselves in mense competition? Seek out a new way of life? Perhaps, be able to see the approaching cliff and create a bridge to get them across and continue on their course? Would people flee and train as it approaches the edge thinking the end in near which has occasionally happened? A lot of things could happen during this but there will only be one final result. They are likely to bridge the gap, but as time goes on I would think that more and more people would want to jump off the train and join the others on their train.

Changes in worldview has occurred since this letter corresponding the aforementioned was written….

James Crawley

171 Melwood Dr.

Madison Heights, Va

26 Jan 2013

Mrs. MacAndrews

English 12 6th period

Rm 213 ACHS

Amherst County, Va

To Humanity,

Today my fellow commuters, it is mirable dictu we exist in world of innovation. Some speculate, a world where mankind may well be on its way to a pinnacle in its eons-old evolution. However, we still exist in world where humanity can alter it's blest evolution for the better, but also, for the worst, such as how an infant is inclined by the will of nature and their mother's volition to righteousness or secularity. Human society considers itself an advance civilisation, one that's one of a kind. Unfortunately, I regret to inform us all of the unbearable truth that in spite of our scientific achievements and technological advancements we are devolving as a whole and decaying from within. Humanity failed to set aside its common differences and instead allowed its various ethnicities, cultures, beliefs, nationalities, and paradigms segregate and cido it; in absentia of doing so, it has become a species at war with itself. Consequently, from a universal perspective, this failure to resolve our differences and exist contemporaneously makes us seem embarrassingly primitive as an intelligent and wise species. Furthermore, It should not be the resort of mass despondency in every scenario que sequentes, the global populi finally falls into unison, it should be of “second nature” to live a life laudable virtues and empathy.

Within the educational systems, especially amongst the lower levels, a social predator has spawned which none can abnegate the existence of. It feeds off the misery and fear of its prey; the stench of inferiority also empowers it. Undoubtedly— the social hierarchy has made its poisonous vestige envenoming the consciences of immature minds, evoking words of savage mistreatment and mendacious harassment to proceed from their mouths as serrated daggers as a mode to remain atop the social establishment. Thankfully, as the youngers do indeed age to maturity, these hateful demonstrations of oneupmanship tend to cease or become more subtle; however, the cycle continues to curriculum vitae as the raising class inflicts the same animosities they experienced on the sub-dominant class. Subsequently, there are efforts to put an end to this through no-bullying policies which I hope prove to do as there initially inclined in the future, but they will not because the problem lies elsewhere. The grand picture is our students have segregated themselves by negatively assorting various social types as the world has with nationalities, beliefs, and cultures. Thankfully with God's grace, there are some students that belong to a more empathetic minority (as well as some adults) that are changing the paradigms, becoming more concerned with the status of this world and the welfare of others around them. These people are a sunnuim bonus to the world (not entirely by themselves), their communicable charisma and tortured testimony inspire the hearts of those around them and astoundingly change the hearts of many others. In remorse, many people of such criteria existed throughout history but have done nothing or have done too little in contrast of their actual potential because of fear. Must we be so feint?

The Earth has become a hostile environment and when observed from an abroad perspective its looks quite apocalyptic. Nations compete against other for: control, natural resources, and substantial goods. Islamic fanatics wage war against western influence exclaiming, “corruption of the global economy” and “the great adversary is amongst us”, not to mention, the genocidal purging of Christians from the middle-east and northern Africa by the Islamic extremists who carry a different perspective. China and Russia interrogatively stare the U.S. in the face as it flags Iran and as the middle-east becomes more and more destablised. How can the people of this world nonchalantly coalesce together whilst looming is the terrorising obstruction of war? Nations are still diverting their invaluable sciences to developing weapons that are intended to give them advantage over other nations instead of using those sciences [more so] to benefit the world. I would find it understandable to create such weapons, if their purpose was to help fend off hostiles not indigenous to the earth or any unresolvable threat to humanity, but yet again mankind has become its own predator and any intelligent being with ability to contact would understand our purpose as a whole in this universe. Anyhow, enough of the science-fiction, these implements of destruction should be used responsibly. But, could these issues be of human nature, rather than those of a man-made system? In continuance of the aforementioned, the constituents of this world not only have to be able to unite together, but do so without the fear of diplomatic failure, errore humanum est, but it seems the lust for power, control, and capital; et sequentes, corruption, has also segmented our world.

