Climate change vs. GMOs
So why do a significant fraction of the people and organizations that stridently and wholeheartedly support Climate Change Science react so negatively to, and generally reject GMO food production technologies?
...You trust the national and international science organizations that have stated human-caused climate change is a fact. These statements are issued based on thoroughly scrutinized independent expert reviews of hundreds or thousands of scientific papers, with due attention paid to potential bias. The organizations have stood by their statements in the light of further evidence, which has become only more supportive. As detailed in the table, these organizations that you trust agree that climate change is real and alarming, and also that GMOs are safe for our health and for the environment. Their statements are careful, nuanced, and unbiased. For example, they point out that RoundUp herbicide tolerance in weeds is currently a problem, and encourage diversifying agricultural approaches (including alternative GMOs) to solve it. They agree that GMOs are not remotely the whole solution to improving the global food supply, although they can be an important part of it, as can organic methods. (Organic GMO anyone?) They agree that safe and beneficial GMOs should be made available at low or zero cost to developing nations. They agree that many herbicides and insecticides have toxic effects. All of these points run counter to Monsantos interests; these organizations make these claims for the same reason they make all their claims: because the science supports them... |
So why do a significant fraction of the people and organizations that stridently and wholeheartedly support Climate Change Science react so negatively to, and generally reject GMO food production technologies?
via JREF Forum
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