Originally Posted by Red Baron Farms (Post 9723830) You do know that sometimes a political ideology may latch onto a new concept or new understanding of the world we live in faster than another political ideology. Especially if that new understanding has social and political ramifications. However, when this happens it is important to objectively analyze the new information instead of becoming mired in political dogma. There probably was a time that the concept of AGW was in fact a "feel good" view held by the far left because it fit with their political ideology and agenda. That time has long passed. No doubt the far left will continue to use the information to promote their ideology, but whether they do or not has little to do with whether AGW exists or not. A much better political strategy for anyone not agreeing with the political ideology of the far left is to develop a way to incorporate this new information about AGW into the framework of their political agenda instead of becoming mired in dogma. However, no matter which side of the political isle you are on, the climate doesn't care. It has no "thoughts" on the matter, and is warming the planet equally for both the left and the right. So if you have a problem with the way the left has latched onto the issue, make a mitigation plan that fits your ideology, don't just stick your head in the sand and pretend AGW doesn't exist. That's foolishness. That's how you loose political influence, not gain it. |
Agreed , thank you
And maybe that is my whole point ... there is ideology on both sides which taints what possibly could be important science.
But I would trust Exxon before I would trust socialists who want to control the world by climate legislation + taxes on my tailpipe.
Exxon supplies me with all the fuel I need at low cost and right across the street. It is Exxon's interest to keep me reasonably satisfied as a customer . They have never forced me to do anything. They are not my enemy.
The socialist-warmist tries to blame the oil companies for everything , but I have never believed their lies. It is a weakness I have and I will never change.
via JREF Forum http://forums.randi.org/showthread.php?t=271083&goto=newpost
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