John Locke said, “All men are created equal”, although he did not fully agree himself- not in ability, - however, in liberty, rights, and opportunity; and in spite of external appearances, beliefs, cultures, and nationalities humans are all the same there is nothing to confer that’s genetically different. Ergo, mankind should redirect its attention [as a whole] from fighting against one another as adversaries to cooperating together to evolve into a greater society realising that there is a greater purpose for mankind. A great philosopher once said, “Sedit qui timuit ne non succederet”- for fear of failure, he did not succeed, and that man was Horace. As I have acknowledged afore, we live in a non-stagnant world, a world of innovation, and a world abound of opportunity. Manga cum laude, there are great hearts in this world, that have with them the potency to change the world as we know it, but, because of fear of failure they do nothing. Thus, it is often said that the greatest potential lies unused in the graves. So my benediction to all, who may read this -- carpe diem, take heart, jump the leap of faith also seize the opportunity to leave behind a reputable vestige and change the world. We must knit the world closer together and synchronise humanity. No, I am not a imagining an ethereal alter-reality, but I am visioning a greater future for the world through one.

Vänliga hälsningar,

James Crawley

As I read more and more of this book, Ishmael, it mentions a story I refer to as reality, and upon mentioning of this, I had a flashback to a discussion I had with a teacher who was who was in the same sense spiritual as I am. She mentioned a film entitled “Finding Joe” and told me to watch it that I might be interested in it and So I did, the movie expressed the same idea of stories and reality as Ishmael accept In “Finding Joe”, it took all those stories and different perceptions of reality and turned them into something called the “Hero’s Journey” in which they were all trying to work to produce the same result, and told people if you want to break free of the story and follow your inner self to find the way out. I realised this meaning as I was watching the movie from previous endeavours, but I did not realise the full breadth of what I was actually trying to showing others. I realised this as a part of changing their reality. I suppose, I knew but I did not know sort of thing. Because I told my friend that if everybody in the world was subject from birth to the same stimuli than we would be united. Like some unconscious concept I guess. I hoped by showing people to look beyond the illusions of the world that they would begin to find things out for themselves, I never fully tied that to changing having them change their story. This changing in our story is what many people throughout history have attempted to do, book authors, playwrights, scriptwriters, songwriters, philosophers, sociologist, closed-societies. One way I could see humans changing their story would be through despondency which change in ideals usually follow but that is because of the prophesied bad ending to our story through most religions. However, there is another way which I believe Thomas Jefferson felt the same, he said which I believe, “If every man was enlightened, Ignorance would flee like evil spirits at the sight of day”. If everyone became enlightened and gain understanding they would become more the just fear controlled individuals they would then have the ability to change their reality and their story, because they would see the world and the meaning of life differently. Since I have realised and tried to think beyond my life, I have tried to explain and find the reason of existence, what is consciousness, the soul, knowledge, what the universe us, then I came across the phenomenon after I start noticing that the things I hoped for the most started coming to reality. People were skeptical, some demonised me or cried witchery, some thought I was lying or that this was not true. After that I set out to prove my ability using science and reasoning aspiring people would believe that I was being rational, but also in order to get them to look through the world with a new lens and get them to realise their perception and understanding of reality I had to use psychology, sociology, and philosophy. As I kept writing and writing, without realising it I was creating a universal explanation of my own so that others could then realise that they can look at things from many perspectives and just because another group is different does not mean its trying to destroy them. Interestingly, I have asked and tried to teach myself other abilities to see if it would be possible It was not, however, Does It follow through with the probability line, the phenomenon of attraction, the journey of life, perhaps this was something that was always inside of me. But in order for me to realise it I had to be different, people had to treat me differently, I had to be broken and find myself. Every interaction and observation in my life affected me in way that I would become this way. Was this fate?

