mercredi 9 juillet 2014

It's odd some of the things taxpayer money goes to pay for

Case in point:

‘Duck Dynasty’ welfare accusations: Taxpayers pay $6.2M


July 4, 2014

“Duck Dynasty” is dealing with welfare accusations after revelations the show is receiving a large sum of money from subsidies. Penn Live reports on Thursday that the show is receiving money from taxpayers because Louisiana provides help to encourage television production in the state. The money, currently estimated to be $6.2 million, is paid to the cast and production.

The A&E show qualifies for tax subsidies from the state that are reserved for TV programs to encourage the industry’s growth. The Robertson family also benefits from the arrangement because the cast can receive payments for episodes. The recent estimate of $6.2 million only includes the first three seasons, so Louisiana taxpayers may end up paying more.


Some fans have pointed out that the Robertsons look down on welfare, but their show benefits from state assistance.

What exactly is the benefit to the people of Louisiana here? (Other than Phil Robertson and his clan.)

Presumably some jobs are created because Duck Dynasty is filmed there? (Where else would they film it though? Hollywood?)

At the same time Louisiana is cutting its budget for higher education and health services and won't accept federal money to expand Medicaid coverage for poor Louisianians because the State might have to chip in a little money in the future.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal issues budget cuts for 2013-14 fiscal year


Gov. Bobby Jindal's administration has laid out plans to strip $46 million in state funds from next year's budget, largely from higher education and health services.

Louisiana Senate committee kills Medicaid expansion bill

So, are priorities a bit mixed up here?

via JREF Forum

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