jeudi 24 juillet 2014

Atheism Accoerding To Savage

On my way home from work last night, I was listening to WHAM (1180 AM Rochester, NY) on the radio. The Michael Savage show was on and he was ranting about Atheists. His rant made my jaw drop. I'll paraphrase here, but it will do no justice to the original idiocy.

First he was complaining that atheists have co-opted Judea-Christian morals and legal systems (Code of Hammurabi anyone?) and use them as their own against Christianity.

Then he said," How can they say they don't believe in anything. By saying that, they admit they believe in nothing and that's a belief!"

Savage is an educated man and holds many post graduate degrees. How can he be so stupid when it comes to the word atheist? I know, I know, he is a jackass and his audience (excluding me as I only listen to AM radio because I've heard Freebird before) are..bliss.

via JREF Forum

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