If we are creating reality and having strong belief in prophecies we are causing to come true.

once again

What if I got stuck in a dream and everybody I knew and all the people of the earth were stuck in my dream. And in my dream I was able make and change my reality and the people were able to change there's? Would they realise they were in a dream? Would they question the dream? What if the only way to escape the dream and enter the real world was to die in the dream? What if in my dream world one could feel, see, touch,taste, and smell What if I decided to create a biological system so that things could create themselves in the dream. What if in the dream the people went and created magnificent buildings and made beautiful things. What if some of them decided to take advantage of others and strip them of their abilities and understanding that they can change their reality? Would they then realise they were in a dream? How would their perception of reality change over time their understanding. What if the dream was actually theirs? How long would it take them to realise they were actually one all along? How long would it take them to get together and change their reality(the dream I created) as a whole. How long would it take them to figure out the physics In the dream? How long would it them to understand consciousness and to fathom what lays beyond the dream? What if I designed their life to test and push them until they understood? What if this is what God wants of us? From this our purpose is realised.

We should be creating our own reality and perception of reality not living according to a larger preset view that say the world is this way and that way or according to how the system works, its like a quote I remember from this summer in a book entitled, Warrior of the Light, “ From the moment we are born, people tell us that the world is like this and like that, this way, that way. It is natural that - for a certain period of time - we end up believing what we are told. But we must soon push these ideas aside and discover our own way of living reality.” - Warrior of the Light. There we will find it, this is what we should be doing come up with our own understanding of reality. Liberated from the fear of the opinion of a group. There will not be instant change, it would take years for change to occur as it has been in the last decade, develop a new mindset. There are so many arguments and sacrifices that humans themselves feel entitled to because of the way our society is programmed to believe and think from birth, it will be hard for them. Unless they thirst for it.

Dream Journal

This journal is the final example in proving that precognitive dreams exist, here I have logged almost all the dreams of my past That I believe were precognitive and have not occurred yet. All the the dreams I had before, I can list but It would be like writing down all the dreams that have occurred in the last 3-4 years of my life

All entries will be screen shotted and saved to an online folder with the date of entry saved as the name.

The day of when the dream seems to be taking place, I will try, If I remember to have a camera on hand to provide visual evidence of what is happening to compare to the screenshot files of the dream journal.

previous long dreams series that have not come true yet

series of summer dreams

I believe it was summer. I was working on getting my license, there was an older man who I believe was our instructor and 2 other people. We rode throughout Amherst County and Appomattox , the one day we rode to a lake and I passed the house of one of my old loves who had moved to florida just days or so before or was just not there that day. We went to the lake the 2 people were next to each other sitting I was by myself, the old man was on the car.. and told us it was time to head back. Dreams later That I also believe happens this summer. I was finally able to start hanging out with Sabrina, I think we were in love or possibly just very good friends I remember one scene where we were under a tree sitting on something. As summer break start to come to an end me and Sabrina and I knew That soon we would not be seeing each other for a long time. I gave her a kiss and we hugged, she cried. And her dad offered me a truck, her truck it think that they were getting her something else in Florida, I offered to buy it because I didn't want to just be given it. Me not having a car I called my dad up to her house and then we got her truck. There have been a few more dreams with me and Sabrina One we at an Airport preparing to go somewhere together but I do not think this come to reality anytime around these. I got my licenses and a Sabrina’s Truck and school was starting up again. The thing is I wasn't at Bridgewater or at least I have not seen anything here there that resembled what I have seen in my dream, unless some renovation take place… I remember one time I was walking to the truck which was parked next to a row of pine trees in front of a dorm. I said “well I guess I better in the truck well Brina’s truck” I drove away and that dream ended. I remember a picture an image in my head of an 4-intersection of sidewalks that opened up into a square in this square the tiles had designs that where I believe burgundy, orange, cream, white and yellow. I also remember a dream where I was in a dorm was 3 other guys, one was playing a shooting game with a friend and then there was white floor tiles, a bunk bed and a twin single. A roomate I believe was watching anime on his desktop computer which looked pretty old. One of the roommates that was playing the game won and his friend walked out saying “ whatever I let you win”. Before I went into the dorm I was in a class, I was asked to join a group of guys in this room there was about 5 of us that or it was a class of some sort that had to go into a special room . The professor asked me to turn off the lights and the picture on the board became much clearer… It was some type of vortex geometry, there was a spiral that seemed to be broken up into smaller segments with equations. The professor asked if any of could answer or had an idea how to answer it. there was a brief moment of silence I rised my hand and walked over to the board and explaind something I dont remember what I said but I remember pointing areas of the picture. I went and sat back down, after that class seemed like it was over and I left and went back to my dorm where the aforementioned occurred

