lundi 23 septembre 2013

What is the GOP plan for healthcare reform?

To all those seeking the defunding of the Affordable Care Act and threatening to shut down the government at great detriment to the economy, society, and millions of Americans,

What's your plan? What would you like healthcare in America to look like?

The ACA means real change and opportunity for millions of Americans. I am a small business owner with chronic back problems. About a decade ago I had to have 2 surgeries and will need care for the rest of my life. Ever since I quit my job and struck out on my own I have been unable to secure insurance that would cover any back issues. It was not a matter of price, the insurance companies simply will not take the risk as my need for future care is almost certain. This care could be as simple as physical therapy, a cost I could bear on my own, or surgery, my last one cost over 20K and I simply do not have that kind of cash reserves. I have been waiting for October 1st for years now. The ACA will make it possible for me to secure the coverage and peace of mind I have not had for the last 3 years as I attempt to fulfill my American dream.

We are the only 1st world country that would put entrepenuaers, or anyone, in this type of situation. Health care in America needs reform, it needs change, it needs to be more accessible. The benefits of the ACA will be seen in our economy and our society, not just in health care. It is not the final step but it is the first step in the right direction. Tomorrow is going to be a game changer for millions of Americans.

Just saying "no" to the ACA is not a solution. Tearing down the federal government is not an answer. What do you propose millions of Americans do if the ACA is defunded and we are back to being without insurance?

via JREF Forum

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