dimanche 1 septembre 2013

September is a good time for Stundie nominations

This is it. They won't be missed. Nominate the best of the pissed!

I have no idea what that means.

Guidelines for what is a good Stundie nominee:

1) Posts must be funny.

2) Posts must exhibit ignorance, faulty logic or stupendous arrogance mixed with an ironic mistake.

3) No spelling errors, typos, grammar issues or math mix-ups unless they are deliciously ironic.

4) Posts should not just be something you disagree with.

5) All nominated posts must have some sort of link or screenshot to prove the reality of the post and its source.

6) Keep the introductions short and sweet as Stundies should not need too much background.

7) Nominated posts should be cut down to the nominated part which should be concise and stand on its own.

8) This is not the place for ad hominems so a post should be funny independent of knowing who it is that said it.

9) Pictures are not generally allowed on their own but descriptions of pictures, provided they meet all other previously stated requirements, are allowed.

10) Videos are not allowed on their own but transcripts of videos, provided they meet all other previously stated requirements, are allowed even if you personally did the transcribing.

11) Bonus points for nominations that mention monkey related conspiracies.

12) Extra bonus points if monkey related conspiracies involve lemurs.

via JREF Forum http://forums.randi.org/showthread.php?t=264649&goto=newpost

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