Here is the actual excerpt from the actual entry when I uploaded it to one of my other online dream journals on 3/19/13

Dream about some geometry possibly vortex geometry with equations that equalled numbers in the vortex the numbers were inside of little triangles that together formed the vortex…. The room was dark and there was a projector which the image was displayed… this was probably some college class… I can remember parts of the equation but much of the equation has faded from my memory but im sure if I think hard enough or have random thoughts for awhile something will trigger the memory. I do remember some thoughts which I think I may have thought in the dream… some how the geometry in the vortex formed a pattern with the equations… there was also people in the class like 3-4 I think, and one was asking me questions then I stood up and went to the projector and I walked to the Projector ( this is when I had the thoughts I think I thought.) Later in the dream I was in a room with a bed and I was watching an anime and I saw a game being played as well(it was a game like Call of duty or something but I’m not sure which game it was). There was also guys in the room one of them left… on the way out his said to the other guy “whatever dude I let you win.” I didn’t see much else apart from the small dark room I was in.. and the possible dorm-room I was in… after the guy left my alarum sounded and I was awaken.

I have had other Dreams of Sabrina before we officially met in reality but those came true during my 10th,11th and 12 grade year, most of them occurred during my 12th grade year and I have some of the journals to prove those written on to my facebook account and in my iCloud journal.

Foreign Dreams

There have been dreams were I have been speaking a different language, or writing in a different language, or in a foreign place. The one I can recall the most was the ones where I believe I was in Sweden, Russia or somewhere similar to Russia, and Canada.

In the dream were I pin-pointed to being in Sweden, I was sitting in a courtyard on a bench, in front of me was a grid line of grass and tiles, a lady wearing a black coat was beside me on my left, I said hej but she didn't hear me . The sky was grey, it was cold there. Also to my left was a clocktower and waving from the clock tower was a blue with a sideways yellow cross. I later learned that was the flag of sweden in a book, behind me seemed to be stone walls. In front of me beyond the grid-like pattern there was water and railing. I kept telling myself come on you can do this, I was pretty anxious but at the same time really happy to be there. I got up and walked over to the railing and looked out at the water there were boats in the water, the water looked cooled to and it also splashed in waves into the side of the concrete I was standing on. I kept going here and back to my seat several times, while I was waiting for something.

In a dream I had before the one of sweden, I believe I was in Canada, I was going north for some reason. eventually, I made it there by plane, boat, and car. When I got there I saw a white building that looked like a castle with green bulbs to top off its towers the building was surrounded by water, there were but multiple flags I went into the building, and then I found myself waiting inline for something. I finally got there to the line where I had to fill something out and other things but I eventually left the building.

The dream were I believe I went to Russia, I have tied this dream to a dream I believe when me and Sabrina were at and airport preparing, However what I remember from the dream… Sabrina or whoever the girl next to me was said while we were touring, “ You better get a new coat” I told I would be fine. We get out there, snow kind of icy we were looking at what looked like a white place it was pretty, I told the girl next to me who I think was Sabrina “oh my gosh Its so cold”, she laughed saying “told you” we conversed a bit longer but then it turned to silence. but we were staying somewhere

Dreams about movies

this is conflicting some of the dreams I have actually where me watching a movie but these dreams I don't think they were a part of any movie or no movie I have seen so far.

(Nov 10, 2013 10:23)

I was walking along the main sidewalk leading away from the KCC, it was partially covered in snow, there was also as well 3-5 in of snow on the ground. I think I was wearing boots. As I continued to walk I saw Raque. She was standing in a spot where all the snow didn’t stick. She was wearing a purple coat. I called her name and responded and told me to come here. Then she told me something about the spot we were in and why it was like this but I can't remember. Then we went separate ways but where did I go. After that I woke up.

(Nov 20, 2013 12:51)

This dream was originally logged in a journalised version of Facebook, that I recently just recalled, I has not occurred yet, because I have not experienced any deja vu involving the episode of the event in my head.

