dimanche 29 décembre 2013

A Good Scam Never Goes Away....

Watching Alien on FXHD, and up pops a commercial for "EnzyteMRC". For those with shorter memories, the product Enzyte was heavily marketed a few years ago with their way-cheesy "Smilin' Bob" character.

The stuff is supposed to be a non-prescription testosterone booster.

The company almost immediately ran into trouble and the owner was indicted and convicted for mail fraud, fraud, and a variety of other charges and so far as I know is still in jail.

But the corporate entity lives on. The "new" product (who knows what "MRC" stands for....) is advertised exactly the same way, promising to "support" male health complete with graphics of various phallic stand-ins.

No positive statements are made.

They have a website:


and guess what....You get a free sports bag!

via JREF Forum http://forums.randi.org/showthread.php?t=271088&goto=newpost

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