mardi 15 juillet 2014

UK - Further erosion of civil liberties

The UK is going to implement emergency legislation to allow police and security services to access telephone and internet records.

The usual canard of "protecting us from terrorists" is being used to justify this and to justify the fact that parliament will not have sufficient time to debate the measures properly.

Personally I don;t fear malicious use of this information but I am concerned that active data mining may end up sweeping innocent people up into a Nabakovian nightmare where you're accused of something but are unable to access the information to prove your innocence something like....

A suspected terrorist's father drives a cab, that cab uses the same garage for maintenance that I do. The security services over-zealously join the dots and determine that I, and the suspected terrorist have been in communication. I end up with an expensive and damaging trial at the end of which I've spent all my savings, my business has gone under and the security services say "oops, sorry, but you cannot be too careful" :mad:

I dislike the legislation and I absolutely dislike the way it has been denied a proper reading.

via JREF Forum

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