dimanche 1 septembre 2013

Atheists have more in common with Christians in this aspect.

I was thinking to myself which of these group's philosophies have the most in common: Atheists and new agers, or Christians and Atheists. Now you might say "You're leaving out New Agers and Christians having the most in common. Obviously they believe in nonsense, so they surely have more in common with each other!" But wait! Atheists believe that life is a crap shoot, and so do Christians in a way. "Let God's will be done." I hear many Christians pointing out the trials of Job, and of course Jesus when facing hard times. And of course Atheists just blame randomness. In both cases, life is chaos, and the people (Christians and Atheists) are attributing a higher power that is outside of their control for their misfortunes. But the new agers believe something entirely different. They believe that they're in charge! That they're the "life force" that is everything, so what plagues them can be resolved with positive thinking, changing their vibration, prana or whatever.

Now I'm not saying either the Atheist or Christian is defeatist in their thinking, but rather they have the same mentality when it comes to the outcomes in life being out of their control, while new agers (for lack of a better expression that spell check likes more) are more "hands on" in their view of life. They think there is no objective reality outside of the "self", while the Christian and Atheist both agree that there obviously is one.

via JREF Forum http://forums.randi.org/showthread.php?t=264655&goto=newpost

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