samedi 28 décembre 2013

Serious question; how does a seed know how to make anything?

How does a lifeless seed know how to replicate what it came from?

The fact its a genetic blueprint?

That answers nothing, actually. That only sounds good for those not willing to think deeper.

What makes something super small and dried out come to life?

What/who is the director of operations telling each atom where to go exactly, and what its function is?

I can draw a blueprint, but THAT wont come to life or turn ito some big structure.

Take grass seed. Seems dried out and lifeless. Why should water and sun give it life, and cause the seed to know what to do?, rather than wreck the kernel? There`s got to be some kind of brain(director of operations) involved here. But how can some stored dried seed have a living brain? Or even have a brain blueprint come to life by adding water and sun? Why wouldnt it be dead?

If you crack open a seed and look under a microscope, is anything in motion in that seed, other than whirling electrons and protons within an atom?

via JREF Forum

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