mercredi 30 juillet 2014

No Smoking.. No Crying..


By banning strollers, high chairs, and booster seats, babies would have a very tough time at Old Fisherman's Grotto. The restaurant's owner, Chris Shake, said if customers don't like the rules, they can go somewhere else for dinner. Shake added that he isn't backing down

Link to story:Customers furious over local restaurant's sign towards families

Guess they should have said " Would-be customers .. "


"I think it's ridiculous," tourist Teresa Colombani said. "I think kids need to know how to behave in restaurants, and if you don't take them to them, they don't know how to behave and they shouldn't be kept hidden away, so I think it's ridiculous. Kids should be allowed in restaurants."

They are Teresa, they are just not allowed to ruin dinner for the other customers..

via JREF Forum

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