mardi 11 octobre 2016

Could a President actually build a wall?

As a foreigner I have a reasonable grasp of US politics and government, I think, but plenty of gaps where stuff hasn't been covered by articles I've read (or, let's be honest, by episodes of The West Wing).

So I was wondering. Let's assume Trump is elected. Does the US President actually have the power to order a wall built on the border? How would that work? I'm envisaging that he would have to introduce a law saying the wall will be built, but he can't just pass a law himself obviously.

Or could he order the military to build the wall? He's commander in chief, the military have engineers, can he just order them to build stuff for him?

And the wall is going to cost a ton of money, does the President have the power to just assign funding to a project like that? I would think not, as congress holds the purse strings does it not?

Somehow I can't see even a republican congress and senate voting for the wall. Wouldn't this make Trump look like a colossal idiot? Even more of an idiot, I mean?

via International Skeptics Forum

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