[Can not locate] replace with recollection, time I originally had the dream 6 months to a year ago, it true date it found on facebook. Date listed here will be replaced

It was late in the day. I was walking with someone out of the Klaine Campus Centre down the main sidewalk towards the mall. We had been good friends for a while. It was dark and drizzling mildly warm relatively. We walked and I became somewhat anxious and I asked the famous dating question and she reply no sorry but we can still be friends. At this point we had reached the KCC sign and I had stopped said “okay” and she continued left towards Nininger Halls fading more and more into the night with the dark colour shirt she was wearing possible black

reflection: I believe I have already met this person. This should be a precognitive dream because I have not met this person before hand.

(Nov 212013 12:09)

I was walking around the campus looking for things. I found the soccer field and I said “ok theres the soccer field, i am so lost” it this time I believe had Brina’s truck because of the dream series the soccer fields where downhill there was two, I kept walking in big circles, so the campus might have been big.

Info: I had this dream around the same time I had bridgewater and the summer dream series.

(Nov 21 2013 12:12)

I was standin in a parking lot, on a mountain, in front of me there were cars all of which had northern licenses plates, I said”this must be the hockey teams cars” I looked at the vehicles some were trucks, suvs and a few were cars. I saw Minnesota on one, North Dakota on another, and michigan these licenses plates I remember the other I don’t. There was a dinner in the parking lot, the mountains looked pretty. The vehicles were parked on the left near a wall.

Info: I remember having this dream almost a two years ago in december because I posted in on facebook the same day a strange girl was messaging me, I believe I may have deleted the post the same day because a person by the name of Josh Meehan had liked it.

(Dec 9 2013 8:47) *edited* Dec 20 11:01

Due to the dream the occurred before this one of, which I had stumbled cargo ship and factory somewhere near the arctic circle, I am unsure of its validity. The entire dream was changed though. Sabrina and I were sitting on a porch of a house that if a person was entering the road would be I believe on the right and seemed as though she was talking talking to a camera about an issue and her opinion on it. We seemed a lot older, she looked at least in her 20’s probably mid. The weather was sunny. Unfortunately, I ended the dream before she finished saying what she had to say for fear that I had overslept for the exams. If I can recall one of her sentences before I ended the dream she said, “Its just something that has to be done.” The emotions on the dream and the things I was thinking in the dream lead me to believe we were in a relationship. The person resembled my friend Sabrina but looker older she even had close to the same voice having similar expressions and accents, however, her hair seemed to be a lighter colour than usual. However, it may have been another person considering this was a side view and the thought of another individual who it might be came up, one of my childhood friends.

From Sept 1, 2013 Facebook Journal

I had a weird experience about 2 hours ago... I was having a dream come true but the thing was i think my brain was treating it as a memory and a dream at the same time so for a moment I thought I was in a lucid dream and the two people i was talking to were just apart of my subconsciousness or that i was Schizophrenic or in some state of mind where dream and reality merge.... it was happening earlier too... like i was thinking and then day dreaming i suppose and my 5 senses were working in the dream so i was feeling what was happening in the dream and seeing it.... and i was trying to snap back to reality but it wouldnt let me... it was as though I was reverberating between the states - like i couldn't decide which perception to stay in.... like I lost consciousness in reality and momentarily got stuck in my dream or i panicked or got confused on which was real.... perhaps it confused me because what i was day dreaming about was another event or episode that could possibly happen...

but back to the former... everything just didn't seem real, it seemed like i was in a dream-world and the people there were my subconsciousness interacting with me... because it was a dream that i had before but my brain i guess treated it was a memory and the logical or maybe the left side of my brain said to my body ok your just having that dream again ... oh wait no you are remembering a dream- no, you are having and remembering a dream you had at the same time. perhaps, just a silly personification ^^ it but I did seem off and an a mania rush for those two hours...

one would think that since i know and can think about what is probably happening in my head that I would have the ability to control it or fight it. And, for some things I can, its like digging into the root of a problem solving it and allowing healing to begin... mediating helps too.

Info: The source of this issue was the way the people were acting in the dream, they were acting hysterical as though they could be apart of my subconsciousness which made me question if I was dreaming or if they were illusionary, a hallucination. And since I had already had a dream about this event it made it worse plus the setting being at night really confused the brain which gives me more insight on how the brain works and determines the rationality of things.

iCloud dream Journal

mostly consists of dreams that have already come true.

via JREF Forum

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