lundi 23 septembre 2013

What's Latin for "kitten"?

I ask because I've recently stated playing a new MMO and, after a bit of back and forth I named my young, female avatar "Ancillula". I thought it worked well as just a fantasy-sounding name, suitable for an elf. But it also works because she is, essentially, my slave - she does exactly what I tell her to when I tell her to do it - so I thought that was kind of fun, too.

Her horse is a magical one which is a framework of silver and the rest of her body is transparent, though which you can see stars and galaxy. The game calls her "Nebula", but I think that's boring and have re-christened her "Sidereus". Again, that works as a fantasy name, which "Nebula" doesn't, and there's more to it.

So now she's got a panther (leopard) kitten as a companion. And she's called "Panther Kitten". That is also boring. However, in all the Latin dictionaries I've found, all the words associated with leopards or panthers specifically or cats in general have either not made for a cool or fantasy-type name, or have been so close to the English word as to be boring. What's the point in renaming an animal from "Panther Kitten" to "Leopardalis"? That's actually worse. And I'm not keen on, for example, the sound of "Pardus" or even "Caurio" as a name.

But what I can't find is the Latin word for "kitten". The only source I can find which lists it at all says that it's "kitty", which I find unbelievably unlikely. So are there any Latin geeks here who can help me? Either with knowing the word for "kitten", or suggesting some other cat (big or otherwise)-related word which might suit, Something that sounds pretty and lyrical and which would suit the two names I've already got.

via JREF Forum

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