mercredi 9 juillet 2014

Former Bush Treasury Secretary: "...the next market crash..."

"Climate change is the next market crash, says former Treasury secretary"


It’s not every day that a Republican finance guy — one who remembers George W. Bush as a “terrific boss” — writes an op-ed in The New York Times imploring the nation to set up a carbon tax. Not this year, anyway; just a few years ago, it might’ve been ho-hum.

Once, the carbon tax was the conservative, free-market solution to the climate problem, as opposed to the big-government, heavy-handed-regulation solution. Now that so many Republicans don’t accept that there is any climate problem at all, the whole idea just looks like another evil tax to them. And when a former Treasury secretary under the GOP flag steps forward to advocate it — to insist that we have no choice, we’re crazy not to act fast and act big — it’s news.

I guess this is why American Progressivism was birthed from the largely Conservative "big tent" post civil-war America. This is a progressive Republicanism that would have broad independent and moderate social democrat/fiscal-republican, responsible, middle-class families that are a major electoral population segment.

via JREF Forum

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