mercredi 1 juillet 2020

Hey CTists, Antivaxxers, and Depopulation Conspiracy Theorists

I think this applies to the anti-China; anti-Russia paranoiacs too.


"...nowhere in your "depopulation agenda" do you bother to mention obvious crises of human erasure, like perpetual war, economic sanctions, entrenched poverty, mass-displacement, the climate crisis, or the fracturing social and health effects of unprecedented wealth inequality.

"Nah, all that only harms poor and minority people, so that's all dandy... but what really gets you lot going, what's "really dystopian" is the possibility that you may have to get vaccinated against a deadly virus at some point in the future."

"That surveillance state you're worried about? It's so advanced that it is already used to create accurate psychological profiles via social media data, which are used to manipulate public opinion; one task of which is to create fringe communities to poison public discourse with unhinged conspiracy: YOU are those people.

"Have you ever wondered why you, the rebellious anti-authoritarian truth crusaders, happen to be totally aligned with the executive branch of the most powerful military empire on the planet? (Hint: It's because you're not rebelling against anything).

"There are real crises to worry about."

(Part of a post seen on Facebook today.

By Adam Idek Hastie.)

via International Skeptics Forum

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