samedi 28 septembre 2013

Dear American Soldier, You're No Hero

Just as no cop is a pig until they abuse their authority to mistreat others, no soldier is a hero until they put their life on the line to save others.

Some military members are idiots who were conned by a recruiter.

Some couldn't hold any other job so they got the one job that's virtually impossible to get fired from.

Some are a step away from jail and joined the military instead.

Some would probably turn traitor or coward if given the chance because they didn't quite grasp what would be asked of them in military service.

Some got caught drinking and driving, lost their rank and pay, and are real pieces of crap who just happen to still be in service.

Shouldn't we treat soldiers as individuals, rather than lump them all together as heroes?

Why should anyone assume that someone in uniform is a hero? Very few soldiers have actually taken bullets for others and are proven heroes. Those few people deserve the utmost admiration. The rest are just people with a tough job and lifestyle.

So I reiterate, "Dear American Soldier, You're No Hero"

via JREF Forum

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