mardi 24 décembre 2013

Science discussion of climate change based on mainstream science

This thread is for discussing the science of climate change.

It has the operating assumptions that climate change is happening, and that it has an anthropogenic origin. From the 2007 IPCC Summary for Policymakers:


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change wrote:

Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice and rising global average sea level...

Observational evidence from all continents and most oceans shows that many natural systems are being affected by regional climate changes, particularly temperature increases...

Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic GHG concentrations...

Updated from the 2013 IPCC report


Observations of the climate system are based on direct measurements and remote sensing from satellites and other platforms. Global-scale observations from the instrumental era began in the mid-19th century for temperature and other variables, with more comprehensive and diverse sets of observations available for the period 1950 onwards. Paleoclimate reconstructions extend some records back hundreds to millions of years. Together, they provide a comprehensive view of the variability and long-term changes in the atmosphere, the ocean, the cryosphere, and the land surface.

Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, and since the 1950s, many of the observed changes are unprecedented over decades to millennia. The atmosphere and ocean have warmed, the amounts of snow and ice have diminished, sea level has risen, and the concentrations of greenhouse gases have increased (see Figures SPM.1, SPM.2, SPM.3 and SPM.4). {2.2, 2.4, 3.2, 3.7, 4.2–4.7, 5.2, 5.3, 5.5–5.6, 6.2, 13.2}


By participating in this thread you acknowledge the mainstream view on anthropogenic warming and it's role in climate change.

If you deny the mainstream view you can discuss it here.

By participating in this thread you accept the science underlying AGW

- posts denying that will be reported as off topic.

Here are some basics for review to new posters and to familiarize yourself with basic terms and established physics underlying AGW....


Carbon cycle

Current over view

via JREF Forum

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